TF Budget Decided

As reported by TF producer Don Murphy, on his site the budget for the movie has been decided. No amount indicated but it wouldn't suprise me if its in the 75 million dollar range. What this mainly indicates is that the movie is more likely to happen as the dollars tend to be the biggest sticking point in getting movies made. The next hurdle is probably casting. Some say screenplay but this is a popcorn movie, so as long as a few things go boom, the execs will be happy.

On the plus size the more they have to save for effects the less they can spend on huge stars whose salary is usually above and beyond what they are worth. For those holding hope for at least some of the orginial voice actors...well don't hold your breath but at least there is still hope.

More Non-News

As reported here, its seems that TF movie producer Don Murphy has provided another FYI. Update sounds rather dramatic based on the info provided. To sum, basically the script is still being finalized, filming sites still being toured, budgets being discussed but lower the better, casting is being debated but nothing decided (Don likes Cullen (Optimus Prime) and Welker (Megatron) but what he likes and who will be cast are world's apart. Based on how all these things go down could determine whether or not the film could go forward. For all the talk, their is no greenlight on this film until the first shooting day (and even then) you can't assume a film will be made.

TF Video Fake

"Straight from the man himself, it's bullshit. The tests that they are doing right now are far more complicated and detailed... it isn't about the transformations so much as it is about getting the Transformers to act and to emote, cuz that'll be the deciding factor on whether or not this movie gets made."
source: Ain't It Cool News

Well in the not so shocking news, my video post below is apparently fake. This comes apparently straight from the horses mouth, Michael Bay. Oops. On the plus side though, that little video was probably created at someone's home or whatever as is pretty damn good. This means whatever ILM pops out will knock our socks off. Any doubt that a life action TF would work or not is pretty much gone as far as I am concerned (course King King did that to).

More info at the link above but basically they are still hammering out the script and storyboards. Nothing final has been determined. In fact the film apparently isn't even greenlit, just in the might do it stages.

ILM Transformers Test Footage

Thanks to Super_Megatron over at tfw2005 boards he found what appears to be test footage for a CGI transforming car next to a human created by Industrial Light and Magic. Its not bad, all thats missing is the transforming noises.

The thread is here.
The footage is here. (Quicktime)

I recommend to those out there that are able to set up mirror sites as I am sure Industrial Light and Magic and the producers will try to stop the footage as soon as it shows up on their radar. Why? Beats me, seems like good, free publicity but who knows.

As for what this means for the cast of characters...well we know some will be cars :P, but no finalized list has been released.
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