Jonah Hill in Transformers 2?

According to Entertainment Weekly, Jonah Hill may be cast in Transformers II:
Jonah Hill is in early negotiations to costar opposite Shia LaBeouf in Transformers 2 for DreamWorks and Paramount. Hill (Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall) will provide the comic relief as a sidekick to Shia's Sam Witwicky. (A source tells that he'll play Sam's college roommate, but DreamWorks won't confirm.) The sequel is set to begin shooting this summer.
I really hope they have this wrong. Jonah Hill has no real skills with his "comedy" in every single movie limited to a one note performance of the insecure gay guy (who doesn't think he is gay) that poorly hits on one of the movie's leads. They should just bring back Anthony Anderson if they want a funny fat guy. At least he has the skills to add variety and depth when needed. Besides, Shia has proven his comedy chops. I just don't see Hill adding anything that Shia couldn't do himself (unless the role is a fat gay guy that is hitting on Shia the entire movie).

I am hoping this is one of Bay's misdirection’s but considering how the studios use EW as part of their advertising campaign I don't see them willing to trick "mainstream media" publications. Any case if they are hiring him because he is "hot" at the moment, please don't. The movie doesn't need it, he isn't going to fill seats, the CGI and story will. Despite media claims to the contrary its not the cast that got people to see the first movie but the over the top special effects and that isn't going to change with the second one.

Transformers II Recruiting Air Force Personnel

According to the Air Force Times, the production company for Transformers II is seeking Air Force airmen as extras for the movie. Those that volunteer have to be available for projected dates during the summer and must take leave.

The full article and details:
Want to have a role in the next “Transformers” movie?

The Air Force is looking for airmen to appear as extras this summer in the sequel to 2007’s “Transformers.”

The production company wants to use service members as much as possible and is forming two teams.

Projected dates for the Shanghai Team are June 2-4 and July 22-25. Projected dates for the Forrest Team are June 16-17, June 23, Aug. 22 and Sept. 15-16. Volunteers must be available for all the dates the team is scheduled to shoot.

Military volunteers must take leave, fill out an off-duty employment form and provide two head-and-shoulders photos of front and side views, according to Senior Master Sgt. Vincent Aragona, an Air Force liaison for the movie. Additionally, volunteers need to be familiar with weapons and ground combat operations.

While airmen anywhere can apply, Aragona said airmen who live outside the Los Angeles area will have to provide their own transportation to Southern California and lodging there. Once filming starts, lodging, meals and transportation to movie sites outside of Los Angeles will be provided by the production company.

E-mail contact information, photos and team preference to: and For more information, call Senior Master Sgt Vincent Aragona at (310) 235-7532.

Portions of the first “Transformers” were filmed at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., and Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. The movie featured real and computer-generated F-22A Raptors, MH-53 Pave Lows and CV-22 Ospreys.

FHM: Megan Fox Sexiest Woman in the World

After an internet voting count of 9 million + votes, FHM has declared Transformer's Megan Fox the sexiest woman in the world. Last year she was number 65 in FHM's annual ranking of famous females. I wonder what the trophy looks look for winning. Congrats I guess. I don't think the "victory" is a career boon but I guess it doesn't hurt either. The full list of 100 is here.

Bay: "Everything...Is False"

Michael Bay posted on his forum yesterday replying to a thread discussing Transformers auditions with:
Sorry everyone, everything you are reading (other then we are shooting in Philly) is false. We are going to give so much disinformation on this film to confuse everyone
Overall, there isn't that much information out there to claim as real or otherwise. There is the character breakdowns, the audition that gives names to some of those characters, report of Devastator, casting rumors, filming locations, and that a draft of the film has been completed.

Of those, I would say the filming location rumors, script and a few of those character breakdowns are probably accurate. The location because tricking the fans is one thing, tricking local governments is another. The script rumor is true because filming is starting soon; they have to have knocked out at least one draft by now. The character breakdowns theory is just a guess but nothing like dosing a lie with a bit of truth to get people to buy it. Overall, much like the last film, the best defense is to simply deny deny deny. Really Bay and co. do not have to do anything but deny and feed the doubts that rumors sites (such as this one) deal with regularly.

Really all this does is remind readers that rumors always remain rumors until confirmed directly from someone associated with the film or until it premieres. Until then the speculation is fun and shall continue unabated.

Transfomers II First Draft Completed

Over the weekend Creation Entertainment held the 16th Annual Grand Slam: The Sci-Fi Summit in Burbank, CA. The event covered various Sci-Fi events and included participation from Transformers II and Star Trek XI writer Roberto Orci. During Orci's question and answer session he said Alex Kurtzman, Ehren Kruger and himself where released from "Michael Bay jail" (a Pacific Coast luxury hotel) on Friday after completing the first draft of Transformers II. He also indicated that a Transformers reference would occur in next year's Star Trek movie. Production of the film is expected to start in June. I wonder if that means more time in "jail" or if the re-write duties are now passed on the Kruger.

Transformers Shooting in Bethlehem, PA is reporting that Transformers will take a swing through Bethlehem, PA in addition to Philadelphia. "Neat twist surrounding the action movie Transformers 2, whose production will be based in Philly for the better part of June. I hear that director Michael Bay and crew also will shoot in Bethlehem, Pa., which will double as a city in the Far East." I wonder what Far East city they are doubling as and for what story purpose. (source)

USB All Spark Hub Coming August

Forbidden Planet (in the United Kingdom) is offering the All Spark cube from Transformers that doubles as a 4 port USB hub and includes phrases related to the cube such as "We must protect the All Spark cube". No mention if the lines are actual bits from the movie but I have my doubts. Overall it doesn't look back. The hub is expected to arrive August 29th, 2008 and costs 17.99 pounds and can be pre-ordered here. Just be careful of international shipping costs as they can be expensive.

Megan Fox Topless In Next Movie?

According to Dark Horizons, Transformers star Megan Fox may appear topless in "Jennifer's Body" which was written by Juno scribe Diablo Cody. "Reitman confirmed on Howard Stern yesterday that Fox ("Transformers") will be appearing topless in a scene in which she has lured a guy into the woods with her. She'll be wearing a skirt and apparently her hair will cover some parts." I read that to mean that she will be covering her goody bits with her hair so the sexuality is there without the peek-a-boo.

While this isn't Transformers II news, I figure the myriad of Megan Fox fans would be delighted by the news.

Update: The above has been verified with pictures that show Megan Fox in nothing but pasties and bathing suit bottom. Absolutely gorgeous and the pics are not work safe.

Transformers II Confirmed for Philly

The Greater Philadelphia Film Office has confirmed the rumors, via KYW radio, that Transformers II will film in the city. '"Dream of the Romans" has been shooting. 'Tenure", "Happy Tears", and "Marly and Me" are upcoming as is Transformers II. But won't giant robots wreck the place???? "Ha, ha. Let's just say the destruction part is going to be digitally enhanced."' (source)

Fan Made Transformers II Artwork

Below are fan made artwork depicting a few G1 Transformers in the movie style. A few are pretty darn good ideas for the movie. The pics and few more can be found here. Just a reminder, these are fan made, to my knowledge none of these have anything to do with the current Transformers pre-production designs. I just like it so decided to share. (source)

Canned Optimus Prime

Classic Optimus Prime made up of cans. Not sure its purpose or why but found it amusing.

Devastator in Transformers II? is reporting rumors of some of the cast will be for Transformers II. Their source of the information is unknown and much like with the previous movie, few rumors will be confirmed until the movie is out but generally speaking IESB gets it right more often then not.

Devastator returns to the big screen, not as a single Transformer but the gestalt that is the result of the Constructicons merging. Originally there where 6 Constructicons (Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Scavenger, Mixmaster, Hook, and Long Haul) but that may no longer be the case. It wouldn't surprise me if the merge is done with the more traditional five.

Sadly that is the only Transformer cast rumor they have but below is the breakdown of the possible human additions to the movie.

[CHUCK] 19-25 yrs., Sam's roommate at Princeton. He runs a conspiracy theory website. Funny in an irreverent, edgy way, he is shocked to see his conspiracy theories come to life. (2nd Lead)

[U.S. MILITARY LEADER] Late 20s/early 30s, African American with a great sense of humor and a tough military presence. (Supporting lead)

[UK SPECIAL FORCES LEADER] British, in his early to mid 30s, smart and capable. Can be Caucasian, Black, East Indian. (Supporting lead)

[GALLOWAY] Early 40s-early 50s, male, National Security Advisor and presidential liaison. A curt man who is tightly wound. (Supporting Lead)

[PROFESSOR COLAN] 40s, Sam's physics professor at Princeton. He's a self-satisfied intellectual who compares himself to Einstein, and is arrogant enough to wear leather pants to look cool. (1 Scene)

[THERESA] Early 30s; she's Sgt. Epps' wife, has 4 kids, sassy and sexy, good with comedy. Submit African American actresses only

[MOMMA SIMMONS] This NY Momma is in her late 60s / early 70s. She runs a deli/ butcher shop with her son in Brooklyn. Tough and sarcastic. (1 Scene)

[MASSIVE DYNAMICS CEO] 50s, male, this Corporate CEO appears in front of congress to testify. (1 speech/scene)

[TEXAS CONGRESSMAN] 55-65 yrs., on a Congressional Committee investigating the purpose of the "Automated Defensive Initiative" developed by Massive Dynamics.

[FBI DIRECTOR] Mid 50s, male, giving a press release assuring the public they will be safe against attacks. (1 speech/scene)

[CNN REPORTER] Reporting on missile strikes and bombings in various cities. Submit male / female, all ethnicities (1 speech)

Assuming the cast news is true, some speculation on the movie itself. It appears that Sam goes to Princeton. I hope his new government friends used some connections because Sam didn't strike me as focused enough to land an Ivy League school. He was more of the kid that had the brains but lacked the extreme level of dedication it would require. A state university with girls, parties and Mikaela being accepted would be more realistic. Much like the government was hiding secrets with the last movie, apparently it’s a company called "Massive Dynamics" in this one who is working on a project called the "Automated Defensive Initiative" (ADI) which could be how Devastator is built. A CNN reporter for bombings in various cities indicates a greater scope to the movie in impact, possible result of a Decepticon attack to gain control of the ADI? Looks like those that like Tyrese will get to know more about him since they plan on showing some of his family life. Also there is a liaison to the president; I can't help but wonder if Jon Voight's returns as President. Finally it appears the action may movie from LA to New York based on some of the casting notes.

So there you go, some excellent news for most Transformers fans assuming its true but as always this is all rumor and lots of speculation but that is part of the fun.

Update: Here is a fan made Devastator trailer, details here.

More Transformers In The Wild

Much like Barricade (in Culver City, CA), more of the Transformers vehicles have been spotted. This time Optimus Prime was seen on the 405 Freeway in LA. Also, Ironhide and Ratchet where spotted, in LA but not 100% on that. Where they are going is anyone guess but it is a clear sign that Bay is going to meet his production start date (I think June 2nd). Thanks to Maximus for the information.

Transformers II In Sedona, Arizona

According to the Sedona Film Office, Transformers II will set up shop at some unknown date and unknown scenes in the city. The article highlights new incentives to promote shooting in the film, something a budget conscious director like Bay probably is well aware of.

"The Sedona Film Office continues to attract local production throughout the winter season. Production inquiries include an HGTV special, an American Ball Sports commercial, a yoga video, a Cosmopolitan fashion shoot, a pharmaceutical and Claritin commercial, a music video, an ATV commercial and industrial, independent feature “The Devil’s Bridge”, a corporate video, Paramount Pictures new “Star Trek” feature, Universal Pictures movie “Land of the Lost” starring Will Ferrell, and Michael Bay sequel “Transformers II”." (source)

Natassia Malthe Cast in Transformers 2?

According to a post on the Don Murphy boards, actress Natassia Malthe might have been cast in Transformers II. No details revealed, apparently just an item in a newspaper. Take it as rumor for now until further confirmation comes out. She is a looker though and could give Megan Fox a run for her money (or replace her if salary demands are too high). (source)
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