Digg It

Just a minor site note. I just found out the code to add Digg buttons to the site thanks to Brian Cantin's blog. I figured I was seeing other sites getting digged (often for info found here first) so why not join in.

So digg away and let me know if its working or not.

Update: Well so much for that idea. As a few site viewers have confirmed, it seems the digg it buttons slowed down the website load time dramatically. I thought it was just me but always nice to get outside confirmation. So the digg buttons are gone.

On the bright side I remembered that Feedburner offered a service to do it a different way as you will notice at the bottom of every post. From what I can tell that isn't effecting load time so can still digg but now without a drag on the load times. So try it out, let me know what you think. Keep it? Add to it? Suggestions always welcome.

New Angle On Tanker Explosion

We have seen the tanker aftermath, the tanker explosion from two different sides, how about from down the street, looking right at it? Thanks to Ryan and Fred for the link.

Update: It turns out that apparently the tanker explosion video is not the same as the ones linked to above. As the picture Ryan put together shows, apparently they are two seperate explosions. That makes me wonder if the video from Gettodeath is one of the two or a third explosion captured on video. I don't know the area enough to make a determination one way or the other.

AICN Interviews Peter Cullen

As part of the promotion for the upcoming September 2nd release of Transformers on Blu-Ray, AICN spoke with the voice of Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen. The full interview is here and below is some choice bits. Thanks to Chris for the link.
Beaks: As a working voice actor, I can't imagine that you know, one show to the next, whether your work is going to make a deep imprint in the popular culture. Was there any inkling when you took on the role of Optimus Prime that this character was going to leave a deeper groove than the others?
Cullen: I think so. When I saw the character breakdown, I said, "This is indeed a real hero. This is not like any hero we've ever seen before." He penetrated different zones. There was a sense of him. He wasn't just muscle and strength. He went beyond that. There was dignity and courage, and a soft spoken honor and integrity about him. Very well written. So to apply those traits... they weren't necessarily implicated in the script; I just did an impression of my brother Larry, who served in the Marine Corps, and lowered the voice. I think we nailed it. The scripts were wonderfully written, and there was so much to absorb in a half-hour. Don't forget, Jeremy, that was how many years ago? 1984? '85? Gee whiz, I was just a child! (Laughs)

Beaks: And the Blu-ray is only going to stoke more anticipation for TRANSFORMERS 2, which is shooting right now. Have you had the opportunity to visit the set, see any footage or chat with Michael Bay?
Cullen: I've had one work day with Michael. We did the opening. But I didn't have the opportunity to see any real footage - until I was leaving. I hate to use the word over and over "knocked out", but I was stopped in my tracks. "Whoa! Can I see that again!?!?" It's going to be huge.

Beaks: Just when you thought they couldn't top the spectacle of the first movie?
Cullen: No question. He's excited, too. Bay is really excited. He's animated. He's such a creative guy and a perfectionist. He's got a high energy level that's really cool.

Beaks: He gets a bit like a little kid when he's working.
Cullen: You can see his brain working. What goes on in that head of his is indescribable. (Laughs) He's amazing.

Beaks: How much of a connection have you been able to form with the human actors? Now that the first film was a hit and you know you'll be making more, have you had the opportunity to interact with Shia or Megan?
Cullen: Nope. None of the above. I have not met anyone. I know Charlie Adler [the voice of Starscream], but aside from the voiceover people... I didn't even meet Hugo Weaving. I admired his work, but... I haven't had an opportunity to be with the real actors. During this year, I'm sure there will be a time where I'll be able to go to the studio and see some of that. I'm looking forward to that.

Beaks: But I watching TRANSFORMERS over the weekend on HBO, and I was noticing how you subtly changed your vocal performance from the cartoon. You gave Optimus a little more lightness. We get to see a funnier side.
Cullen: Right. I think you'll see more of that. His relationship with humans demands that he be more human. When he's one-on-one with Sam or the other characters, there's an opportunity for more humor and sensitivity, not just stone-cold metal. Coming into that human element... it's different; it's a little challenging because you have to be more conversational without stepping out of his character or losing any of his ingredients. We'll see more of that, I think. I don't want to speculate, but it seems to be going that way.

Queensway Exploding Tanker Prop

DJ has provided the below pictures that show the tanker that was used in the explosion on the Queensway Bridge. Of note is the Chinese words on the car that verifies that Transformers remains in "Shanghai" for the explosion sequences that where shot at the location.

Thanks to DJ for the pictures.

HD Video of Queensway Explosion

There are multiple different shots and angles of the filming on Queensway Bridge that involves a big boom. Now from OneMoreNone via Movie Chronicles is a new angle in HD. This one shows the same explosion from the other side of the bridge and in pretty good close-up. Note that there is use of cusswords in the video so not entirely safe for work (or kids).

Autobots Roll Again and the Chevy Volt

As promised a few months ago, its now proven beyond any doubt that the Chevy Volt is in Transformers thanks to video from Modern Mythology (via Movie Chronicles). Previous pictures by Gettodeath of the blue and purple car looked close to the Volt but I wasn't sure. The close up video below now confirms it. I have to admit, the car in motion is pretty damn nice looking and Chevy should consider the coloring as standard for the line. The Volt may or may not be a Tranformer alt mode I find it hard to believe that Chevy has started a marketing campaign for a car not coming out until 2010 that there is not more to its role in the movie. Note the movie does autoplay, despite best efforts have not been able to disable that.

More Queensway Explosions on Video

To go along with Gettodeath's video at the Queensway Bridge are the three videos shot by FMD805. The first video is the Autobots on Shoreline Avenue as they film them driving down the road. The second video is a chase sequence involving Optimus Prime and the "Chinese" police. It shows three takes of pyrotechnics going off for unknown reason near the police as a camera car rigs goes through the middle of the explosion in the opposite direction. The third movie shows a larger explosion that has cars and debris flying into the air. Always fun to see things go BOOM!

Thanks to FMD805 for use of his videos.

Queensway Bridge Explosion Video, Pictures

Gettodeath, of the Autobots video, has struck again, this time with video and pictures of filming on the Queensway Bridge in Long Beach, CA yesterday.

The video shows filming in a highway portion as cars suddenly peal out of the way to probably avoid a CGI Transformer. After that it shows a massive looking explosion with debris flying everywhere. Pretty cool looking.

In addition he provided more pictures of vehicles including a blue Chevy Volt. In the third vehicle you can see what might be the same car (or just another prop car) as it crosses an intersection. The last picture is more of the aftermath of the explosion from the video.

Thanks to Gettodeath for the video and images.

Update: Removed reference to Volt being a prop car (as probably isn't) and also added below pictures which have been enhanced by Keith (thanks!) to better show off the vehicles details.

Autobots Waiting Pictures

Slash Film has posted the below pics that show the Autobot fleet as they wait for a call to arms. The pictures where shot by Ricky C who reports "Hey guys! I got some really great pictures from the Transformers 2 set in Long Beach. I tried to get more pictures of that grey car but it sped away before i could snap some good pictures. I was literally ten feet away from all of these. It was intense! Later on guys!" To see them in motion, just check out the video from Gettodeath here. Thanks to Melvin and Chris for the link.

Sideswipe Fan Art

Thanks to Millertalon for finding the below fan art (probably anyway) that shows a great design for Sideswipe.

Orci Talks Script, Injury with MTV

Roberto Orci spoke with MTV the other day about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen storyline and Shia's injury. As usual he remains silent on details. Thanks to VAWitch for the link.
“You want to make a different movie, not just a repeat,” Orci said. “It’s a different kind of film that the last one. It’s not a disaster [movie] paradigm.”

What he means is that “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” won’t have multiple storylines told from different points of view all converging in one place for the climax. Instead, expect a different kind of narrative with a different emotional centerpiece.

“We didn’t have to reshoot anything,” Orci said, “but we put [an injury] in there. We wanted to make sure that we put it in so he could be protected, because he’s running around a lot and bashing into things, and he needed something to hold it like a sling [after his hand surgery]. So we wrote it into the script to explain it away.”

“I think there’s an expectation that there will be a deeper mythology where the Transformers came from,” Kurtzman said. “The key is not to get so mired in the mythology that it can’t propel the movie forward. We just touched the tip of the iceberg.”

Autobots, Roll Out

Gettodeath strikes again, this time with a very good video of the Autobot fleet as they drive by. I believe the footage was shot in the Queensbay Bridge area in Long Beach California. The shots show Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Bumblebee, the Chevy Beat, Trax, and the concept Corvette Centennial. I do believe this is the first time all of them have been seen together like this and its the first time the public has a view of the corvette in motion. The usual what, why, and so forth remains a mystery but very cool to see all the Transformer cars together.

Thanks to Gettodeath for the video.

Long Beach Explosion Video

From The Movie Chronicles is the below video of an explosion filmed for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen near the Queensway Bridge in Long Beach, CA. It was captured on a phone camera so the quality isn't the best but it still catches the entire explosion that looks pretty darn good.

Pictures from Queensway Bridge

The Movie Chronicles website scored the below pictures from mylordsinuhe and fg9 that show some of the vehicles and set for the Transformers 2 shoot at Queensway Bridge in Long Beach, CA. Most of the pictures show Optimus Prime and Chinese signs to dress the area as part of Shanghai, China. As for the backend of the car in the first pic, that is the Chevy Corvette concept car that is currently rumored to be the Corvette Centennial.

Ranger565 posted a brief report of what he saw when he visited the area.
OK Well I work in the area and they have the whole area set up to be China, as you guys know. Now I did see Prime, Bumblebee, the silver corvette, 2 blue cars (small) and Ironhide. All were parked on the back lot behind Catalina Landing!

The scene I witnessed was a traffic scene where they were driving down Shoreline Drive and then 2 flatbed Trucks merge into traffic. THEN BOOOM!!! One of the two trucks blew in half.

NOTE: The Autobots were not in the blow up scene. That’s it the stunt guys got out the cars and the Helicopter flew off. But man that truck blue the trailer hitch right off. Then I heard that it may not have gone according to plan. Both trucks were [supposed] to blow up.

More Burnt But Clothed Shia Pics

INF Daily has more pictures of a burned Shia LaBeouf on the Transformers 2 set. The previous set showed him shirtless, this shows him with the equally trashed shirt on. Over all it continues to reinforce the notion that Sam Witwicky is going to get kicked around something fierce in this movie. Thanks to AshMD13 for the link.

Transformers At Long Beach Today, Tomorrow

The Movie Chronicles blog is reporting that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be closing the Queensway Bridge in downtown Long Beach, CA. Part of the filming will include "precision driving...with car stunts and explosions...". The picture is from bruxhina's flicker account and reports part of the areas "has been transformed into little China, with street signs in Chinese." I wonder if this is related to Gettodeath's recent pictures. Chronicles also noted that parkings lots have been set up on Pacific and 4th which could be used for production parking or to store the Transformer vehicles.

"Shanghai" Production Pics

Gettodeath has provided additional production pics of Transformers in the LA area as they prep a site for shooting. As the Chinese signage indicates, shooting continues for "Shanghai, China" as the site seems to be related to what was shot in Bethelhem, PA and San Pedro, CA. Whether or not it was first unit or second unit and the what, who, and so forth is unknown.

Thanks to Gettodeath for the pictures.

Casting Call At Holloman

The Air Force Times reports that on August 15th Dreamworks held a casting call at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico for extras. All told about 300 airmen showed up for the casting call. Exactly when Transformers 2 production comes to the base is unknown but it was used before in Transformers as part of the Blackout attack sequence.
“About 200 people will be hired as extras to portray military members,” Maryellen Aviano, extras casting coordinator for DreamWorks Pictures, said in an Air Force news release.

Airmen were more than happy to spend off-duty time in front of a camera.

“The thrill of knowing I may be in a movie outweighs the possibility of having to work long hours on a movie set,” said Airman 1st Class Karla Jimenez, 49th Civil Engineer Squadron.

Shia Bloody and Burnt

Through the magic of make-up, Shia LaBeouf looks like he was on the receiving end of a blast that didn't go well. The rather extensive damage is on Shia's left side and likely part of how the hand injury is being integrated into Transformers 2 storyline. Even if its not, this does seem to indicate that this movie is going to be a lot more vicious then the first movie.

Of note is it appears that for shooting purposes Shia has a much smaller wrist splint. Not sure if its a sign of how well he is healing or just a way to make it easier to film his scenes. Below are a few key pictures and the full gallery is on JustJared. Thanks to Rich for the link.

More Pics of Megan on LA Set

Megan-Fox.net has more pictures of Megan Fox on the LA set of Transformers 2. The pictures are from August 21st and show Shia entertaining Megan between takes with a sock puppet. Also shows Ramon Rodriguez, Shia's stunt double and Bay. Below are a few pictures but the full gallery can be found here.
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