MTV Movie Awards Clip and TV Spot (Update 2)

Last night was the MTV Movie Awards and with it was the premiere of the first publically available clip from the movie that takes place in Egypt as Sam and Mikaela try to hide from Long Haul, Ravage, Starscream and other Decepticons. In addition a new commercial aired that is the New Divide spot from the other day but now in HD.

In relation to the clip, Nelson on the Bay site posted:
Just spoke to Bay... he left the MTV Awards immediately after presenting and is headed to work at the soundstage to finish mixing the audio. He's been working 7 days a week up until 12am finishing the movie. It's gonna be down to the wire. He also indicated that the demand for theater prints of this movie is insane. He also wanted me to let you guys know he will start posting soon as time becomes available.
Viacom is pulling the clip all over the place so view it while you can as now have it from Trailer Addict, seems silly not to use this to promote the movie, don't get it. Thanks to GMak for the find. Also thanks to ghola_tleilaxu click here to download the clip.

TV Spot #5 - Destiny

Thanks to everyone for sending in the links to the videos.

DS ROTF The Game Cover

Thanks to Carnivac, below is the front and back view of the Autobots and Decepticon covers for the Nintendo DS version of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Game. The covers are from the UK release of the game but I am betting the only difference between regions (other than language) will be the rating box. The game is coming out the day of the movie, June 24th.

Botcon: Bay Presents ROTF Footage

Yesterday, during the Botcon Awards (no idea who won what), Michael Bay himself introduced clips from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Cool move on his part since he didn't have to make the trip. Sadly no video but below is the description from Spoiler warning. Thanks to G0M3Z for the heads-up.
With our anticipation at its highest level, the attendees of Botcon roared into cheer as the first clip of the movie started. The footage started with John Turturro and Sam's roomate in the middle of a construction zone looking on to a group of construction vehicles surround them. The constructicons were revealed when Mixmasters Decepticon symbol is shown and Scavenger begins to transform. At the same time the other constructicons move closer to form Devastator!!!

Scavenger literally forces all the other constructicons into the gestalt ala Scorpion in Mortal Kombat [I think he means that "Come Here!" with chain grab move - ed]. Tuturro then runs with Sam's roomate when the scene cuts to Sam and Mikaela running from Rampage.

Rampage begins chasing Sam's father when Sam jumps in front of him to draw his attention. Sam then says "Wait, it's not them you want. It's this, the MATRIX!" He then holds up an item and continues to coax Rampage when Bumblebee arrives. The battle begins.

Rampage and Bumblebee fight ferociously with Bumblebee getting the better of Rampage when Ravage enters the fray. Using his hip cannons he blasts Bee and jumps on his back. Bumblebee then forces Rampage to the ground when Rampage lunges for Sam and takes Ravage and tears him apart piece by piece.

Bumblebee then rips Rampage's arm off and decapitates him.

Botcon 2009 Day 2 Panels (Updated)

Day two at Botcon 2009 has ended and below are links to galleries and panel summaries that may interest you including costumes, custom TF toys, the Activision panel, IDW panel and Weird Al appearance.

Hasbro Review Panel
A look at upcoming products and exclusives that include a ROTF Voyager Fallen on Fire exclusive for Target. Toys R Us exclusives will include ROTF Battle Pack (G1 Soundwave with 1st movie Megatron), G1 Insecticons and G1 Percepter (i.e. recreated mold from 25 years ago). Wal-Mart will get Masterpiece Skywarp, which will look more like its cartoon counterpart then the Japanese release. Additional ROTF toys are also in the works including Bludgeon, Jungle Attack Ironhide (with bumper that transformers into crossbow, knives, etc), and new Human Alliance Barricade with Frenzy (that sites in the vehicle).

Costume Showcase
What is a convention without people in costume? Click the link for a gallery of pictures of various costumes including Animated Arcee (above), movie Bumblebee, movie Jazz, G1 Grimlock, Frenzy puppet, and more.

Custom Transformers (also here)
A huge gallery of fans created Transformers, environments, repaints and more. An example is the picture here of Tetrajet Sunstorm whose alt mode is inspired by the Cybertronian mode of the Seekers in the very first G1 cartoon from 25 years ago.

IDW Publishing Panel
Preview of art from future comics such as Spotlight: Cliffhanger and Metroplex, upcoming issue of All Hail Megatron, and maybe a Transformers: Animated comic book.

Activision Video Game Panel
Q&A session about the video game. No new information was released. Discussion focused on features of the game, achievement system, confirmation that Devastator was not playable character, about 100 hours of music just for the game, and more.

Weird Al and David Kaye Panel
A Q&A session with Weird Al Yankovic (who should need no introduction also played Wreck Gar in TF Animated) and David Kaye (Prime in TF Animated, Megatron in Beast Wars and Beast Machines, and much more). They discussed doing work on Transformers: Animated, voice work, and various other topics.

Update: Three more galleries for you enjoyment. One is for the dealer room that shows off all kinds of Transformers goodies over the years and the other two are from the Paramount Party that sorta closed off Botcon (same one that aired the TF footage) with appearances by Tyrese (with Ratchet), Peter Cullen, Weird Al, Stan Bush, and more. One of these years I will actually get to go to one.

Dealer Room
Paramount Party I
Paramount Party II

Transformers on Britain's Got Talent

Yesterday was the season finale of Britain's Got Talent. That is the show that introduced the world to Susan Boyle. Well it turns out she actually lot the competition to Diversity, a dance group. So why care? The music they danced to has the Transformer transformation sound playing throughout it. Transformers for the win. Below is their performance, click here for Susan Boyle's reprisal of "I Dreamed A Dream", and here for announcement of the winner. Thanks to Sean for the heads-up.

Botcon: Orginial Unicron, Devatator and More

Botcon continues and with it comes lots of images of Transformer toys both past and present. One of the best is the "Holy Grail" of Transformers toys - the original G1 Unicron that was created with the first movie but not released for obvious reasons (other than cost). In addition, there are pictures of Supreme Devastator (the $100 one) that shows him from multiple angles and his component Constructicons (that do not have a robot mode). In addition, Hasbro is previewing the San Diego Comic-Con special edition re=release of G1 Soundwave with Laserbeak, Ravage, Rat Bat and Buzzsaw (me wants). Other galleries include Revenge of the Fallen toys and Animated toys.

Marvel Vault Unicron - includes immages of SDCC Soundwave and Robot Heroes
G1 Unicron - Another gallery of this rare Transformer.
Supreme Devastator
SDCC Soundwave and RoTF Ravage - Another gallery of the toy.
Transformers: Animated - A last look at the now defunct toy line that includes some repaints that probably will not be released.
Revenge of the Fallen Display - A look at the first wave of toys from the movie.

RoTF: The Mobile Game Video

TFW2005 found a video that shows off a mobile game for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The game appears to be a side-scroller that reminds me of 16-bit graphics. The video shows playable characters of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee with transformation mode that plays apart in moving through the levels. Boss fights include Starscream, The Fallen and Devastator. Don't know when it comes out or at what price.

New TV Spot?

Below is a TV spot called Destiny 30 from linkinparktv that is the bands official YouTube channel. It uses their new song New Divide as the background music for the entire spot. I don't know if this an official edit or not. Thanks to Joseph for the link.

Botcon RoTF Writers Panel

At Botcon's first day, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman participated in a question and answer session about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that provides few bits of new information. Highlights below, the full breakdown is here. Picture from here.
- Before the strike, only has a 20 page outline.
- Immediately after the strike Bay locked the three writers into hotels room to get a shooting script ready as shooting started four months later.
- Shia's damaged hand (due to a car accident) does not appear until the third act and writing it into the film was difficult.
- Did not rule out an appearance of Unicron or Primus in the franchise
(They have indicated in past interviews they don't rule out anything until they actually start writing a script so that answer doesn't mean a whole lot).
- When asked if the Matrix of Leadership was in the movie (as indicated in the adaptations), they replied "That's a very good question!"
- Various combiners show up unexpectedly, with no buildup.
- The Twins are mostly comic relief. Their ice cream truck mode plays a key plot point in the movie (Not in any adaptations I read).
- Hasbro pretty much gave the writers carte blanche and only offered suggestions the characters. Writers went through Transformers school (which Bay did for the first movie) that provided them with character development and story direction.
- Many characters in the sequel the writers wanted for the first but did not make the cut.

Botcon Friday Panels

Botcon has started its full first day of Transformers festivities. For those that couldn't be there, here is a few links and summaries of the information learned at the panels.

G1 Matrix of Leadership Set
- Not really Botcon news, but the 16 DVD box set of the entire G1 television series is set for release on July 13, 2009 with a price of $140.00 USD.
- Set includes interviews, featurettes, concept art, toy commercials, scripts and a 60 page booklet. Click link above for more info.

Music of the Transformers Panel
- Panel with Vince DiCola and Stan Bush who provided music for animated Transformers: The Movie.
- Dicola was "hurt" he didn't get to contribute to the current films but has respect for Steve Jablonski. Also felt that a "marriage of the orchestral and the techno" would have been better fit musically.
- "Two new toys from Hasbro will feature a '07 re-record of the Touch" (not sure what that means)
- Both plan on working on new albums for release later this year.

Transformers: Animated Panel
- As suspected, the just finished third season of the show is its last and the series and line has been cancelled (so if holding out, better pick up the toys while can).
- Panel was mostly animated shorts and character profiles.
- Sadly no specifics on what info on the creation process or fan questions.

Transformers Collectors Club Toy Gallery
- As part of Botcon, there is was release of toys specific to the club (which costs $35 I think to join). Only members can order the toys.
- The toys are generally repaints of Animated toys, click the link to view.

Shia Explains Transformers 2 (Updated)

As part of the prep for the MTV Movie Awards (this Sunday at 9PM est), Shia LaBeouf explains Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and talks about its scale and visuals. The video includes clips from the movie, including "first look" at The Fallen that we have not seen before. Thanks to Grant for the link and the screenshot. The MTV Movie Awards should have new Revenge of the Fallen footage (but for all we know could be the Bumblebee/Shia college scene again). Hopefully the footage will appear online shortly after it airs.

Update: MTV has posted a clearer image of the Fallen image above. Thanks to Rich for the image.

Legends Devastator, More Ejector and Other Galleries

Scorpio has found three new toy galleries.

First is the Legends Devastator display taken by ACToys that shows the assembled Devastator. If you look behind him to the right you can see them individual Constructicons in their packaging, in English, that seems to provide verification of US release of the toys. To the right, you can see G1 Devastator components in Japanese packaging (love their use of boxes over peg hooks). Based on the size, these are probably mini-figures that were released stateside as a KB Toys exclusive in 2007.

Next up is a large gallery of Scout class Ejector the toaster. We previously saw the toy in his packaging but this time he is loose and being shown at all the angles and compared with other scout class toys. He is rather ugly but I just love it when Transformers are based on real world objects. The full gallery is here.

Last is a few pictures of (can't have a RoTF gallery without this website). The images are a repaint of Stockade (new name unknown), Nightbeat (Dead End repaint) and Deluxe Arcee (who is still ugly).
Deluxe ArceeStockade RepaintNightbeat

The Michael Bay Coefficient

Brian found the below amusing video of "I'd See it If...The Movie Trailer Review Show" that decided to analyze the first Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailer and compare it to his other movies based on four measurements - explosions, words spoken, seconds of hot chicks, and vehicles destroyed. Their comparisons resulted in the "discovery" of The Michael Bay Coefficient (MBC) which "measures the Michael Bay-ness of a particular Michael Bay movie based on the Michael Bay trailer". I do believe that MBC should be the new measurement of all things Bay.

Sadly MSN blocks embeding on blogger so click here to view.

Transformers: RoTF Toys On Sale Now (sorta)

Bumble SpudBased on various Transformer forums, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy line is now on sale in the states but your local mileage may vary. Depending on location, Wal-Mart either started selling the toys at midnight last night, 5PM today or midnight Saturday. Brian (who also provided the pics) reports to me that Target has already started selling the toys. No news yet on Toys R Us but I imagine they will not start until tomorrow morning. GeneralTekno informs me via Twitter that Toys R Us Canada is selling the toys as of today.

Also TFormers is reporting that Hasbro Toy Store is selling the toys with free shipping for orders over $50 by using the code FALLEN.

The pic above is "Bumble Spud" based off of Mr. Potato Head line. Below is part of the display, next to that is Voyager Prime with pretty dark colors and chinese markings, and the last is another part of the display along with a toy laptop of sorts. Have fun emptying your wallets!

Official Site Update, Movie Rating

The official website for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has been updated. The site now sports a Bumblebee background, 100 hundreds of fan art and photos to vote on, and movie rating to PG-13. As a site reader pointed, that designation actually started appearing the TV spots a few weeks ago. Thanks to Florian for the heads-up.

Transformers Choose Your Side Launches

As part of the international marketing for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, a UK based website called Transformers Choose Your Side has launched. Interestingly enough the site is set up for five different countries which you can choose by clicking the flag above Bumblebee. The countries are USA, United Kingdom, Australia, France, and Germany. The content it self remains the same but interesting to see the same site in different languages or cultures (like the date order).
The fan site invites visitors to express their allegiance to either Autobots or Decepticons, through a variety of creative and compelling content including site skins for Twitter, Myspace and bebo, desktop downloads and a profile pic creator. The ‘transmitter’ and ‘banner builder’ are two personalised applications that you can embed on your social network, blog or site to deliver the latest news about the movie direct to you and your subscribers.
By default the website opens to the Autbot-centric content, but just click the link at the bottom to switch to the Decepticon stuff.

Botcon, TF2 Toys Press Release and Gallery

Botcon started today in Pasadena, California and for those lucky attendees they will get a chance to look at and probably purchase toys from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy line. To mark the occasion, Hasbro has issued a press release. For the rest of us, you will just have to make do with the gallery of 112 Hasbro provided images here. At least until the official release date of Saturday morning.
PAWTUCKET, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The 2009 TRANSFORMERS fan convention, which is in Pasadena on May 28 to 31, is destined to be one of the biggest and most exciting TRANSFORMERS gatherings ever! In addition to celebrating Hasbro’s TRANSFORMERS brand’s 25th anniversary and anticipating the June 24th debut of DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, new toys and merchandise from the second movie in the franchise go on-sale from coast to coast beginning Saturday morning, May 30th.

The convention, which is known as “BotCon” (with syllables taken from the two TRANSFORMERS factions AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS), is annually the largest official gathering of TRANSFORMERS fans in the world and is open to both TRANSFORMERS collectors and non-collectors — and the young and young-at-heart.

BotCon will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center located at 300 East Green Street in Pasadena, Calif., and will be open to the public on May 30 – 31. Special activities are planned on May 28 – 29 for attendees who purchase multi-day packages.

On Saturday, May 30th, kids ages 5 to 14 will be able to participate in the TRANSFORMERS Challenge, which will award prizes based on how quickly kids can convert TRANSFORMERS toys from robot mode to vehicle mode. Kids may qualify in the preliminary round from 9:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m., with the fastest competitors moving on to the semi-final and final rounds that will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. All kids participating will receive a TRANSFORMERS toy, and the fastest kids in both the senior and junior age division will receive a gift card worth $500. Official rules are posted on

Additionally, BotCon attendees will have the opportunity to learn how to draw TRANSFORMERS characters from Hasbro’s designers, see toys in the new 2009 TRANSFORMERS toy line, buy, sell, and trade TRANSFORMERS toys from throughout the franchise’s 25-year history at more than 200 tables of merchandise, and attend panel discussions and seminars led by TRANSFORMERS experts. Special activities for kids will be held throughout the weekend in the Hasbro booth.

For fans not able to make it to southern California this weekend, they can head to their favorite toy retailer and be among the first to purchase the new toys based on the upcoming movie TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN.

TF2 Ticket Pre-Order Next Week?

Site reader Ally reports that her local theatre will start the pre-sale of Transformer tickets next week rather than the June 10th release date.
I just wanted to give you heads up that my local movie theater is selling Transformers tickets as early as next Friday so who knows when they are going to be going on sale in other areas. Maybe you should have a memo or something to alert other fans to check their local movie theater as well =).
Just as she advises, be sure to check your local theatre in the next week or so as each chain may have their own pre-order policies and dates.

RoTF The Album Track List has revealed the official track list for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Soundtrack. Thanks to commanderalphanl for the link.
Burbank, CA - Warner Bros. Records will release the soundtrack to the hotly anticipated feature film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on June 23rd — the day before the film, the sequel to the 2007 Oscar-nominated summer blockbuster Transformers , hits theaters nationwide.

The film's director and executive producer Michael Bay asked Warner Bros. Records' multiplatinum rock band Linkin Park to provide the sonic backdrop to the live-action robot fantasy film. Not only did the band write and record the film's theme song, entitled "New Divide," specifically for the soundtrack, they were also asked by Bay, Oscar-winning composer Hans Zimmer, and award-winning composer Steve Jablonsky to contribute to the score. "New Divide" is currently available for purchase on iTunes.

Transfomers: Revenge of the Fallen: The Album also features music from Green Day (who contribute "21 Guns" — a song from their new album 21st Century Breakdown), Taking Back Sunday, The Used , The All-American Rejects, Cavo, The Fray, Staind, Nickelback, Cheap Trick and more.
In addition to the original soundtrack, Warner Bros will be releasing Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: The Score, which will also be released on June 23rd.

The track listing for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: The Album is as follows:

1. Linkin Park "New Divide"
2. Green Day "21 Guns"
3. Cavo "Let It Go"
4. Taking Back Sunday "Capital M-E"
5. The Fray "Never Say Never"
6. Nickelback "Burn It To The Ground"
7. The Used "Burning Down The House"
8. Theory Of A Deadman "Not Meant To Be"
9. The All-American Rejects "Real World"
10. Hoobastank "Don't Think I Love"
11. Staind "This Is It"
12. Avenged Sevenfold "Almost Easy"
13. Cheap Trick "Transformers™ The Fallen Remix"

TF2 Game Cullen, Welker Video has posted another video for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Game, this time focusing on Peter Cullen (Prime) and Frank Welker (Megatron) as they discuss working on the game. The video includes footage of Prime and Megatron and new shot of Devastator. Thanks to commanderalphanl for the link.

Transformers: RoTF Multiplayer Video

From Joystiq, a video that shows off multiplayer game play from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Game along with comments from the developers. The footage includes Optimus, Ironhide, Starscream and many others as they tear into each other.

CGI Combined Optimus and Jetfire, Mixmaster

Yesterday we saw the artwork of what the combined mode of Optimus Prime and Jetfire could look like and now today, as found by S250, here is the CGI version of the mode along with Constructicon Mixmaster. Overall it look extremely powerfully by giving Optimus an armored look complete with jetpack for flying. Thanks to Simbatron and Thirston for the heads-up.

Update: Here are the original links to JetPrime and Mixmaster pics on as they had the images first. Thanks to lonegamer for the links.

RoTF Retail Posters

Thanks to site reader Luis, below are some pictures he snapped with his camera phone of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen posters that showed up at Sports Authority. They retail for $5.99 and show off Bumblebee, Megatron, and the main Autobot and Decepticon characters. Probably just a matter of time before they show up everywhere.

K-Mart Transformers Guide Book

K-Mart Australia has a Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Guide Book that shows off the first wave of toys for the movie. It includes brief character profiles and images of the toys. The guide can be found here or the PDF version here. Note the prices are in AU values. Thanks to Andrew for the link.

Also I have read that Wal-Mart may start offering the toys starting 5PM on Friday but that has not been confirmed.

Burger King RoTF Toys Preview

dorfsquest over at TFW2005 has posted a sneak peak at the Burger King's plans for their promotion with Transforrmers: Revenge of the Fallen that starts June 22nd. The 8 Kids Meal toys oddly enough do not seem to actually transform. As for the "Stacticon", it turns out it is a double cheeseburger with BBQ Sauce and bacon. Seems like it will be pretty good.

TF2 The Game Hands-On

Sadly Devy is not has posted a hands-on preview of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Game along with additional screenshots. For those going to Botcon this weekend, there will be a playable build of the game for attendees but bring something to read for the long lines.

The article describes a tutorial in single-player mode with Starscream or Ironhide as your teacher depending on faction choice that covers the basics of control, targeting, and so forth. One complaint they cited was that transformation is not just clicking a button, instead you have to hold down a button. As long as holding it, you’re in vehicle mode, let go and your back to robot mode which can be a problem during certain game moments.

Each character has a primary weapon, secondary weapon and special ability that are toggled through by hitting the left trigger. The special abilities attempt to reflect the character so Ratchet can heal nearby troops, Prime can take damage for others, Megatron can instant kill and Ironhide fires automatic rocket fire.

First player objectives vary depending on faction. For example the first level objective was to kidnap scientists (by smashing their building) and taking them to a pin. Multi-player mode has a 4 v 4 battle (which I assume will be online also) that seems balanced. For example tiny Bumblebee can hold his own against Grindor because of his speed allows him to dodge attacks and do quick hit and runs. Other modes include Deathmatch (Autobots vs. Decepticons), control points and capture the flag. Of note is death now has a time penalty in returning to the action as have to wait for a countdown and them plummet to the ground as a meteor before rejoining the fight.
Ironically, the most improved part of the game are the transformations, which look terrific. If you jump off a building and transform into an auto or a jet on the way down, you'll either hit the ground with wheels screeching, or rocket off into the sky -- pretty thrilling stuff. A couple of the characters, like Sideways, are armed with sniper rifles, allowing you to grab a good vantage point and take a few shots before zooming off to a new spot. Translation: kablam, transform, roll out, transform, shoot again.

TF2 Beat GI Joe for DOD Support

In an article from Stars and Stripes, Transformers 2 "beat" G.I. Joe when it came to securing support from the Department of Defense in terms of volume of assistance in terms of equipment, personnel and sites. It is an interesting article but parsing it the DoD was not playing favorites, Transformers 2 just made greater use of the military possibilities then G.I. Joe, probably due to the greater experience of Bay and his team. The full article is here.
“They wanted MRAPs just at the time Secretary Gates made a decision that emphasis would be placed on getting MRAPs to the combat zone as quickly as possible, so unfortunately we couldn’t help them with that,” Ogilvie said.

That pretty much ended the conversation until much later, when filmmakers asked and received permission to film at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, Calif., he said.

Meanwhile, the “Transformers” filmmakers had been allowed to film helicopters, tanks, a submarine and an aircraft carrier, said Philip M. Strub, director of entertainment media.

The disparity does not mean “Transformers” painted a more flattering portrayal of the U.S. military than does “G.I. Joe,” Strub said.

“The difference has less to do — in many respects — with us than the filmmakers,” he said. “I mean I think in the case of ‘G.I. Joe,’ looking back, I think we feel that the filmmakers belatedly realized that we could have provided more support.”

In contrast, Strub persuaded the “Transformers” filmmakers to include the Navy and Marine Corps in their portrayal of the military so that the Defense Department could give them more stuff to use, he said.

TF2 Adaptation Preview #3 with Combined Prime

IDW has posted five pages for the next issue of Transformers: RoTF Adaptation #3 issue that is coming out next Wednesday. Issue 2 comes out tomorrow or info suggests that the entire trade may already be available at Target. The preview is here. The best part is the cover by Josh Nizzi (who designed Long Haul for the movie) that shows the merge of Optimus Prime with Jetfire that looks fantastic. While I wasn't impressed with the toy, I am looking forward to the CGI look of the combined mode. Thanks to Diego for the heads-up. Oops, removed the prequel references.

NYC Transformers Billboard

It looks like the Transformers 2 marketing campaign that started at the Luxor, moved to an LA building and now in New York City with a billboard of Optimus Prime on Broadway and East Houston Street. Thanks to Josh for taking and providing the picture.

RoTF At LA Film Festival

Attendees to the LA Film Festival that runs from June 18th-28th will have a chance to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen a few days before anyone else, assuming you have enough money anyway. According the emailed flyer, tickets are exclusive to Fast Pass ($1000-$800), Industry Pass ($600-$500), and Discovery Pass ($300-$400) holders attending the festival. Exact date, time and location for the movie was not provided but festival tickets start going on sale May 29th at 10AM. For details hit Thanks to Sergio for the info.

GameSpot TF2 The Game Interview

Gamespot has posted an interview with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Game Creative Director Chris Tremmel. He discusses the multi-player mode of the upcoming game and its various play modes. Of note is the continued Blackout vs. Grindor debate, this time with a tick for the Grindor side as that is how the character is referenced in the interview. Thanks to Adam for the link.

News "SkidFlap" Theory

Marco found an interesting theory regarding The Twins on (usually not all that reliable for unreleased films).
"The AutoboTwins were each specially designed to as a reflection/half of the other: Skids has an oversized left arm/eye and Mudflap has an oversized right arm/eye; Skids's face is composed of the top part of the Autobot face and Mudflap's face is composed of the bottom part; and both their feet are of the same mould."
Marco took the two face images of Skids and Mudflaps and superimposed them on each other. Result is rather interesting and seems to prove that they are reflections of each other.

More Fan Made Trailers

Here are two more trailers that combine various Transformers trailers and TV spots that combined with solid music results in re-edits as good, if not better, then the orginials.

The first was found by RY and does a great job of editing to the music (which kicks in at the 1:29 mark) and the second one was created by TIMtationX and combines clips from the first and second movie together for one trailer. For the second video below, the song is Let It rock by Kevin Rudolf featuring Lil Wayne (thanks Scott for the info).

Click here for another trailer that merges lines from the cartoons and music from the Matrix with a trailer.

Movie Still Galleries

Its seems that a few Transformer galleries have popped up online. Except for the awesome picture of Optimus Prime from Collider, most are not really new. I was aware of the Prime pic yesterday but was hoping that was an indication that more "exclusive" images would pop up on other sites but that didn't happen. Here are a few galleries that people have found. Thanks to commanderalphanl, skidz180, Scorpio, Thirston, Ronnie, and others for the links. | | | The HD Room | DVD Forum

Widescreen Vision Megan Fox Interview

Megan, pre-lip injections (yep they bug me that much)German site Widescreen Vision has posted an interview with Transformers 2 star Megan Fox. Below are a few segments from the article. The site is in German so click here to read it as translated by Google. Since a computer translation, it can be a somewhat choppy but good enough to get the point. Thanks to Michael for the find and the translation link.

The first part presents itself as a vehicle Mikaela trained Schrauberin. If it is this passion in Transformers 2 continue to go after? [I think this is asking, "does the character continue her passion for cars?"]
Yes, it works in the continuation in a motorcycle shop, repaired Ducatis. I have in the film in several scenes Motorradfahren [ride motorcycles?] what I did in fact can not. During the filming, I was always accelerate from behind (laughs).
[gist: I have several scenes where I ride motorcycle but is not me as I don't know how.]

How has your life changed since the success of Transformers?
It is mad: Before Transformers I had never seen a proper film. I was an absolute greenhorn and paniced before every scene. Sometimes I stood around like petrifies and brought no word out (laughs). Meanwhile, the course changed. A big change for me was also that I suddenly the whole world as well. Before I owned Transformers not even passport.
[gist: I had no film experience...sometimes to scared too to travel the whole word...didn't own a passport before movie]

Transformers - The Revenge was filmed in Egypt and others. How did you like it?
The pryamids are the hammer! They told me that we have the first film crew since 1930which here was allowed to rotate on the spot. I do not know if that's true, but nevertheless, this location is something special for me. I spoke with Scott Farrar, our special effects man of ILM, that the pyramids is one of the last great mysteries of our planet. Until today we do not know exactly how they are in front of thousands of years have been built - with simple ropes and tree trunks. Unbelievable!
[gist: amazing that pyramids have stood for thousands of years and even today we are not sure how they built them]

Is it true that you had to grow Transformers 2? [Did you have to gain weight for the movie?]
Yes, but only because I, for my previous film Jennifer's Body had removed 15 pounds. I was downright skinny, it was no longer healthy. Michael Bay has given me therefore a cake diet prescribed. The best diet that I've done. (laughs)
[gist: Using a cake diet prescribed by Bay, I regained the 15 pounds I lost for my previous movie.]

Which is your favorite Transformer?
Devastator. The guy just destroyed everything around them.
[gist: I like destruction on a massive scale :P ]

2009 Corvette Convertible

A Convertible Corvette is just what the doctor ordered!!! That is if the doctor has a sense of fun and wants to prescribe a unique driving experience to shake the blahs. Even if he or she doesn't Bumper2Bumpertv does and did we ever have a blast with this iconic American roadster.

Clearer TV Spot #5

Thanks to Mike and the quick thinking of his six year old son, here is a better quality recording then before of the fifth TV spot for Transformers 2. Also thanks for letting me know. The direct link is here or view below. Hopefully soon the HD versions will be released by the studio, surprised that hasn't happened yet.

One Shall Stand Transformers 2 The Game Trailer

Activision as released a new trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game that shows off some game play and lots of cinematic. The trailer is named "One Shall Stand" for the famous line (at least for Transfans) from the animated movie. Below is the embed or a larger version is here. Thanks to Scalan15 for the link.

M&M's Transformers Site Open

M&Ms has updated its website (a week late) for their tie-in promotion with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The content is noted with colored circles near clickable objects. Currently the site has the first trailer, trucker "translations", and trucking "missions" to unlock Transformers content with codes. Below are the codes I am using, no guarantee will work for all.

The first mission involved finding five symbols on a Transformer breastplate. The code I got t was 7DDM7 which opened up a PDF of various Transformers CGI images (a few below). One of them included "Blackout" which is adds fuel to the argument that the gray Decepticon fighting Optimus is that character resurrected. Also note the red M&M in Barricade costume.

The second mission was finding three symbols in YouTube videos. The code after that mission was 5XYZ7. The code provided four wallpapers of various screen resolutions of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Starscream and Megatron along with their M&M counterpart.

The third mission is three trivia questions specific to the first movie. The code for that mission is 8TPM4. The last code provides T-Cube, a widget for the desktop that provides Transformers trivia.

The site also has a percentage that indicates the amount of "Strawberried Peanut Butter Candies" in a vault. I assume the higher the number, the more content that might become available.

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