Teaser Trailer Released!

Click here to see the teaser trailer.

Just as I made my previous post, news comes that the teaser trailer has been officially released on TransformersMovie.com in what appears to be the QuickTime format. I guess they had to give it up once it briefly showed up online as its quickly spread across the web. Wonder if that means I can post the bumblebee pic again? Sigh probably not.

If you still see the countdown clock, clear your cache and refresh your page. Instead of the countdown timer, you should now see the phrase "Watch the Exclusive Announcement Now". Click that and away you go. The trailer goes exactly as described here.

As far as a teaser trailer goes, I am less then impressed. Its does absolutely nothing to excite me about the movie. The Spider-Man 3 trailer is the very definition of how a teaser should go. The audience cheered when that one ended. I think for this one most are just going to have a wtf? reaction.

Having said that, its also understood why the teaser is so-so. A teaser pretty much forces the studio to work with the footage they have and right now I doubt they have much they can use yet. Filming started only about a month ago vs Spider-Man which has been filming for about 3 or so months. The final script was only done recently and I seriously doubt they are even close to having any final CGI sweeps done for the movie. Hopefully come Christmas or roundabout, a second teaser trailer will be released that has some footage to blow our collective minds.


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