Optimus Prime's Big Gun

TF2005.com forums have posted a pic grabbed during the Magic Clothing Trade Show in Las Vegas. I guess its part of a plan for Tranformers movie related clothesline. Optimus was one huge gun.

Two Video of Transformers Set Footage Released

Two new videos have hit the web showing some of the filming for Transformers being done in Los Angeles. One piece of footage from TMZ.com (found by AICN.com) mostly shows the vehicles for Jazz and Ratchet being driven around and prepped for a scene. The other video,found by TFormers.com shows a little filming being done as a caravan of cars go down the street with Bumblebee.

The videos are here and here.

Bumblebee's Face is Revealed

The face of Bumblebee has reached the web. Its very Furby/Ewok like to me. Its also the final nail in the coffin that the Tranformers heads will not have human faces we grew up with. Since the movie is aiming for internal logic, it does make sense that alien robots wouldn't have human faces. Still, no horns on Bumblebee is a sad thing. (source)

Update: Roberto Orci, one of the writers of the script, commented on TF faces, "without confirming or denying anything, all faces will have CG elements augmenting them."

Producers Tom and Don Video Interview

IESB.net has a two part video interview with Transformers producers Tom DeSanto (on left) and Don Murphy (on right). Both are apparently huge comics books and movies fans with both owning 10,000+ comics (me to but want to sell mine) and apparently thousands of DVDs (hmmm I bet the surround sound is sweet). Gives them geek creds at least. Very very wealthy geeks. Ah the things I would buy. Anyway, back to the videos.

Tidbits of note:- Transformer rights where purchased in May 2003 from Hasbro.
- Most of the studio exec pitched too at the time where to old to understand or know Transformers but at second pass they indicated that maybe hit the slightly younger demographic execs to show that the interest is there (how giant transforming robots laying the smackdown using current FX tech wouldn't be popular is beyond me).
- Tom believes that Transformers is character driven sci-fi with a great mythology (yet oddly they use very little of said mythology, maybe future sequels?).
- "The fans trust you guys."
- "...Surprised and pleased about how passionate the fans are. ...There is a solid fan base that Tom and I and the film makers are trying to service and keep happy. At the same time there is a mistake to think there is a universality in that fan base." I still say we are hearing from the vocal minority when it comes to complaints and most know that the cartoons are just not worth copying. They are filtered through childhood eyes, but when see em as adults, they suck to be blunt.
- Apparently an early script had Arcee in it. News to me anyway.
- "At the end of the day you have to stay true to the heart and soul of what Transformers are." Basically, all said and done, the goal isn't to copy the cartoons.
- The voice of Prime was decided because at the point in the film making process where a decision needed to made to move forward. They are not at that point with Megatron, but Frank Welker has been auditioned for the role and his name is being discussed. He's still in the running for the role. Ultimately, the decision on casting is Michael Bay's, not the producers.
- Soundtrack decisions are still in the very early phase.
- Tom challenges fans to bring non-TF lovers to see the movie and make them a convert.
- Don asks fans to hold their opinion until they see a 3-D CGI polished moving Transformers.
- The end of the interview was about future projects including the PG-13 animated Teen Titans (no relation to the Cartoon Network version).

The article, video part 1 and part 2.

On Set Video and Pictures including Jazz and Ratchet

LatinoReview.com has posted some new pictures and video from the on location shoot for Transformers in downtown Los Angeles. The pictures including shots of the set, cast, extras and the vehicles being used including a nice shot of Ratchet and Jazz.

The pics are here and the video here.

Transformers Set Visit Reports

Apparently at some point this weekend, the Transformers producers allowed various fans from various websites to do on-set visit for Transformers in downtown Los Angeles. Of course the usual media folks where allowed on site to. The numbers and whatnot are unknown but here are the ones I have come across so far and will add more here as find them. Mostly I will just add the bits that are at least new information to me.

Set Reports
Latino Review
Sci Fi.com Wire
The Movie Blog

Information revealed
- Robot heights:
Jazz : 13 feet tall
Bumblebee: 17 feet tall
Ratchet: 24 feet tall
Iron Hide: 26 feet tall
Optimus Prime: 28 feet tall
Megatron: 34 feet tall
- Full trailer expected for the holiday season with the plan having at least some Optimus Prime voice work, robot action, traditional transforming noise and "More Then Meets The Eye" theme.
- Jazz vehicle form is a silver Pontiac Solstice
- Ironhide's alt form is a black GMC 4x4
- Ratchet is a Humvee
- Film will have a little background in the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. From what I read it just explains why they came to Earth when explaining the situation to Sam Witwicky.
- An attempt is being made to do on location shooting at the Pentagon, first time allowed since 9/11
- A military unit called Sector 7 is the task force assigned to track down and investigate the alien invaders.
- Voice casting is still wide open, nothing definite but Frank Welker as Megatron is still an option.
- If you are a fan of the Furby, you will experience sadness during one scene where a truck of them catches on fire as the "Energon Cube" grants them life, and if you don't like them, much joy.
- Hasbro has final say on all character designs (thus explaining why the COO keeps commenting on leaked designs).
- Apparently Don Murphy was going to do GI Joe but the Iraqi invasion scrapped the idea so Hasbro suggested the Transformers.
- The hope is to have Soundwave show up in a sequel.

Don Murphy's Weekly Post

Don Murphy posted his weekly random thoughts on Transformers and fandom in general. Suffice it to say, he probably isn't going to make any friends with it.

Weekly POsting- Brought to yo by the NUmber 10 and the Letter "C"
So – a busy week- what have we learned? Here’s ten thoughts, questions and observations from the week.

- Preliminary, not final, two dimensional designs for Megatron and Starscream’s head get “leaked” bringing on a horde of fan haters
- A small percentage of the fanbase are not very good readers. They take last week’s plea to reserve judgment until they actually see a Transformer move in a trailer or clip as a brush off. Many of the same fans just learned to walk erect this past week as well it turns out.
- Big visit to the set by the fan community this week. Lots of interviews with lots of different people, not just me. Let’s see what the fans think after these start coming out.
- Found out about a secret attack site by Covenant. At least we know what he’s made of now.
- Bowspearer visited the cornfield and made a triumphant return. God I like that guy’s pluck.
- People have emailed me for posting at AINTITSHIT news. As anyone here knows, I hate that inaccurate rumor site. I was wronged years ago by Harry. While I now think Moriarty is a stand-up guy he is barely involved with the site. Therefore, be advised I would never be caught dead at AIS. And you shouldn’t be either. These are the people who continue to leak stolen, copyrighted early images from the film. No honor, no pride.
- In the midst of all the haters, one hater promoted and pushed himself far and wide to get some much needed attention. We stood up to his piss and vinegar. He spread his campaign across many sites. We decided to delete the battle as we were giving him what he wanted- attention.
- As I said in the interview yesterday…people want Welker. They want the Transformers noise and the song. They hate Starscream’s head. They hate the flames on Prime. They don’t love Megatron. While far from a consensus, I get the complaints. I am sure that others on the team get the complaints. If not, I will make sure they get them.
- We changed the look and shape of the board. Now it is even more of a free for all. Everybody- PILE ON GRIMBOT!!!!
- To the real fans both here and at Seiberton, Allspark, TFW, Tfans- EVERYWHERE. Thanks for your feedback and your intelligent suggestions. They are being heard above the hate that a few newbies insist on spewing.

Hang Tight Stooges, Hang Tight.

As far as what blog or board he is talking about with a hater, I have no idea what he is talking. While I understand as a producer, Don hates Ain't It Cool News, as a fan I am glad its there. As for the set visits, already some have hit the web and will be posting on them as find them. Mostly I will just summarize what, if any, new information they reveal and leave the reading of them up to you.

Update: Here is the link on the story of the blogger that apparently set off Don Murphy. Kreon posted about how he felt that the movie shared very little with the source material beyond giant robots and didn't appreciate being talked down to by Don. That got the attention of many, as the 200+ responses showed. Don Murphy then replied to it, basically calling the guy a desperate attention seeking loser, only with many more words. Kreon then replied to it here and here, with Don making one last dig in the above. Not sure why this person, among the gigantic amount of noise being made right now, became the focus of Don Murphy's anger, but only Don can explain.

Brian Goldner Comments on Megatron

COO of Hasbro, Brian Goldner, once again provides a little insight on the intended toy designs for Starscream and Megatron over on Don Murphy's forums. The most important part for may would be "Throughout time [Megatron] has had a very big gun...."
Good Afternoon--Let me answer your questions. Starscream is simply the coolest, most aggressive military jet in the skies. The military has given us unprecedented access to deliver this character to the audience in the most compelling way. He is Very much like G1. As noted to Nelson earlier in the week, the details, deco, weapons, and sculpt itself will change as we move from grey model to final form.

Megatron is an early style board. Without revealing too much of the story, there is a very important reason for his look to have evolved from pure G1; although the final look is a work-in-progress--ILM has just recently begun all their CGI development. Megatron has a iconic personality, and approach that dates back to G1. Throughout time he has had a very big gun....
Good sign, makes you wonder what is coming. I am still undecided on Megatron. The leaked designs are sweet, actually quite fantastic and should be fun to watch on the big screen and see in toy form. The problem is its just not a Megatron we know and love. I can't decide (yet) if I think that is important or not.


Megatron Design Revealed

AICN posted, then pulled photos of the robot form of Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons and main villain (sorta, as only in film for about 20 minutes). Thankfully a site reader, Donald C., sent me the pics.

I do believe that if the producers et al got a ton of crap for Starscream and other leaked designs, the sh-- is about to truly hit the fan. You saw a hint of him form being built here, but now you get to see it in all its colored glory.

Now, having read the script, the idea is Megatron retained his alien Cybertron form in part because of his contempt for earthlings and all things Earth related. If you hate them, why trans-scan into a earth form. So the idea is to scream "look!, evil alien robot." On that beat, they absolutely nailed it. Sadly though if you are looking for your childhood Megatron, there is nada (but maybe get that in the voice perhaps?).

COO of Hasbro Comments on Starscream

More notes from Transformers movie related big wigs. The first is a message from producer Don Murphy and now another note from COO of Hasbro, Brian Goldner. Hasbro is the American side producers of the Transformers line who are committed to producing the movie related line, which is the past is an indication needs to be ready to hit shelves by late May on the outside. He is speaking on the grey Starscream toy prototype, seen here:

Please let the people on the board know that any grey models they have seen are VERY early forms of toys and will be revised and changed, and will gain tremendous detail as they move toward finished products...

thanks and regards,
Brian Goldner
Its kind of sad its necessary for him to do this. The image is of a grey figure. Its screams prototype. Prototype in turn indicates that its still being worked out and updated. Its the whole point of the prototype is to allow tinkering with the final design until its locked. I will reserve judgment on the toy once see a picture that is close to the final design (and hopefully not so close to brother of Waspinator). They have at least 8 more months to tweak the design so I am not worried. The detail though, based on what little have seen, should be a joy to behold.

- be so glad when better quality pics without that ridiculous watermark comes out. Also made update to reflect original source of the note, thanks Shan

Random Thoughts While Reading Transformers Script

There are more spoilers here. I comment on what I thought while reading the entire script, its all rough and random, will write a more formal writeup later. Its generally cryptic so doesn't reveal everything but there are spoilers a plenty. Its in "invisio-text" so highlight it, as if doing a cut and paste, to read it.

Script progression, more or less:
1897 Artic discovery by a Witwicky ancestor > Vortex attack in the desert > introduce the human heroes and their situations > Soundwave (now Frenzy) on Air Force One > Bumblebee/Sam stuff > Scorponok attack > little plot development > Brawl on the hunt > Bumbleebee vs Brawl and Sam vs Frenzy > Introduction of the Autobots > a TF history lesson > Searching for some glasses > blackout > Bumblebee captured > preview trailer in context > Decepticons move out > Area 52 > Megatron and the Cube revealed > Decepticons Attack > Autobots (& Humans) vs Decepticons or Michael Bay making many things go boom > Optimus Prime vs Megatron > Defeat > Home

Lose some of the forced humor ("4.) Get female passenger. That one, he circles.") its either comes naturally or don't bother. In case the line works, the emphasis not so much.

Maggie - suffers from vomiting of the mouth
Sam Witwicky - cocky smartass...without any reason to be a cocky smartass. Basically a role that apparently was written with Shia in mind cause definitily see him and those words. Very similar to his role in Hellblazer, Battle of Shaker Heights, Holes, and ...you get the idea.

Great grandfather's glasses somehow become a family hierloom that Sam decides to sell on eBay. Yeah a family keeps something for over a hundred years and suddenly decides...eh lets eBay it. To bad this point is critical to moving forward in the story so the audience either better not notice it or just shrug it off and move on.

The Witwicky family moments read as too cute. I don't know, the actors might pull it off, but on the page it creates an inclination to smirk and roll your eyes.

Few little remarks that will date the movie such as mentions of American Idols and the like. Sure American Idol is "current" now, but what if next it tanks or in a few it gets cancelled. Why date a movie that quick if don't have to.

The use of Bumblebee and the radio...nice touch and if going to use a famous slogan no harm in using it to help land the girl.

Solid attempt and making creative transitions from scene to scene. I am a fan of that kind of creative thinking even though realize it can be a total pain in the rear to deal with and keep. Be surprised if any half of em make it to the final cut.

One character makes quite a leap in logic to suddenly decide that sentient machines may exist. An unneeded leap of logic considering the actions of the Transformers should make it obvious to the audience.

Considering what happens with Frenzy probably a good thing the name was changed, otherwise fandom would have been pissed.

Clearly the writers are fans of Beast Wars between the use of Scorponok, "trans-scanning" (how the beast forms chosen in the CGI series), and the use of "sparks" (think lifeforce or souls in tangible form)

Comedic beats...good for the movie and a distraction that takes away from the film?

(FYI, the inner geek in me reads "Praxus" I think Star Trek VI and the exploding moon opening sequence.)

Megatron and Optimus Prime...brothers? Hmmm after digesting this idea, me likes if done well.

I just can't go with the name of "The Energon Cube", its just too strange, even ignoring its more common usage in the cartoons (basically a gasoline can). Any name would be better, like many "the Matrix" would be good, but really try out some other ideas cause "The Energon Cube" does not sound like a source of supreme power.

Hmm Megatron as a spark vampire (shades of Machine Wars). Not sure liking, depends on how its used does allow effective way to scream "evil" without having to go through a tons of gyrations to prove it.

Side note, Optimus Prime is a leader of a planet, so he should get a hint faster then most. Why Sam searches for the code, might be a good idea to switch Optimus with different character if doing the scene as is cause it makes him look slow on the uptake.

Tranformers have a language, a "sonic burst of percussive language." Alien planet, sentient robots, makes sense. Be interesting to see what the sound mixers create.

Uh how did Sam learn the sentient robot race is called Transformers? (I guess the implication is he is making it up on the spot.)

Slick, instead of our technology leaps coming from Area 51 Roswell crash...it came from Megatron.

Why now? Its not really explained how Megatron made it to earth in the 1800s and why its takes over a 100 years before the Transformers make the next move. What's the trigger?

That's where the Transforming iPod rumor comes from. I hope they keep it, if for no other reason then I love to buy a toy version of it.

Megatron as a jet. Its just scream power like a big old tank barrel or the like does. At least its explained, Megs was entombed before could "trans-scan" and alter form.

... and that's where the X-Box 360 rumors came from. I am all for product placement if means a sweet Transformer toys comes out of it. Before moan, remember that the TFs where all about real world objects turning into robots. I think an iPod and 360 qualify for that.

Damn, what Megs does to -- ...that's going to be sweet!

Ouch on paper the football analogy reads as corny. Have to see how its works out on film to see if it works or not.

When did Megatron have time to learn English? And why not more of him? I guess with the good villains you have to leave the audience wanting more.

Overall, I have to say I am looking forward to the film. A little to much human in it but that's to be expected. Like many I just want to see many things go boom and robot on robot butt whippings.

A "die-cast metal, its a lost art" moment as a Decepticon goes down a little to easily. Just one shot?

What giveth can taketh away? Need more Optimus v Megatron is what I am saying.

Overall, a very interesting read. The movie seems exciting, some of the humor forced, and in many cases , I can see why certain people where cast. Having seen previous work, their "voices" do seem to register correctly with their characters, well in most cases anyway. I wouldn't mind less human and more robot action, but its the first movie. Have to do the origin bit.

Want A Copy of Transformers Script?

There be spoilers here! If you don't want to know, don't click any links in this post. Reading this script can be hazardous to your fandom self especially if do not have a fondness for spoilers. Consider yourself warned.

How long the link remains valid is unknown. Final note: The script, if valid, if a draft, of many drafts, of the Transformers movie. What remains, what was added, what was changed could be very little to alot. Whatever the script says is not final even if its the shooting script as the director, editors, writers, actors, etc can change it as much or as little as the mood strikes. Final warning, read at your own risk.

Transformers Leaked Script in the Wild

The message boards over at TFW2005.com have revealed that a February draft of the Transformers movie script hit the net, at least briefly anyway. Sadly I didn't see the post until the script was pulled from the hosting website. If anyone snagged a copy feel free to email it to me at canowupass at yahoo dot com. I can't host it but I can post a invisible-text comment on it so don't spoil stuff for some users.

Speaking of spoilers, a site claims to have one of the last pages of the script that involves Megatron and Optimus. What version of the script, is it the shooting script, so forth is unknown. If don't want to know, don't click this link. Was thinking of doing a screenshot and posting it below, but not sure if good idea. Also the scrolling options for the shot has been disabled so need a high resolution monitoring to get it all.

Personal Message from Don Murphy

Transformers producer Don Murphy has posted a personal message on his forums. The main thrust of the message is patience. With all the reveals from this weekend, the cast list, toy designs, alt mode pictures, well the ire of the Transformers fan base has been heard (but I say just a vocal minority has been heard).

Hey there Stooges---

There’s a lot of good stuff to tell you about showing SHOOT-EM-UP to the studio and them loving it… about another project that looks like it will happen… about something I so desperately wanted to do in 2002 but got wronged by a friend, and now the karma turns. Like I say there is a lot of good stuff to tell you.

But let’s talk Transformers shall we? There has been a lot of leaks of photos, scripts, tidbits both true and false. Roberto and Alex spoke on a webcast this week. Lots of things coming out which are costing people their jobs. Good stuff, bad stuff.

But you know what? You haven’t actually SEEN a damn thing yet.

Now the negative ninnies out there, the people like Bowspearer who just live in a cesspool of hatred, will say “We’ve seen enough. This isn’t my Transformers.” To those people who are so old school and stuck in their ways I say the following- Go away. Seriously. We don’t need you here. You hate and you haven’t SEEN a damn thing yet.

Oh sure, Prime doesn’t look EXACTLY like he did in the cartoon. The Autobots are only five. The Decepticons don’t have Soundwave. There are complaints out the wazoo. Well you know what?

I have complaints too. There are things I wanted in this film which are not going to be in there. But I know what some of you know- filmmaking is not a democracy. Hell, Adam Goodman is in charge of production at Dreamworks. He’s the guy who BOUGHT this film. He is working day and night to get this ready for July 07. There are things I know he wishes were in the film. But they aren’t. You’ve talked online here to Brian Goldner. He owns the property but everything is not EXACTLY as he wishes. Tom Desanto is the most devoted producer out there- I know there are things he wishes were in there. You saw that Alex and Bob didn’t get everything they wanted. And Michael Bay, who spends 16 hour days shooting this mega-film? Michael Bay who sets up every shot himself and oversees to the point of operating the camera at times? He’s made a zillion compromises to get a great film he can be happy with.

No, filmmaking is a series of happy accidents. When Tom and I shopped this project around every studio passed, including Dreamworks and Paramount. When those two studios and others came around, we ended up with Dreamworks because Steven Spielberg and Adam Goodman (and creative VPS John Fox and Marc Haimes) knew that this was a BIG cool idea for a franchise. Hell, those guys wanted it in cinemas THIS summer. It’s now 07 because everyone wants to get it right. No one is trying to make anything but a great film here.

When I say you haven’t SEEN anything, think about it. You’ve seen a toy mold. A truck still. A Bumblebee model with a guy underneath it.

You haven’t SEEN Bumblebee transform. You haven’t SEEN Optimus walk or Megatron awaken. You’ve seen sketches, designs and stills. Most of you get it when Brian Goldner says “We are doing something here that has never been done.” He’s right. The technology is there to make a LIVE ACTION Transformers film. To make several of them. But this is not a cartoon. There are cartoons already. Hasbro is making more. This is something new and different. LIVE ACTION robots.

So you negative ninnies- I’d like you to give us a break. And if you don’t, I’d like you to go away for a while. Seriously. Come back in six months. Wait until you SEE something that Michael and ILM and all of us have done. Not some leaked bullshit from some coward. Wait till you SEE the magic that I believe will be Transformers the Live Action Movie. Then if you don’t like what you see, hate away. Till then, I challenge you to be a grown up and reserve judgment. Even the majority who seem to like what you see have a right to hate later on.

We’re trying to do this right- to appeal to the fans and the rest of the world. Cullen is hired. Welker is going through the process. Other things are being reviewed and considered.

There will always be someone who wants to hate. That’s so easy.

But I challenge the haters to wait until they SEE a Transformer in Live Action.

And the rest of you, most of you, thanks for the many suggestions and kind words. It continues to be a surprising and fun ride.

Hang Tight Stooges, Hang Tight.

I have to agree with Murphy (and no not kissing butt cause frankly why bother) on this one. Patience is the watchword. Its simply to early in the process to have all this hatred. Look at X-Men, Superman, Spider-Man, Lord of the Rings, well the list goes on. The more the fans seem to think they know what is best, the more we seem to be wrong.

I personally like what I have been seeing so far and I was not just come lately fan. I have a collection of G1 on up toys that would make many green with envy. I also have the original DVD collection of the G1 Transformers cartoons and the movie. Trust me, they are not nearly as good as you remember them to be. Go back and watch them with the eyes of an adult. The very LAST thing you want them to do is copy the cartoon and those designs. If did that, then it might as well be the Brady Bunch, why waste the effort if you can just pretend its 1984 and basically make the movie a joke.

All involved are in this weird delicate balance where on ooriginalof the pendulum swing is orginial cartoons and its universe. Lots of great ideas in there. Lots of bad ones to. On the other end of the pendulum swing you have this massive "re-imagining" of crappy worthy proportions (say Miami Vice or Batman and Robin). The goal is the middle of the swing. You take the idea of the orginial that work (real world objects that change to robots at war with each other lead by Optimus Prime and Megatron) but add a modern beat to it (current objects, sharper, deadlier, realistic designs) with what I hope is an entertaining story. So far I have faith that this is being done.

Now to the movie folks I add this, don't assume the vocal minority speaks for the majority. Also, as the Snakes on the Planes (and Serenity) box office showed, the internet does not a success make (anymore then a $20 million a movie star does). The hype machine of the internet is maturing and eventially it will become all that us netizens hope, but that age has not yet arrived. You still have to satisfy John Couch Potato and trying to listen to all of us fandom suggestions is a sure way to fail in that goal. No one being told that but I say again mimicing the 80s cartoon would be an insane mistake.

In the end, thanks for your diligence, I all appreciate the input we are allowed and I hope the vocal minority doesn't cost us that peak we are currently enjoying in the movie making process of this movie. I just want the best damn movie talent and money can buy and from what I have seen, it seems we might just be getting. Us fans just need to have patience to see what unfolds and the movie folks need to have patience with our passion.

- Updated link back to original source of message, Don Murphy's message board. Note to self, tfans.com not fans of sourcing.

Leaked Toy Images, Movie Robot Mode?

In this weekend of Transformers news comes leaked images of the potential plans for Optimus Prime, Starscream, Blackout and Scorponok. Since toys nowadays can do a remarkable job of recreating the characters and moments from the movies, its safe to say these images give a strong hint at to what the Transformers modes will look like in the movie. If they can pull of this detail for the toys, I can't wait to unleash my inner 10 year old with them.

As an aside, TFW2005.com, I understand why people use watermarks(referring those HUGE yellow words on the above images), but when the watermarks interferes with the image being displayed, you are taking the protecting of intellectual data (that usually isn't even your data to begin with) a little to far. Drop the watermark in the corner like everyone else. Or fade it, but do something so that it doesn't interfere with what you are presenting. When you have professional photographers that don't even do that, you should know you are taking the watermark a little to far.

More Transformers Info From Michael Bay

Nelson, the admin for Michael Bay's official website, ShootForTheEdit.com, has posted some tidbits in regards to various things Transformers.

1- They will be releasing more teaser posters in the coming months.

2- Paramount made studies and concluded that the TF "ANNOUNCEMENT" was the 2nd highest rated "teaser" this summer.

3.- They just finished shooting a lot of Pentagon interiors on a soundstage in scenes that involved many Chiefs of staff in their huge war room.

4.- Shia just was recently suspended over the edge of a 20 story building in a very dynamic and intense scene.

5.- The average transformation time from normal mode to alt mode and vice versa is about 3 to 4 seconds.

6.- The leaked pictures are legit (although a somewhat early rendering).

7.- Filming of massive chase scenes will begin in the following weeks.

8.- The CGI transformations by ILM are looking wicked and nastier every single day.

9.- Part 1 will be about why the transformers came to earth.

10.- This movie will be a new start for the live action franchise that will not be based on any particular TF TV series and/or comic book.

As long as they keep the critical parts of what makes Transformers grand, its seems smart to create their own separate movie "universe" to play in, which so far they have been doing. Besides, if you look at the old TV series and comics, there really isn't a cohesive continuity to follow except the stuff involving Unicron or Beast Wars.

For those new to Transformers, Unicron was the planet eater from the old movie that came out in 1985 and Beast Wars was a CGI series that re-invented the Transformers where their alt modes was animals. Actually a very good series and highly recommend watching the last two seasons of the show.


Full Frontal Bumblebee and other Vehicle Pics

Today has been a good day for Transformers movie news. First the full cast announcement and now we have a view of robot mode of Bumblebee from the front along with some alt modes of various Autobots.

The first pic is an image of Bumblebee in robot mode with helpful human to help with scale. I have to admit, I can't decide if I like it or not. The detail looks slick, but I don't see the Camaro in there anywhere. Where is the hood? The car doors? Should be intriguing to see how this works not only in CGI but also with the toy line Hasbro will be releasing.

The weird gray spikey thing is theorized to be Megatron. I think its based mostly on the color but since they are still building whatever it is, the color could just be the result of the molding process. Its to early to tell what its is.

Here are the pics of the various Autobots. The black truck in the top left is Ironhide, whose backside with slick Autobot symbol engraving can be seen here. The yellow car in the bottom left is the Bumblebee. The truck in the middle is Optimus Prime, and the green Hummerish car on the right is Ratchet.

And finally a close up of Optimus Prime. I have to admit not loving the color scheme or the flames but I can live with it (not like have a choice anyway).

- The pic sources could have been posted here, here, and here in the Talkback section. Who came first? Beats me. As for why they are so small, its because they have all been posted that way and so far the original larger size pics haven't been posted.

Transformers Cast Announced: Writers Web Chat Summary

Sorry for being late in posting this, life got in the way. Without further ado, the highlights of the today's chat with the writers of the Transformers.

Autobot Cast:
Optimus Prime (known)
Bumblebee (known)
Rachet (known or at least hinted at in by Megan Fox)

Decepticon Cast:
Megatron (known)
Starscream (known)
Brawl (known)
Bonecrusher (known)
Scorponok (known)

Character descriptions:
- Mr. Orci said, "every society has that noble king. That King Arthur."
- Bumblebee is the "same underdog, same G1 character we know and love." and that despite being a Chevrolet Camaro "The clothes don't make the man." Be aware that Hasbro had approached BMW to make a Bumblebee Alternator/Binal-Tech toy but they declined as they did not want to be associated with war toys. I am betting that policy extended to the movie.
- Jazz's attitude is "can't do something with style it's not worth doing at all."
- Rachet continues to be the medic of the group but will not match is Gen One alt mode (good call, his alt mode was ugly even then).
- Ironhide remains the gutsy muscle of the group (hopefully new alt mode too) and make "any Transformer bust an O-ring just with his stare."
- Megs will be explored beyond just the usual evil, destroy this and that mentality.
- Starscream will continue to try "to best Megatron."
- Brawl is an "extremely pissed off Decepticon" and is based on other iterations of the Transformers (not sure which one) which may continue in sequels.
- Bonecrusher is basically Megatron's willing slave.
- Barricade os the Saleen Mustang police car seen here and who likes to hunt down the Autobots.
- Scorponok is closest to the Beast Wars iteration with a "little bit of flavors from the other things."
- Frenzy is the replacement Soundwave. The alt mode will be a stereo. Before you moan, remember that the goal is pseudo realism, so could you take seriouslyseriousily as some 3 foot tall Decepticon? I couldn't. Better to not do it at all if can't do it right, so good decision in my opinion.
- Blackout is the EMP guy. Has the weapons to knock out most electronic items, which of course means uh ohs for the military and the Autobots.

Q&A portion:- The writers grew with G1 so they believe they are very familiar with the Transformer universe.
- They use the toys to help figure out the words that fit the character.
- The movie does not require to audience to be familiar with the TF universe but there will be references that fans will understand.
- The ratio of characters is greater then the rumors 70% humans, 30% robots. How much greater was not indicated. Humans do have a strong part as the approach is Jurassic Park in the awe of the first interaction with sentient machines on a grand scale.
- "There is no cheating. No mass shifting." (hince why no Soundwave)
- The reason for more Decepticons then Autobots is to emphasize that in order for the Autobots to triumph, they would need to "use togetherness, unity, [and] friendship."
- The hate/hate more relationship between Megatron and Starscream will be honored.
- For weapons, in robot mode, mostly the pulse kind, in alt mode, whatever matches that mode such as missles, bullets etc.
- For voice actors, "everybody you would want to be considered is being considered."
- To close the chat, a mention was of an upcoming contest - Write a line for Optimus Prime. The site for it will be live in a few weeks and the winner will have their line spoken by Optimus.

Thanks to TFformers.com for the summary which you can read here.

Transformers Cast To Be Announced during Webcast

Transformers Official Website will have an exclusive live Q&A chat with movie writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci at 11 AM PST/ 1 PM EST Friday. The full release from the website:

We will be having an exclusive live online Q&A webcast with Alex Kurtzman & Roberto Orci - writers of The Transformers; where they will announce ALL of the Transformers appearing in the film. This is your opportunity to get answers to the questions you have all been asking.
The Q&A Webcast will take place on Friday, August 18 2006 at 11:00 AM PST. The event will be hosted on Yahoo.com and fans will have the opportunity to email their questions to Alex & Roberto who will respond live via streaming video.

As a special thank you to the members of the Transformers Boards you can ask your questions ahead of time. Send an email with either your name or forum user name, city and question to:


The link for the Q&A will be available tomorrow at 10:45AM PST from:


Hopefully I can get in on it and will post all about. If not, well I am sure I can find some websites to cannibalize from to summarize the whole deal here.

Optimus Prime 3D Pictures Confirmed

TheMovieBlog.com has reported that representatives from Paramount Pictures have confirmed that the 3-D images of Optimus Prime's arms and head are from real designs for the Aubotot leader. I assumed they where fan-made mainly but clearly wrong on that front. Not sure what that means but I do hope more information gets leaked. The Brawn segment has not been confirmed and out there somewhere is apparently a pic of Bumblebee's foot. Now I want to see the full body shot. No more appetizer (yep I am greedy).

(source)(pic source)

Optimus Prime Body Part Mock-Ups

AICN.com post the above pics, which they got from the tfw2005.com forums, who in turn apparently got them from a Don Murphy message thread. The idea is they might be actual mockups of Optimus Prime's face and arm. The below pic is a fan's mockup of what he total picture possibly might look like. I doubt any of it is real. More then likely its all fan made designs using existing leaked information (the colors and fire streaks) but I noticed doesn't really add anything new. Any case they are fun pics and help give an idea of what might be coming. Below is also something that may (but probably not) from an aspect of Brawn.

Longer Access Hollywood Piece and November Trailer?

Seibertron.com has posted up a few pieces of news today about Transformers. The main event is a fairly long 4 and a half minute piece showing Michael Bay directing Shia LaBeouf as he is trying to escape a Transformers claw. Its also shows a little footage of Bay directing Shia and Megan Fox. No spoilers really, just a hint of some of what is planned involving the human cast.

The footage is here.

The other piece of news is Michael Bay's official site, ShootforTheEdit.com, the site admin Nelson indicated "...come November people will be forgetting the Mars Rover announcement", indicating that the plan is to release the trailer for Transformers in November. This of course assumes the special effects etc can be finished and prepped by then. Be a close schedule to keep but doable depending on what the plan is to (or not) reveal. My guess is if they are going to do that, then James Bond's Casino Royale will be the film its attached to.

The thread is in regards to the Paramount fan-made teaser trailer and how people think it should be used for the next trailer. I can't disagree with that notion and feel free to share your opinion about the trailer here.


Bay Reveals Sequel Hopes in MTV Interview

MTV has posted a little behind the scenes bit for Transformers. The involves brief blurbs from the majority of the Transformers cast and director Michael Bay. No new animatics where revealed but some information was shared.

- 6 million hits in 8 hours when the trailer was first released a month ago.
- Usual "I am so excited to be doing this" type sound bites.
- Megan Fox, showing some lovely cleavage, reveals that Megatron is a "scary dude" and "Rachet, who is the nurse". I guess with the red cross, it could be confused with nurses since they typically wear those symbols more often then docs. I assumes she is referring to the movie but for some reason I think she is talking more about the cartoon.
- Shia LeBeouf declared that Starscream is his favorite and that "He is the sickest jet ever seen."

Probably the biggest bit comes at the end when Michael Bay revealed some possible long term expectations for the newly minted movie Franchise. In regards to what old favorites Transformers might see, Michael Bay says "We have added a few new ones. We got a lot of the old favorites and we will see a lot more on 2 and 3. The only ones who know [that will be in the movie] is me and the CEO of Hasbro. The actors don't know. But there are still a lot of great stuff. The transformations are awesome."

So there you go, nothing in the spoiler department, but a little reveal of the long term potential that Paramount has for the franchise. Sounds like a plan we can all get behind.

To see the video, click here. Its the second story for the "Idol, Korn, Pokemon, Transformers" video.

Pic above is Megan Fox. I freely admit to choosing the most cheesecake shot of the piece cause, well, look at her.

Access Hollywood Transformers Clip

AccessHollywood.com has a about a 1 and a half minute video clip online that shows a brief interview with Michael Bay. Its provided a brief explanation of what the Transformers are, shows a little filming of an attack sequence involving Shia LaBeouf, vehicle mode Bumblebee, and a construction arm. Its also has a mostly covered up, hard to tell animatic of a Transformer. I can't tell what it shows but then that's probably why it was okayed to a brief display of it.

The clip is here.

AICN also reports about the clip and extracted just the animatic sequence from the piece at a larger size which you can find here.


Transformers vs Die Hard IV in 2007

20th Century Fox has announced that a sequel to the Die Hard franchise will be released on July 29th 2007, just five days before Transformers plans to take it bow. The movie, titled "Live Free or Die Hard" stars Bruce Willis and is directed by Len Wiseman (Underworld).

The plot is retired John McClane must stop terrorists from disrupting the countries computer intrastructure over the course of three days, with the July 4th holiday being a component of the story.

This is probably bad news for Transformers producers who, until now, had virtually no competition for their release date, especially after the Fantastic Four sequel caved a few weeks earlier and bumped their desired release date to a few weeks after.

for these expensive "tent-pole" films, usually the companies like to only have one per 7 day period whenever possible. We already saw this year with the July 28th release of Superman Returns followed by July 4th release of Pirates of the Caribbean, that the market can bear to huge releases in the same one week period, but one does have to wonder that if those two titans hadn't gone head to head, how much more money would each have made? In this case, Pirates won the fight hands down, but that doesn't mean that could happen next year. I doubt neither Fox nor Paramount will blink first. I think that Fox will decide to release Die Hard 4 on Wednesday 7/27/06 just to squeeze a few more buck out before Transformers drops the following Wednesday. Next year should be an interesting fight for box office supremacy.


NEW Transformers Teaser Trailer

JesterJJZ over at Don Murphy's message board has gone all multimedia for us fans by posting up his fan-made Transformers teaser trailer.

Jester's post:
Alrighty...This is something that's been in the works for a long time...just never got around to finishing it. Initially I wanted this to come out right before the actual teaser was supposed to be released, but since they blew it and launched early, well that kinda put plans on hold. So with a bit of re-tweaking, I give you what the teaser should have been and how the actual film should start.

Special thanks to Tasty Crisp for his awesome Ark model and animation. A nod to Raymond T. for help with the Cullen sample.

Its completely different then the officially released version, and he has three versions that have subtle differences in each. One is the straight up trailer, the second as a nice voice treat at the end, and the last uses the Transformers title sequence from the trailer released in theatres.

Description of the second version:
The posted teaser opens with a hilarious version of the "The following preview..." card. It then changes to what at first seems like the usual Dreamworks moon. Except look closer. As the screenshot to the left shows, damn if that doesn't look exactly like the TF: The Movie version of Cybertron in some CGI glory. This is then followed up with the familiar Paramount clouds and stars rushing at the camera. Wait, check out the first two "stars". Sweet! The Paramount logo finishes its star arc, formation, Viacom bit, and then you get a shimmy followed by the Arc smashing into the paramount mountain. This is then followed by title "Transformers" which switches to 7/4/07, with the dates separations changing to the Autobot and Decepticon logos. Oh and listen to the music, some of those chords should rings some bells. At the very end, well listen for yourself.

I love this trailer. Its all geeked out for us Transformers fans. I would love to see it in a theater. Having said that, I think the previously released trailer, while not as great, probably worked better for the average laymen who wouldn't recognize Cybertron, the faction insignias, and so forth.

Still, please, Don Murphy and powers-that-be, release that trailer in some big screen glory. It really deserves it as the person did an excellent job on this. Maybe incorporate it in the next trailer that gets released.

Also with the links to the trailers is something called "Anatomy of an Ark Crash". All it needs is some music ala the Superman Returns behind the scenes bits from AICN to complete its coolness. It shows that even for just a quick 5 second part of a teaser, just how much work, tweaks, experimenting, planning and effort can go into CGI to give it that final wow factor.

Click here to enjoy the all the other goodies including mp3 of the music.

If only want a quick drive by on YouTube: trailer and Anatomy of an Ark Crash.

JesterJJZ's website is here.

- Thanks Shan for providing the link.
At this point wish was good at photoshop so could use some up that stuff on this site.

Update: Made changes to remove the seemingly official aspects and credit to Don. Its my understanding that this trailer is fan made by JesterJJZ over on Don Murphy's website and is not an official release from Paramount, Dreamworks, Don Murphy or any of the cast and crew of the movie. My apologies for giving any wrong impressions. Either way, impressive job (and someone might want to think about giving him one for the movie).

Another CG Optimus Prime Demo

YouTube.com has another demo of Optimus Prime's upper body transforming from the Peterbilt truck that may be used for the movie. As the picture show, its not very detailed and pretty basic. Its also clearly fan made, but still these are fun to see.

The demo is here.
The OP/Ultra Magnus Fan made clip that is really sweet is here.
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