Random Thoughts While Reading Transformers Script

There are more spoilers here. I comment on what I thought while reading the entire script, its all rough and random, will write a more formal writeup later. Its generally cryptic so doesn't reveal everything but there are spoilers a plenty. Its in "invisio-text" so highlight it, as if doing a cut and paste, to read it.

Script progression, more or less:
1897 Artic discovery by a Witwicky ancestor > Vortex attack in the desert > introduce the human heroes and their situations > Soundwave (now Frenzy) on Air Force One > Bumblebee/Sam stuff > Scorponok attack > little plot development > Brawl on the hunt > Bumbleebee vs Brawl and Sam vs Frenzy > Introduction of the Autobots > a TF history lesson > Searching for some glasses > blackout > Bumblebee captured > preview trailer in context > Decepticons move out > Area 52 > Megatron and the Cube revealed > Decepticons Attack > Autobots (& Humans) vs Decepticons or Michael Bay making many things go boom > Optimus Prime vs Megatron > Defeat > Home

Lose some of the forced humor ("4.) Get female passenger. That one, he circles.") its either comes naturally or don't bother. In case the line works, the emphasis not so much.

Maggie - suffers from vomiting of the mouth
Sam Witwicky - cocky smartass...without any reason to be a cocky smartass. Basically a role that apparently was written with Shia in mind cause definitily see him and those words. Very similar to his role in Hellblazer, Battle of Shaker Heights, Holes, and ...you get the idea.

Great grandfather's glasses somehow become a family hierloom that Sam decides to sell on eBay. Yeah a family keeps something for over a hundred years and suddenly decides...eh lets eBay it. To bad this point is critical to moving forward in the story so the audience either better not notice it or just shrug it off and move on.

The Witwicky family moments read as too cute. I don't know, the actors might pull it off, but on the page it creates an inclination to smirk and roll your eyes.

Few little remarks that will date the movie such as mentions of American Idols and the like. Sure American Idol is "current" now, but what if next it tanks or in a few it gets cancelled. Why date a movie that quick if don't have to.

The use of Bumblebee and the radio...nice touch and if going to use a famous slogan no harm in using it to help land the girl.

Solid attempt and making creative transitions from scene to scene. I am a fan of that kind of creative thinking even though realize it can be a total pain in the rear to deal with and keep. Be surprised if any half of em make it to the final cut.

One character makes quite a leap in logic to suddenly decide that sentient machines may exist. An unneeded leap of logic considering the actions of the Transformers should make it obvious to the audience.

Considering what happens with Frenzy probably a good thing the name was changed, otherwise fandom would have been pissed.

Clearly the writers are fans of Beast Wars between the use of Scorponok, "trans-scanning" (how the beast forms chosen in the CGI series), and the use of "sparks" (think lifeforce or souls in tangible form)

Comedic beats...good for the movie and a distraction that takes away from the film?

(FYI, the inner geek in me reads "Praxus" I think Star Trek VI and the exploding moon opening sequence.)

Megatron and Optimus Prime...brothers? Hmmm after digesting this idea, me likes if done well.

I just can't go with the name of "The Energon Cube", its just too strange, even ignoring its more common usage in the cartoons (basically a gasoline can). Any name would be better, like many "the Matrix" would be good, but really try out some other ideas cause "The Energon Cube" does not sound like a source of supreme power.

Hmm Megatron as a spark vampire (shades of Machine Wars). Not sure liking, depends on how its used does allow effective way to scream "evil" without having to go through a tons of gyrations to prove it.

Side note, Optimus Prime is a leader of a planet, so he should get a hint faster then most. Why Sam searches for the code, might be a good idea to switch Optimus with different character if doing the scene as is cause it makes him look slow on the uptake.

Tranformers have a language, a "sonic burst of percussive language." Alien planet, sentient robots, makes sense. Be interesting to see what the sound mixers create.

Uh how did Sam learn the sentient robot race is called Transformers? (I guess the implication is he is making it up on the spot.)

Slick, instead of our technology leaps coming from Area 51 Roswell crash...it came from Megatron.

Why now? Its not really explained how Megatron made it to earth in the 1800s and why its takes over a 100 years before the Transformers make the next move. What's the trigger?

That's where the Transforming iPod rumor comes from. I hope they keep it, if for no other reason then I love to buy a toy version of it.

Megatron as a jet. Its just scream power like a big old tank barrel or the like does. At least its explained, Megs was entombed before could "trans-scan" and alter form.

... and that's where the X-Box 360 rumors came from. I am all for product placement if means a sweet Transformer toys comes out of it. Before moan, remember that the TFs where all about real world objects turning into robots. I think an iPod and 360 qualify for that.

Damn, what Megs does to -- ...that's going to be sweet!

Ouch on paper the football analogy reads as corny. Have to see how its works out on film to see if it works or not.

When did Megatron have time to learn English? And why not more of him? I guess with the good villains you have to leave the audience wanting more.

Overall, I have to say I am looking forward to the film. A little to much human in it but that's to be expected. Like many I just want to see many things go boom and robot on robot butt whippings.

A "die-cast metal, its a lost art" moment as a Decepticon goes down a little to easily. Just one shot?

What giveth can taketh away? Need more Optimus v Megatron is what I am saying.

Overall, a very interesting read. The movie seems exciting, some of the humor forced, and in many cases , I can see why certain people where cast. Having seen previous work, their "voices" do seem to register correctly with their characters, well in most cases anyway. I wouldn't mind less human and more robot action, but its the first movie. Have to do the origin bit.


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