Update from Don Murphy

Transformers Producer Don Murphy posted another missive on his forums Sunday. No real news is reported except to confirm wrap of shooting and that the leaked Megatron design is not confirmed as final:

The Sunday Posting

In Which I Ramble

You know- no one from the production ever confirmed anything that was leaked to Ain’t It Shit News. So it may have been actual photos or it may not have been. The bad poet Diabetes has reported on here that Megatron’s head will be changed. From what? Did we ever release an official pic of Megs? No sir we didn’t. I CAN tell you that Megs’ head will not look like he did in the leaked pics. This was done solely because of the leader of Seibertron.com’s delicate work on the process. He is so revered throughout fandom, Hollywood and the world that we decided to make the change. It was NOT because we were trying to make the fans happy. NO SIREE.

Last week Susan and I went to the party for the premiere of TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE- THE BEGINNING which Michael Bay Executive Produced. They held it at what used to be the coolest, best restaurant in Southern California, Le Deux. Susan and I loved the quiet French Courtyard and the tasty food. It closed close to three years ago. The new place is owned by Ashton Kutcher. I think HE got punked. It is now a nightclubbery shithole with frozen pizza and overpriced liquor. That’s the trend in the world today. Great place turns to shithole with shocking regularity.

The wrap part was on Wednesday for Transformers and it was nice to see the cast and crew together for one last time. It was held at yet ANOTHER Hollywood club, and Michael was there feeling pretty good, Shia was there with his pals and everyone had a nice time. I’m really looking forward to the next trailer- the haters will be silenced once and for all.

I’ve got two cool news stories about NEW films that should pop this week. I hope you guys are well. We’ve been having fun with this experiment and it will only continue to be interesting.

Hang tight Stooges, Hang Tight!
The first paragraph regarding Megatron's head, is referring to a poem by Diabetes (see below) regarding a re-design of Megatron's head spearheaded by Murphy. Odd little poem, worth reading, but considering its been known for a while that none of the leaked pictures have been confirmed as final design, I am not suprised that some tweaks are in the works.

The poem:
Congrats to Whiny Murph
He hasn't staked his turf
But on Wed nite there was
A wrap party becuz
And what did young me find
But a good source to unwind
And I learned that Meg's head is changin'
And it's Murphy did the arranging!

Good work. Now do the rest of our bidding.

I am Hollywood Diabetes and I am a lineman for the county

With reply from don Murphy:
Hey Rhyming Simon---- don't reveal shit till I say it is so



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