Pics of CGI Version of Jazz has posted images of a series of "I Can Read!" books that show an image of Jazz including one with his famed visor. The pictures are oddly over-posed to the point of silly but at least gives an idea of what Jazz is going to look like.

New Pics of Voyager Class Ironhide

"Megatroptimus" has posted two pages worth of pics over at TFW2005 that covers the transformation of Voyager class Ironhide. Based on the pics, this is looking like a toy that might be worth getting and seems like a good representation of the movie version. I still can't tell well the "automorph technology" comes in. Thanks to Daniel S for the link.

The pics and info start here and second page here.

Transformers Movie Novel and Avengers Crossover Announced

At the New York Comic-Con some additional information was released in regards to publishing plans for Transformers. The first is information on the planed prequel novel for the Transformers move called "Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday by Alan Dean Foster. The novel covers the discovery of Megatron in the Artic and what I presume is Sector 7 sending out a manned craft named Ghost 1 to find Cybertron.

The second announcement, not related to the movie but riding on its coattails, is the comic book New Avengers/Transformers 4 issue mini-series that has the G1 Transformers from IDW's line meet up with the New Avenger from Marvel Comics. The comic will be written by Stuart Moore with art by Tyler Kirkman. The storyline is out of continuity that pretends that Transformers have existed in secret on the Marvel Universe's Earth but forced out in the open due to a war that breaks out between Symkaria and Latveria (Fantastic Four's Dr. Doom country). The first issue is expected to be out around July 4th.

Tranformers Movie Bay, Gibson and DeSanto Interviews took advantage of the General Motors Oscar Party to score some video interviews with Transformers Director Michael Bay, Producer Tom DeSanto, and star Tyrese Gibson.

The main piece of information of note is that Bay indicated that the announcement for the voice of Megatron and the casting in general. Bay said it "is getting down to the wire...some of [the cast] will be unknowns because we tweak them out alot." By tweak I think adding, warping, whatever to make the voices more otherworldly. The sound effects are being done by the same folks that did Peter Jackson's King Kong.

Adding fuel to the speculation is an insider for the site indicated that Welker was cast in the movie, but not as Megatron, something that 71 year old Welker didn't confirm or deny on his official website, "As of this moment, to my knowledge, they have not cast Megatron and I am still very much in the running."

Tom DeSanto was asked if rumor regarding if Tom Kenny was voicing Starscream in the movie. Tom will be Starscream for the upcoming animated series "Transformers: Heroes", but Tom DeSanto didn't confirm or deny the rumor. DeSanto was very pleased with fan reaction to the footage shown at Toyfair. Future reveal plans include possibly Wondercon and ShoWest. In regards to Welker and Megatron "plans are inching forward....think fans will be happy." Slightly out of context but basically the idea is still wide open for Welker to reprise his role. In unrelated TF news, DeSanto also said working on a City of Heroes movie and adapting the Splitting Infinity book. The cartoon will be its own universe, set in the future that isn't related to the movie.

Tyrese didn't add any new info, just warned to summer movie competition to steer clear as "Transformers will take over the summer" and that there is no forward movement on the Luke Cage movie.

Click name below for video of each interview:
Michael Bay - Director
Tom DeSanto - Producer
Tyrese Gibson - Master Sgt. Epps

Transformers and GM Form Partnership

In a slick little advertising stunt General Motors hosted its sixth annual pre-Oscar fashion show at Paramount Pictures and used the moment to announce "Power Partnership" with Transformers movie and Hasbro and also used the moment to introduce 4 new "movie stars". The "stars" in question being the 4 GM vehicles being used by the Transformers movie - Chevrolet Camaro (Bumblebee), Pontiac Solstice (Jazz), Hummer H2 (Ratchet), and TopKick (Ironhide).

"The first time I saw the new Camaro, while touring the GM Design Center, I knew immediately that it would be the perfect 'Bumblebee,'" said Michael Bay, the film's director. He continued, "It's got beautiful lines and a classic, timeless look. There were no other cars that came even close. I have had a great working relationship with GM for many years and am psyched to be working with them on 'Transformers.'" GM said they plan a marketing campaign that will tie in closely with the movie.

I am actually surprised it took this long for GM to do anything official in regards to the movie but the timing is smart with all the Oscar coverage that is currently going on. Personally, if money wasn't an issue, I wouldn't mind owning the Pontiac Solstice because it is a slick looking car. For curiosity's sake also wouldn't mind knowing what, if any, impact the movie has on sales. Will people really look at Jazz transforming and go "I want to buy that car!". GM is hoping they will. With luck, there might be a pre-movie and post movie sales report online at some point in the future to compare the impact. Thanks to toyrevil for the link. also has video coverage of the cars here.

Transformers Movie Prequel Comics Interviews

Wizard spoke with Simon Furman, TF writer extraordinaire of 20 years about "Transformers: The Movie Prequel", the first issue of which will be out in stores tomorrow. The main thrust of the story will be two explain the events how the Allspark gets to earth and how Megatron and later the rest of the Transformers come to Earth along with the creation of the Sector 7 agency created to hunt down and destroy the TFs. The story opens in the middle of the Cybertronian War and mostly follows the point of view of Bumblebee who also seems to have eyes for Arcee (betting she dies in the series). The mini-series intends to align up with movie events so when read the comics and later see the movie, know what was going on.

The entire interview can be found here.

Various Movie Related Toy Pics

The toy pics keep hitting the web (sigh but sadly no movie pics), most of them we have seen before but a few are new.

Voyager class Blackout - Still one of the best movie related toys
Cyber Slammers Bumblebee - I guess for the toddler set, not really sure.
Cyber Slammers Barricade - Ditto
Optimus and Bumblebee Articulated Key Chains - Don't know if I would want to cart one of these around though.
Target Exclusive 4 Pack - contains Cybertron and Movie version of Optimus and Megatron. I can't tell for sure, but I think its the smaller $4 or $5 version of each that you can find at Toys R Us.
Real Gear Spy Shot Gallery

MTV Transformers Interview With Michael Bay has posted a three part interview covering the development of the Transformers film. Go here to see the video.

The highlights:
- 80mph Transformations
- Many visual spoilers will not be used in the advertisements for the movie, "leave a lot of it hidden...until the release"
- A fan hacked Bay's computer to get a copy of the script
- The original boxy design simply looked fake, adding the complex transformations, and many parts, etc was to make it look more real.
- Optimus Prime paint job is to get a ribbed look to OP in robot mode.
- Wants to make sure the CGI looks real and so shoots as much as possible real and then adds elements. Example: stunt to jackknife a bus and split it. The action itself was real, robot added (can see seconds of it in the trailer).
- Ironhide's gun alone has 10,000 parts.
- Not aiming to just get "named" actors for the voices (hope for Welker?).
- Sequel would go bigger and try to add other Transformers into the next film.
- Film cost was $150 million.
- Transformers is Bay's 7th movie.
- Not closed to idea of a Bad Boys sequel (tossing in for giggles).

As far as interviews go with the movie creators, that was probably the most informative yet. No spoilers but still had actual information. Nice change of pace.

Optimus Prime: Celebrity Endorser

In what can only be a sign of the wave of attention that is about to come for Transformers, the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) chose Optimus Prime as a celebrity endorser for its literacy campaign to promote reading newspaper. Considering the hit in circulation newspapers have been taking nationwide, this strikes me less as a literacy campaign and more as a push to try and increase the sells of papers, but minor quibble. Still neat to see Prime being used in such a fashion and excellent use of Masterpiece Optimus Prime toy for the campaign. Click here to get various sized wallpaper of newspaper reading Prime.

Toyfair 2007 Transformers Movie Sneak Peek

Tonight at the New York Toyfair, Hasbro, Paramount and Dreamworks sponsored a special sneak peak of select footage from Transformers. Based on the below description from, it appears there is still lots of post-production work to be done but things are looking pretty good so far. Also if your one of the few that got to read the script draft from last year, its pretty clear that draft was pretty darn close to the shooting script.

Below is the TFW2005's writeup and another write-up from ENews here:
At a Hasbro, Paramount and Dreamworks sponsored event, about 20 minutes of Transformers Movie footage was shown. Some of it appeared to be finished, while some scenes were just shown using base polygon models for the Transformers. The event was mainly studio big wigs all decked out in suits. A few TF fan sites were in attendance.

MAJOR SPOILERS ABOUND! You have been warned. Here is a breakdown:

- The first scene shown was Blackout attacking the military base. A much longer transformation scene is shown. The original transformation sound can be heard quite clearly. The entire crowd breaks into applause while this is happening. After transforming, Blackout proceeds to destroy the base using an EMP, to take out the electrical equipment and brute force. Crowd goes wild.

- Next is a scene with Sam trying to hit on Mikala. As her boyfriend and jocks tease Sam, Mikala gets mad and walks away. Sam offers her a ride in the 70's Camaro Bumblebee. Bumblebee has an air freshener that is a cartoony bumblebee (the insect) with the term B-otch. Bumblebee uses his radio to try and help Sam out, playing romantic music, etc. The car breaks down at a romantic spot, Mikala looks at the engine, which is very advanced. She gets fed up with the whole night and goes to leave. Bumblebee magically is fixed, starts up and plays music so she does not leave. Very comedic, crowd laughed a lot.

- Then they show a scene where Prime is driving with the Autobots tailing him. They pull up to Sam's house. Sam runs in to find something (glasses showing the location of the Allspark). Autobots hide in back yard, in robot mode. Tony said the animatics looked amazing, very animated and showing great emotion. As Sam tries to distract his Dad from going outside, Bumblebee tries to keep the Autobots quiet. Sam goes into his room, talks out the window to Optimus Prime. Cullen's voice is heard. Much deeper voice than he used on G1 Prime.

- Optimus Prime has a mouth in non-battle mode. Many people seemed thrown off, will take getting use to.

- Ratchet backs into power lines and shorts himself out. In the original script this was supposed to be Jazz. Autobots try to transform into vehicles and hide, but they are still in yard. Sector 7 guys show up and take Sam and Mikala away. Played more comical than serious. John Turturro leads the Sector 7 group. Some of these scenes had the Autobots as very early polygon renders.

- The lights go out, but before people can leave, they ask if they want one more scene. Crowd goes nuts. They show the scene where Scorponok is chasing the soldiers. Lots of crazy action. Some comedy thrown in as well. Air strike comes in and throws everything they have at Scorpronok. He is not killed, but damaged and jumps intop sand and retreats.

- End of event.

Tony said the whole thing looked amazing. He was a very skeptical fan leaning towards not liking the direction of the film. He was very pleased with what he saw. Said the Transformers all look phenomenal in motion and the trailer showed nothing compered to the movement and emotion the characters display. There were some known movie detractors in the audience who flipped out. Loud applause and cheering heard throughout the event.

Small gallery of the outside of the event can be seen by clicking

We would like to thank Hasbro, Paramount, and Dreamworks for allowing TFW2005 to attend the event.
Thanks to Maximus for the link.
AICN has posted a report of the same sneak peak event here.

Voyager Class Ironhide Pics on EBay

An eBay action has more pics of the Voyager class of Ironhide. Personally this is shaping up to be my favorite Transformer toy seen so far. You can find more pics here. Thanks to Matt for the links to auctions.

Voyager Class Blackout on EBay

More pics of the Voyager class for Blackout have popped up on an action on eBay. Here is one of the pics, the rest can be found here.

Movie Transformers USA Today Article

USA Today had an article on the Transformers movie currently in post-production. Nothing new is revealed other then a claim of hoax images confusing online Transfans (new to me). The article indicates that the studio will reveal more about the movie including images at the New York Toyfair that runs until the 14th.

The article:
Final shape of 'Transformers' makes debut today
Posted 2/12/2007 10:09 PM ET
By Anthony Breznican, USA TODAY

The motto of the Transformers has always been "more than meets the eye," but director Michael Bay wishes less had met the eye of sci-fi fans over the past year as raw images of his shape-shifting robots leaked online.
The appearance of each new vehicle or robot — sometimes mixed with hoax images — sparks furious debate among devotees of the pop-culture touchstone of 1980s childhood, and it has put Bay and studio DreamWorks on the defensive before their characters are truly ready for their close-ups.

Today, coinciding with the annual Toy Fair in New York, the studio plans an official debut of scenes and characters from the movie, in theaters July 4.

The leaked images have raised the bar for DreamWorks to impress those who think they've already seen it all.

In some ways, it's a high-end problem: What studio would not want people to be so curious about a film that they're breaking down firewalls to see parts of it?

"We're trying to protect the surprise. And you like to be judged on the final product," producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura says. "Ultimately, it's fantastic that they care this much. And it forces us to ask ourselves every single question going into it, because you don't want to disappoint."

Di Bonaventura and Bay say art department computers registered thousands of hack attacks during the production. "Someone hacked into my own personal computer and got my script," Bay says. "We know that because it had some of my changes on it. Isn't that insane?"

In another major reveal, the yellow vehicle Bumblebee was showcased online in the early days of the shoot last year, and some purists slammed Bay for changing the character from a Volkswagen Beetle to a sportier Chevrolet Camaro.

Photos of a full-scale mockup of Bumblebee in robot form, apparently snapped by a crewmember, were met with greater approval. Says Bay: "They took big pictures of it and put it on the Internet, and everybody thought it looked cool. But I was like, 'That is not what he looks like' because we couldn't do all the fine detail (on the stand-in)."

Though the leaks sometimes got ahead of the movie's marketing plan, they may have only created more curiosity about the Transformers movie, which is being executive-produced by Steven Spielberg.

Ryan Yzquierdo, 30, of Chicago, features some of the early shots on his Transformers fansite, and says he is optimistic about the movie and liked the script, though some of the character designs disappointed him.

"But my family and friends who aren't Transformers fans love the new designs and think they're awesome," he says. "So maybe I'm wrong."

ToyFair 2007 Transformers Movie Reveal

The New York 2007 Toyfair officially began today and the news is coming out about many of the plans for the Tranformers movie toyline. Of note are the first pics of Ultimate Bumblebee, Leader class Optimus Prime in pack and the Star Wars Death Star Vader TF (not movie related but too cool not to mention).

Other galleries found on some major TF websites:
TFW2005 Main Gallery - Thanks for the link "toysrevil"
Seibertron Main Toyfair TF Gallery - over hundred pictures

Ultimate Bumblebee - here, here and here
Various Optimus Prime Based Toy Images - here
Transformer Mugs, Busts, and various accessories - here
Corgi Statue Designs and other images - here
Transformers Shirt Images - here
Bumblebee Unleashed - here
Star Wars Transformers - here and here
TF Attactix and Titaniums - here
TF Alternator Ravage - here
TF Art Asylum Busts - here
Various non-Transformers related galleries - here, and here

Video from Toyfair - Plenty of video covering Transformers along with what appears is plans for a Megatron Voice Changer toy.

Even with the $90 price tag for Ultimate Bumblebee that toy is looking so sweet may have to give in. Optimus Prime is also starting to look better and better and you can't be a TF and Star Wars fan without getting a Transformable Death Star. Overall, its looking like the next year or two in Transformers will be a wallet busting fun for Transfans new and old.

If you find other galleries, be sure to post them in the comments.

Transformers Chess Set Gallery is here.

Movie Tranformers Fast Action Battlers on Ebay

eBay has multiple auctions of some of the Fast Action Battler toys in package and plenty of pics. Below are just a sample of those pics. To find more click one of the following: Ironhide, Jazz, Starscream, Optimus Prime. Thanks to site reader Matt for the find.

Stealth Bomber; Megatron's Earth Mode?

IGN recently had a few articles about the upcoming Transformers: The Game that will be coming out around the time of the movie. The article describes an early look at the game and its various features. It also included an interesting note in regards to Megatron indicating that his earth mode is a stealth bomber which is the first I had heard this. Before the its was always described as a secret never seen military plane called "The Razor". The quote, emphasis mine:
Since the game is still in development we weren't able to enjoy any of the more vehicle-specific missions, such as air combat with Starscream and Megatron (who, by the way, is a stealth bomber if you aren't up to speed in the new Transformers) or rampage driving missions with Optimus, utilizing real transform and roll out action.
This is the first "official" confirmation on what Megatron's Earth Mode might be. Now keep in mind that its already known that Megatron would have a plane mode of some sort so its possible the game designers just created a temporary skin for testing and demoing purposes and will "correct" the skin closer to release time. (image source)

Transformers Movie Related Video Game Info

IGN has put up an article that covers some of the info about the upcoming video game that is coming out for the Transformers movie. The game is being released by Activision but developed by Traveller's Tales studio for the PC, PS2, PS3, Wii, and XBox 360 with the PSP and Nintendo DS getting games later in the year. Traveller's also worked on the Lego Star Wars game so there is a good rep there.

Between a early preview look and interview with Andy Burrows of Traveller's Tales, a few details have come out.
- Two separate campaigns, one for Decepticons and one for the Autobots.
- The game story is an expanded re-telling of the movie's storyline.
- Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Bumblebee, and Ironhide confirmed as playable characters with more unannounced, each having special skills and abilities.
- All characters can transform at anytime.
- Environments will be fully destructible and elements can be used as weapons.
- Games play attempts to use the transformations as a useful tool in game play rather then an add-on.
- Game will have characters not in the movie but pay homage to G1 TFs. No mention if those would be playable.
- No playable humans, but some do show up probably to help advance the story.
- Game designers are hoping to use the movie voice talent in the film but didn't confirm if they where able to or not.
- Game layout is similar to GTA or True Crime with one large level with points to show destination, enemies, and objectives.
- Includes a good/evil meter to encourage good or evil behavior depending on chosen faction.
- Decepticon cronies look similar to G1 Shockwave but could change.
- More details may come out during the New York ToyFare.

Thanks Maximus for the link.

Fantastic Transformers Ironhide CGI Image

An amazing CGI image of Ironhide showed up along with Frenzy from Emerald Twilight on the TFW2005 boards. This is a Transformer I truly like as his entire design just looks fantastic and he has that bulk and strength that has always been inferred by the original G1 incarnation of Ironhide. While the G1 toy never had that bulk, I don't think that will be a problem with this movie version. Overall this is the best sneak peak pic released yet.

Another CGI Frenzy Pose

Another rendering of Frenzy has appeared online. Its a better shot that shows more detail then the previous image but still clueless on what that alt mode is. CD player or boombox are some readers guesses and they good as any others online. Thanks for the link Maximus.


CGI Finalized Megatron Head In Normal And Battle Modes

"Emerald Twilight" over on the TFW2005 boards have posted a nice pic that shows the finalized version of Megatron's head in normal and battle mode. I am still not a fan of Megatron as a complete Transformer but aspects of his design are not that bad. The face definitely has that menacing look that Megatron of old never had. The menace was always in the voice but not in the look.

Update: Site reader Joe P emailed me a photoship pic that allows easy comparison between the above face pics and previousily leaked pics. Thanks Joe.

ToyFare Interview With Hasbro's Greg Lombardo

Toyfare has posted up an article with Hasbro's Director of Marketing Greg Lombardo that discusses the various plans for the Transformers movie toys. Vague on details but at least it has some of the best pics yet of the Leader version of Optimus Prime.

- The shelf date is June 2.
- Wave one for each class
* Deluxe class ($9.99) will be Bumblebee, Jazz, Scorponok, Barricade, Brawl, and Wreckage.
* Voyager class ($19.99) will be Blackout and Ratchet.
* Leader class ($39.99) will be Optimus Prime at first with Megatron to follow at unknown time later.
- Some toys will be released that where in drafts of the movie development but not used. Wreckage might be an example of that.
- An "Unleashed" Transfomers line is planned (like the Star Wars line) along with retailer exclusives.
- Currently no human toys but might happen later.
- "Can't comment" when asked if Prime would have a trailer.

The entire article is here.

Hasbro Press Release: Toy Line and Prices

Hasbro continues the stream of pre-Toyfair press releases with news about the various lines of movie related Transformers toys coming out starting now with the Protoforms and continuing to gain steam until the full push on June 2, 2007. Of note is the Ultimate Bumblebee ($89.99), the price point for the deluxe line ($9.99), Voyager ($19.99), and Leader ($39.99) lines. See below for Leader Optimus Prime. Also games and the like are being released with a Transformers edition of Risk ($24.99), Chess Set ($29.99), and Puzzle ($15.99). Surprised no Monopoly edition yet. I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg for the toy blitz that is coming.

The press release:


Hasbro teams up with DreamWorks and Paramount for first-ever live-action TRANSFORMERS feature film release on July 4, 2007

Pawtucket, RI (February 2007) - On July 4, 2007, the colossal battle between the AUTOBOTS and the DECEPTICONS will invade our world when these aliens make Earth their final battleground in the live-action TRANSFORMERS movie. Produced by DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures, in association with Hasbro, the film is poised to catapult the legendary characters and storyline -- which have captivated kids since they debuted more than 20 years ago -- even higher into the stratosphere of pop culture.

First introduced in 1984 by Hasbro and Takara as a toy line, TRANSFORMERS has become a global phenomenon inspiring comic books, video games, animated series, films and a convention dedicated to TRANSFORMERS collectors. Whether fans grew up with the robots or discovered them more recently, they continue to be fascinated by the alien robots from CYBERTRON that live on earth as “Robots in Disguise” and have the ability to change from robot mode to vehicle mode.

The movie, directed by Michael Bay (Armageddon, The Rock, Bad Boys I and II) and executive produced by Steven Spielberg, follows the epic feud between the AUTOBOTS (led by OPTIMUS PRIME) and the DECEPTICONS (led by MEGATRON) as they bring their battle to Earth. In their efforts to help the humans, the AUTOBOTS meet up with an unsuspecting teen (Shia LaBeouf, who starred in Holes and Even Stevens) who finds himself in the middle of an intergalactic war being fought on our planet. The movie also stars Josh Duhamel (Las Vegas), Tyrese Gibson (Annapolis, 2 Fast 2 Furious), Megan Fox (Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen), John Turturro and Jon Voight.

“Hasbro is thrilled to work with DreamWorks, Paramount and Michael Bay in making the most amazing, larger-than-life version of the TRANSFORMERS saga ever created,” said Brian Goldner, Hasbro’s Chief Executive Officer and Executive Producer of the film. “Michael, Steven and the production crew have captured the personality of the TRANSFORMERS characters through ground-breaking visual effects and they have translated the storyline into a film packed with non-stop action and excitement.”

To bring the action and adventure into kids’ homes, Hasbro will be releasing a new lineup of toys and games based on the characters and styling of the movie. From the OPTIMUS PRIME VOICE CHANGER HELMET to the ULTIMATE BUMBLEBEE figure, TRANSFORMERS fans of all ages will find something that will help them experience the excitement of the movie.

The TRANSFORMERS 2007 line includes the following:

(Approximate Retail Price: $89.99; Ages: 5 & up; Available: Fall 2007)
Fans of TRANSFORMERS will love seeing BUMBLEBEE come to life on the big screen and this fall, they can experience the ULTIMATE BUMBLEBEE action figure, which is among the most realistic and technical TRANSFORMERS toys ever. The impressively styled Chevrolet Camaro Concept car changes into the beloved AUTOBOTS character, which stands an imposing 14 inches tall. BUMBLEE will “come to life” with robot animatronics action in both car and robot modes. Working headlights, battle sounds, and music, including Devo’s “Whip It”, all add to the interactive experience.

(Approximate Retail Price: $9.99 - $19.99; Ages: 5 & up; Available: June 2007)
The fun and excitement of 2007’s live-action film is placed in kids’ hands with the all-new TRANSFORMERS MOVIE action figures. Not only do the figures feature the authentic TRANSFORMERS action that enables all figures to change from vehicle mode to robot mode, but they also feature new “Automorph Technology” that will allow some parts to “automatically” move. Each figure also includes other action features like firing projectiles. Movie-styled figures in the Deluxe and Voyager scales include: OPTIMUS PRIME, MEGATRON, SCORPONOCK™, BARRICADE™, AUTOBOT JAZZ and BUMBLEBEE™.

(Approximate Retail Price: $39.99; Ages: 5 & up; Available: June 2007)
It’s Prime time! OPTIMUS PRIME and other popular TRANSFORMERS characters from the movie are represented in Leader scale figures, which feature lights and sounds in vehicle and robot mode. Additionally, the figures feature new “Automorph Technology”, a gearing mechanism that allows some parts to move automatically. The Leader scale includes OPTIMUS PRIME and MEGATRON.

(Approximate Retail Price: $29.99; Ages: 5 & Up; Available: June 2007)
The OPTIMUS PRIME VOICE CHANGER HELMET, authentically detailed to look like the character in the movie, allows kids to imitate OPTIMUS PRIME and sound like a TRANSFORMERS robot for the first time! The OPTIMUS PRIME VOICE CHANGER HELMET features 3 modes:
• VOICE CHANGER: Make your voice sound like a robot!
• BATTLE PHRASES: OPTIMUS PRIME speaks iconic phrases
• CONVERSION SOUNDS: Hear OPTIMUS PRIME change from a truck to a robot and back!

(Approximate Retail Price: $29.99; Ages: 5 & up; Available: June 2007)
Quickly changing from either STARSCREAM’S jet or OPTIMUS PRIME’S truck, these powerful TRANSFORMERS ARM BLASTERS offer kids the unique opportunity to role-play the galactic battle which AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS have waged for centuries! One pull changes the toy from vehicle mode to blaster mode, unleashing the power of a Nerf dart blaster. OPTIMUS PRIME comes with 3 Nerf darts and STARSCREAM comes with 4 Nerf darts.

(Approximate Retail Price: $19.99; Ages: 4 & up; Available: June 2007)
The CYBER STOMPIN’ ROBOT features 12-inch robot-only versions of BUMBLEBEE and OPTIMUS PRIME, the heroes of the TRANSFORMERS movie. Designed to enable easy play for younger fans, each of the figures feature robot stomping sounds, battle sounds and phrases and light-up eyes!

(Approximate retail price: $9.99; Ages: 2 & up; Available: June 2007
MR. POTATO HEAD, the iconic face-changing potato friend for kids, takes on the role of a lifetime as the spud-ly leader of the AUTOBOTS, OPTIMASH PRIME. Kids will be able to have all kinds of mix 'n match fun with this wacky spud dressed as OPTIMUS PRIME. OPTIMASH PRIME comes with fun parts, including shoes, ears, eyes and helmet.

(Approximate retail price $ 24.99; Ages: 8 & up; Players: 2 to 4; Available: June 2007)
The game of Global Domination takes a twist with this version set on CYBERTRON and based on the TRANSFORMERS movie. Fight to gain control of the world on the side of the AUTOBOTS or the DECEPTICON! Choose your side, then play by either classic RISK rules or the TRANSFORMERS variations!

(Approximate retail price $ 29.99; Ages: 7 & up; Players: 2; Available: June 2007)
This classic game provides an opportunity to pit the AUTOBOTS against the DECEPTICON in a two-player strategy game. The figures are authentically detailed to look like the movie characters.

(Approximate retail price: $15.99 Ages: 7 & up; Available: June 2007) Two puzzles in one. Assemble OPTIMUS PRIME in robot mode and then with the same puzzle pieces, assemble the AUTOBOT leader in truck mode.

(Approximate Retail Price: $3.99; Ages: 5 & up; Available: June 2007)

(Approximate Retail price: $2.99; Ages: 5 & up; Available: June 2007)

For more information on Hasbro’s TRANSFORMERS toy line and the live-action feature film, please visit and

Hasbro Press Release: Transfan Vocabulary

A press release from Hasbro called "Transformers: Learn to Speak the Vocabulary of Cybertron, Home Planet of Transformers" doesn't really cover the language of Transformers but instead covers the language of Transfans and the Hasbro marketing department. For example G1 is the Transformers Generation One, the first toy line from 1984. For those new to this property, its not bad as a quick 101 explanation of the fan vocabulary.

The press release:

PAWTUCKET, R.I., (February 2007) – When the first-ever live-action TRANSFORMERS movie from DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures, in association with Hasbro opens on July 4, 2007, longtime fans will easily comprehend the lexicon associated with the world-famous toy line.

But for those who feel like they may need subtitles to understand some of the names and terms that are unique to the TRANSFORMERS world, here is a beginner’s guide to learn the difference between AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS, discover where CYBERTRON is located within the galaxy, and realize why the Earth’s inhabits can put their faith in OPTIMUS PRIME to restore order to our planet.


* AllSpark: The TRANSFORMERS afterlife. The TRANSFORMERS source of life, or, the basic building block of the TRANSFORMERS soul.

* Ark: The AUTOBOTS; starship they travel in to Earth.

* AUTOBOT: The “good guys” in the TRANSFORMERS race. AUTOBOTS hold to the ideals of defending life and aspire for a peaceful existence.

* AUTOBOT JAZZ™: Faction – AUTOBOT. Vehicle – White Car. AUTOBOT JAZZ lives by the “rock-n-roll” lifestyle credo of “if you can’t do something with style, it’s not worth doing at all.”

* AUTOBOT RATCHET™: Faction – AUTOBOT. Vehicle – Ambulance. AUTOBOT RATCHET serves as the medic to his AUTOBOT brethren.

* “AUTOBOTS, Roll Out!”: “AUTOBOTS, Roll Out!” is the classic call to action of AUTOBOT leader OPTIMUS PRIME.

* BARRICADE™: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Police Vehicle (most often). BARRICADE is the DECEPTICONS “scout,” often disguised as a symbol of authority for the purpose of getting close to and spying on the AUTOBOTS and their human allies.

* BLACKOUT™: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Assault Helicopter. BLACKOUT’S character takes out enemies with its Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) cannons.

* BONECRUSHER™: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Military Armored Assault Vehicle. BONECRUSHER is one of MEGATRON’S subservient soldiers.

* BotCon: The annual TRANSFORMERS fan convention started in 1994. BotCon 2007 will be held in Hasbro’s hometown of Providence, Rhode Island, this June 28 – July 1.

* BRAWL: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Tank. BRAWL has a distinctive three-barrel turret and is one of MEGATRON’S loyal henchmen.

* BUMBLEBEE™: Faction – AUTOBOT. Vehicle – Yellow Car. BUMBLEBEE is the “little brother” in the AUTOBOT family, idolizing his bigger, stronger brethren, and often finding himself in troublesome situations. He specializes in reconnaissance missions.

* CYBERTRON: The home planet of the TRANSFORMERS. CYBERTRON is also the very first AUTOBOT and can also convert into a robot form known as CYBERTRON PRIMUS.

* Cybertron City: A generic term used for one of several AUTOBOT strongholds.

* CYBERTRON PRIMUS:.The first AUTOBOT and true name of the planet CYBERTRON. It was through the efforts of CYBERTRON PRIMUS that the first TRANSFORMERS were born. Arch nemesis: UNICRON

* DECEPTICON: The “bad guys” in the TRANSFORMERS race. DECEPTICONS believe in total domination of the universe and the acquisition of power.

* DECEPTICON FRENZY™: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle/Alternate Mode – boombox or other everyday gadget. DECEPTICON FRENZY is one the smallest DECEPTICONS and is often seen converted into an everyday gadget (eg, boombox) for purposes of spying on humans.

* Energon: A generic term for the primary energy source used by TRANSFORMERS.

* G1: The first “generation” of the TRANSFORMERS toy line as it was introduced in 1984. The original line included 21 figures, including OPTIMUS PRIME™, MEGATRON™, BUMBLEBEE™, AUTOBOT JAZZ and STARSCREAM™. Fans refer to this generation as “G1” or “Gen1”.

* IRONHIDE™: Faction – AUTOBOT. Vehicle – Truck. IRONHIDE is a “cowboy” type character and is one of the oldest friends of AUTOBOT leader OPTIMUS PRIME. He is often side-by-side with OPTIMUS PRIME as they race into battle.

* Matrix: A symbolic object of immense power passed on from one AUTOBOT leader to another containing all the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of the AUTOBOT past.

* MEGATRON: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Jet, Tank or Blaster. Leader of the DECEPTICONS and the primary villain in the TRANSFORMERS saga.

* “MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE”: “More Than Meets The Eye” is a TRANSFORMERS tagline often used in the brand’s marketing. It alludes to the TRANSFORMERS robots ability to mask their appearances and hide in plain sight as any vehicular or technological object in the world.

* Nemesis: The DECEPTICONS starship that they traveled in to Earth.

* OPTIMUS PRIME™: Leader of the AUTOBOTS. Voiced by Peter Cullen in both the original animated series and the upcoming live-action feature film.

* “Robots In Disguise”: “Robots In Disguise” is a TRANSFORMERS tagline often used in the brand’s marketing. It alludes to the TRANSFORMERS robots ability to change from robot mode into another form, such as a vehicle or gadget.

* SCORPONOCK™: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Giant mechanical scorpion. SCORPONOCK is a powerful DECEPTICON featured in this summer’s live-action film..

* Spark: Unique to each TRANSFORMERS character, the Spark is the soul or core essence of each individual AUTOBOT or DECPTICON. A TRANSFORMER is given its Spark by the AllSpark itself.

* STARSCREAM™: Faction – DECEPTICON. Vehicle – Fighter Jet (most often). An extremely ambitious and treacherous character, STARSCREAM is often positioned as MEGATRON’S right-hand man.

* TRANSFORMERS: The TRANSFORMERS are a fictional robot race that is able to change, rearranging itself into an innocuous form, such as a car, mechanical gadget or object, aircraft, or animal. The TRANSFORMERS race is made up of two primary factions – AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS. The TRANSFORMERS were introduced as a toy line to the United States in 1984 by Hasbro, Inc. They have since appeared in countless comics, cartoons, video games and films.

* UNICRON: A giant, planet-sized and evil DECEPTICON TRANSFORMERS character first introduced in the 1986 TRANSFORMERS animated movie. He is the arch enemy of all AUTOBOTS and is capable of destroying almost anything … including planets.

Hasbro Press Release: Transformers Timeline

Hasbro has a day of news today for its various properties in pre-prep for the New Your Toyfair starting Februrary 14th. The first is a timeline just covers the major landmarks of the Transformers franchise. Whoever posted the press release forgot to proofread it as the site doucments have lot of extra symbols and the like that usually occur as a result of a cut and paste from one document (say Word) to another so that the special symbols (: , ' etc) get changed into something funky.

The press release:
TRANSFORMERS – originally dubbed “The Transformers” -- heralded an entirely new way to interact with action figures, giving kids the power to literally change the toys from one form into another (initially, from robots to vehicles). As the iconic theme song went, there was “more than meets the eye.”

But that was only the beginning. With intriguing personalities, captivating story lines and great battle action, Hasbro firmly entrenched the TRANSFORMERS brand into the pantheons of modern pop culture. Over the past two decades, the TRANSFORMERS brand has emerged as one of the most successful properties in action figure history, spawning numerous television series, comic books, and even a feature length animated film.

Today, the TRANSFORMERS brand has a devoted following of fans of all ages, with Optimus Prime and Megatron captivating a whole new generation of fans. The franchise is about to be taken to a new level with the July 4th premiere of the first-ever live-action feature film, TRANSFORMERS, from DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures, directed by Michael Bay and executive produced by Steven Spielberg.

A timeline of key TRANSFORMERS brand milestones follows

· Hasbro secures the rights to many changing/converting robot brands in Japan and creates the umbrella name THE TRANSFORMERS to unite them. Takara, a Japanese toy manufacturer saw the potential for future TRANSFORMERS growth and becomes Hasbro’s lead partner in the development of new TRANSFORMERS products. This successful alliance has lasted for more than 20 years.

* The TRANSFORMERS toy line is launched by Hasbro, with a classic theme song that had kids all over the U.S. reciting the refrain “Robots in Disguise.” There twenty-one toys in the original set, including OPTIMUS PRIME, MEGATRON, BUMBLEBEE, JAZZ and STARSCREAM. This is the beginning of what has come to be known the “Generation: 1” era.

* The TRANSFORMERS animated television series debuts with a mini series titled “MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE.” New episodes began in September, airing on Saturday mornings.

* Marvel Comics releases four-issue TRANSFORMERS comic series titled “The TRANSFORMERS.”

* Hasbro releases second series of TRANSFORMERS toys, highlighted by the introduction of DINOBOTS and CONSTRUCTICONS (the first group of figures that can combine to form a larger robot).

* Two TRANSFORMERS figures are introduced with battery-operated functions: SHOCKWAVE has a flashing light and sound effects, and OMEGA SUPREME walks and has a tank with a turret that spins and lights up while rolling around a track.

* The animated feature film titled TRANSFORMERS: The Movie was released in theaters, featuring many of the characters that the new toys were modeled after. It featured the voice talents of Leonard Nimoy, Eric Idle, Judd Nelson, Robert Stack, and Orson Welles, and a rock soundtrack.

* Hasbro introduces cities for both the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS: METROPLEX for the AUTOBOTS and TRYPTICON for the DECEPTICONS.

* The HEADMASTERS and TARGETMASTERS figures are introduced into the TRANSFORMERS toy line.

* Hasbro introduced FORTRESS MAXIMUS, the largest TRANSFORMERS figure at the time, measuring a whopping two-feet-tall.

* Hasbro released the PRETENDERS, robots that disguise themselves inside an included shell, and MICROMASTERS, very, very small vehicle that changes into robots.

* OPTIMUS PRIME is revived with a new TRANSFORMERS figure from Hasbro, featuring ‘POWERMASTER” technology wherein a smaller robot is used to unlock a special feature on the larger, more deluxe figure.

* Hasbro introduces four of the TRANSFORMERS fans’ favorite characters back into the toy line: BUMBLEBEE, JAZZ, GRIMLOCK and STARSCREAM.

* TRANSFORMERS ACTION MASTERS are released by Hasbro. These feature action figure versions of both classic and interesting new characters that don't change modes, but have vehicles and partners that do change modes.

* Late in the year Hasbro introduces “TRANSFORMERS: Generation 2.” All of these toys are re-colored versions of figures from the early years of TRANSFORMERS: JAZZ, SIDESWIPE, INFERNO, STARSCREAM, RAMJET, OPTIMUS PRIME, the DINOBOTS, and CONSTRUCTICONS.

* There is a Generation 2 Television animated series, which featured all-new CGI graphics.

* Hasbro introduces a new TRANSFORMERS feature into the lineup. Color-change cars have weapons that shoot water and parts that change color when hit by water, creating "battle damage."

* MEGATRON is revived by Hasbro and introduced as a tank with projectile weaponry and electronic sound effects.

* As a prelude to the new TRANSFORMERS comic, MEGATRON first appears in the G.I. JOE comic series.

* The first BotCon, a TRANSFORMERS fan convention, is held in July in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The annual event has been held every year since, and continues to attract TRANSFORMERS fans from around the globe!

* The AERIALBOTS and COMBATICONS TRANSFORMERS are revived by Hasbro with some new friends, the LASER RODS with light-up engines and weapons, and the ROTOR FORCE with rotor-weapons that can travel across a room.

* Hasbro introduces one of its most popular TRANSFORMERS to date – DREADWING, a Stealth bomber with three modes.

* The animated series titled TRANSFORMERS: BEAST WARS debuts and is an instant hit.

* Hasbro releases the TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS toy line, featuring characters from the animated series. AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS are replaced by MAXIMALS and PREDACONS, robots that turn into animals and insects. This line also introduced the first female TRANSFORMERS figure, BLACKARACHNIA.

* Hasbro’s TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS line expands with the introduction of TRANSMETALS, figures depicting mechanical animals with chrome-painted features. Some of these figures feature three or four conversion modes.

* The TRANSFORMERS BEAST WARS animated series evolves, introducing new characters and taking on the name TRANSFORMERS BEAST MACHINES.

* TRANSFORMERS BEAST MACHINES figures are released by Hasbro, including new DINOBOTS and BEAST WARS figures with alternate colorations.

* Hasbro re-introduces TRANSFORMERS as ROBOTS IN DISGUISE, returning to the classic concept of robots that change into cars, trucks, and other vehicles. The TRANSFORMERS: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE series debuts.

* The TRANSFORMERS ARMADA animated series debuts. Hasbro also launches the ARMADA toy line, featuring MINICONS, which connect to larger figures to enable new features. MINICONS were a bit hit with a new generation of young fans.

* Hasbro re-issues TRANSFORMERS GENERATION: 1 toys exclusively at Toys R Us.

* Hasbro introduces the first-ever TRANSFORMERS UNICRON toy based on one of the most evil TRANSFORMERS characters ever! UNICRON is also voted one of the top 12 toys of the year by Toy Wishes.

* TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS toy line is introduced, featuring authentic looking licensed vehicles that change into familiar characters.

* TRANSFORMERS CELEBRATE ITS 20TH ANNIVERSARY. From Hasbro's action figures to the animated series, comic books, and video games, a new generation of kids have discovered the thrills of the TRANSFORMERS saga.

* The TRANSFORMERS ENERGON theme is introduced, along with new TRANSFORMERS ALTERNATORS vehicles and new toys from the TRANSFORMERS UNIVERSE line, a collection of the best TRANSFORMERS toys from years past.

* Hasbro introduces a 20th Anniversary special version of the heroic OPTIMUS PRIME robot as a fan-requested tribute to the original 1984 toy.

* The TRANSFORMERS CYBERTRON line is introduced by Hasbro, featuring CYBER KEYS that unlock weapons and new features within each figure.

* Hasbro announces that together with DreamWorks and Paramount Pictures, they will bring the TRANSFORMERS saga to the “big screen” on July 4, 2007 with a live-action, feature film directed by Michael Bay (Armageddon, The Rock, Bad Boys I and II) and executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Hasbro’s COO, Brian Goldner. Produced by Don Murphy, Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Ian Bryce. Story by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman and John Rogers. Screenplay by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman. The film stars Shia LeBoeuf, Josh Duhamel, Bernie Mac, Tyrese Gibson, Megan Fox, Jon Voight and John Turturro.

* New comic book licensee, IDW Publishing, re-launches a new line of TRANSFORMERS comics.

* Production begins on the live action feature film and the anticipation in the fan community builds exponentially.

* The TRANSFORMERS CLASSICS toy line is released by Hasbro, featuring a selection of favorite characters from Generation: 1 with new designs and re-colorations. Characters in the line include MEGATRON, OPTIMUS PRIME, ASTROTRAIN and BUMBLEBEE.

* The animated TRANSFORMERS movie (1986) is re-released on a commemorative DVD from Sony BMG.

* Hasbro unveils its new TRANSFORMERS toy line, based on the live action movie from DreamWorks and Paramount Pictures, with the release of all-new action figures, games and role play toys.

* TRANSFORMERS toys and merchandise is set to go on sale June 2.

* For the first time ever, BotCon will be held in Providence, Rhode Island, near Hasbro’s hometown on June 28 through July 1.

July 4, 2007
* The TRANSFORMERS movie is released in theaters!!!

Transformers Movie Related Game Site Goes Live - Kinda

The official website for the upcoming game for the Transformers movie is now live. Live being relative as its up and running but you can't really do squat on it but register for a newsletter. Once you register for the newsletter I guess you can log into the website. No entirely sure cause not willing to try (get enough spam). Thanks to Maximus for the heads-up.

Click here for the site.

Megatron On Ice Pics have scored a few additional pics of the previously revealed Megatron set piece that does a decent job of showing the scale the Transformers will be. Megatron is rumored to be the tallest Transformer of the bunch. Thanks to Daniel S for the link.

Transformers Prequel Comic Preview

Newsarama has posted up a 6 page preview of the Transformers move Prequel #1 comics that shows the events that lead to the Transformers arriving on Earth.

The solicitation for the issue:

Simon Furman & Chris Ryall (w), Don Figueroa (a & c); Josh Burcham (colors)

Before the live-action Transformers movie spectacularly explodes onto theater screens next summer, read the official beginning of the story right here! In this four-part prequel to the film, “Prime Directive” written by Ryall and Furman and featuring artist Don Figeruoa’s take on the movie characters, travel from CYBERTRON to Earth as we see what momentous events led to the Transformers bringing their war to our world. In issue one, BUMBLEBEE and a cadre of AUTOBOTS experience the lethal battle of Tyger Pax!

The story is written in part by Simon Furman who wrote many of the Transformers titles in the last 20 years for both US and UK markets. Artist Don Figueroa has been doing the artwork for Transformers since the Dreamwave days and has been an influence on some of the toys released especially the Titanium line. To my knowledge, the comic is mostly set on Cybertron and would show the cybertron modes of probably multiple Transformers in the style of the movie which probably means lots of bug faces and sharp parts. The first issue will be in stores February 21st.

For all six images, click here.

New Real Gear Toy Booster X10 MP3 Player has posted an image of another Real Gear toy, Booster X10, whose alt mode is an MP3 player. Based on the pic, this toy doesn't look as "realistic" as the others of the line. Too bad doesn't look like an iPod, which would be sweet.


CGI Image of Frenzy / Soundbyte has posted a pic of the CGI image of Frenzy in robot mode that looks odd to me. Big ole head, lots of pointy sharp places and still no clue on what his alternate mode is. Yet I like him. Not sure why.


Bay's Touch Revisited.

For some reason AICN, normally on top of things, has just discovered the YouTube video Bay's Touch, mentioned on this blog more then a month ago.

Figure this would be a good time to also let the nostalgic prone and those new to Transformers have a moment to snicker at this video of the "The Touch" for the animated Transformers: The Movie.

One of these days I am going to start commenting on all these places talking about the "latest" Transformers news and point out how between this blog, tformers, TFW2005 and the eagle-eyed Transfans, they seem to be perpetually behind.

Bay's Touch is here.
The Touch is here and below.

Thanks to Craig H for bringing the video to my attention.

Transformers Movie Blackout In Package

An auction has come up online that give a nice little reveal of Blackout in his retail packaging. He is starting to become my favorite movie related Transformers as he is the total package of good looking colors, robot and alternate mode. Usually only get one of those three.


Movie Related Sector Seven Site TheFirst7 Update

Sector Seven website has been updated with a few new features. A new password has been introduced "thefirst7" which brings up the same interface and data as the "takara83" password did, but provides a little bit more information. The new stuff is accessed via the bottom control panel.

The wasp icon brings up a rather detailed schematic of the Sector 7 headquarters which based on the brief room titles is military in nature with barracks and training quarters. It also apparently has a means of filtering water but no indicated way to produce oxygen or foodstuffs so apparently its not a self-contained environment. Levels 6 and 7 of the plans are restricted. Still no real clue on how this "organization" plans into the movie script.

The scorpion icon brings up to emails with video. The first video is of a supposed escape attempt by a subject that had to be rendered inert by an EMP indicating it was a section attempt at creating a Transformer. The second video is of a security breach by a pizza boy who captured a recording of the "first seven" which based on the script and the age of the pictures would indicate around the late 1800's when Megatron is first discovered in the artic according to a leaked version of the movie script.

The last new info is under the danger icon. Its a video of a conference between Dr. Rebecca Howard (wonder who the actress is) and Lt. Col. Alexander Powers discussing and showing design of a "megaman reverse engineering designed" weapon called the XK-Plasma 1. Since it kinda looks like the video game character Mega Man's pulse cannon I am thinking the choice in phrasing is intentional.

If seems like this site is designed almost as an explanation for how the United States government might be in a position to capture and destroy Transformers without having to waste a lot of screen time doing it. I have to admit the creativity involved is good and hopefully the various password "clearances" will start getting revealed at a steadier rate. Thanks to Daniel S and Joe P for the heads-up.

Movie CGI Design Sheets for Multiple Transformers

Finally a crack in the cone of silence around the production for Transformers. After more toys news then really care about there are finally some images of the CGI designs for several of the Transformers in the movie thanks to Based on comparisons to the toys, these looked like finalized design versions. The images are of Bonecrusher, Starscream, Soundbyte (Frenzy), and Ironhide. I still don't particularity like the design of Starscream but Ironhide looks good. Soundbyte's head reminds me of a rooster and it beats me on what his alternate mode is as there is no hint in his design that I can see. Thanks for the heads-up Joe P.

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