TFW2005 Transformers The Game Hands-On Writeup

TFW2005 has posted an article describing their experiences with a Activision sponsored event that allowed gaming press (I assume) get a little bit of hands-on with the various Transformers: The Game versions coming out meet with the game developers.

The highlights:
- "The video opens on Cybertron, with a voice over by Optimus Prime. We see that Cybertron is in ruins and that war is widespread. Prime goes on to explain the nature of the war, and the importance of the Allspark. The video shows Frenzy digging through a pile of spare parts, and then pans over to the back of Megatron. The video fades to show the Allspark heading to Earth. Then the video has a few quick jumps introducing the Autobots and Decepticons in vehicle forms, slowly revealing their robot forms. We then witness quick cuts of various battles, led by a fight between Optimus Prime and Megatron. All the fighting is taking place in a city setting. We then see nightfall as Optimus and Megatron continue to battle before cutting to the Transformers logo. The cut scene left the crowd in awe, and we requested to see it a few more times."
- A demo was shown from the 360 version of the game, showing the destruction and physics engine and a little bit of story mode.
- Some of the toys seen on shelves, such as Swindle, where inspired by the game.
- Multiple Easter eggs in the game such as billboards and other signs.
- Unlockable content included G1 Optimus Prime and G1 Megatron. New models too, not just skins on existing models.
- Shockwave is in the game, as a triple-changer with cannon, helicopter and robot mode. I think he is a boss level, not a playable character, but just guessing.
- Other unlockables include the movie characters in G1 color schemes. Starscream and Bumblebee especially ripe for this.
- Those at event where able to test DS, PSP, Wii, PS3 and 360 versions of the games.
- DS: Rather then play characters, get create own TF. Some unique levels between the two DS games. Good graphics, large levels and lots of speech including own character being voiced. Character shaped by game progression allowing to store new alt modes. Overall writer thought it was impressive and fun game.
- Wii: Wii-mote is more aiming device that helps move character around. Nunchuck is more walking and waving causes melee attacks. D-Pad for transformations. Wii trigger and A button for weapons. Good graphics for the Wii, but do have to deal with building pop-ups (as game catches up), handles lots of enemies at one time. Overall, once use to controls, thought was good.
- PS2: Not available to play but same content as Wii version.
- PS3: Gorgeous graphics. Mission design with large levels, that can be played in any order and replayed. Good car physics. Played as Barricade, noticed the more destroyed, the stronger the military presence to fight back. Loved the graphics and because of that transformations in mid-air etc where lot of fun. TF's in game seemed nearly identical to movie versions. Can climb up walls, etc. Music does seem to be from movie score. Basically thought it was great.
- 360: Same as the PS3. Because of XBox live though, there would be downloadable content available at some point but no specifics.
- PSP: Has lots of bonus material. 20 unlockable characters. Can play through game in any order. Good fluid graphics. Controls tricky until get used to them. Environments not as destructable as console versions. Game is more third person shooter with camera positions behind the on screen TF.
- After the demos had a Q&A session. Noted that fan leaks influenced the game as used the comments to improve and add to the games.
- Console games took 18 months to create, DS version about 8 months.
- New game trailer will air with Robot Chicken Star Wars on June 17th at 10PM.

To read the entire article, click here.


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