Transformers Score CD Cover

Below is the proposed cover to the upcoming October 9th release of the Transformers Score. Its pretty much a reuse of previous movie poster, a normal practice for score covers.

Transformers Score 2-Disc Edition?

Knight Shift, the blog that's been tracking the Transformers Score information, is posting that Warner Bros. might release a 2 disc edition of the Transformers movie score if the sales of the CD coming October 9th warrant it. Note I said may. Don't hang your hat on it or wait for it. Usually when studios do release a special edition of a score (and its pretty damn rare) its a year or more later.

The site is reporting that ordering on Barnes and Noble (#669) and Amazon is pretty good though. Amazon has gone from 1618 yesterday to 217 today and probably climb
even further in the sales charts.

Also apparently Warner Bros had planned to release the score in November but decided to speed up the process, possibly because of demand but probably because the DVD is being release sooner then expected (current rumor is October 16th).

Transformers Moves To 3rd For US Box Office

Transformers may not be in many theatres now as it was but its still making enough money to move into third place for US box office gross for 2007 with a $308.6 million total sqeaking it just past Pirates 3 with $308.1 million. Not bad for a "toy" movie. Sadly momemtum world wide has slowed so I doubt Transformers will move up anymore slots but still an outstanding performance that probably has everyone in the film involved puffing their chests out (and a few throwing birds at the naysayers).

Top 5 Movies US for 2007:
1. Spider-Man 3 - 336.5 million
2. Shrek 3 - 321 million
3. Transformers - 308.6 million
4. Pirates 3 - 308.1 million
5. Harry Potter 5 - 283.2 million

Top 5 Movies Worldwide for 2007:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Budget: 300 million
Opening Weekend: 114.7 million
Total Domestic: 308.1 million
Total Foreign: 649.6 million
Worldwide Total: 957.7 million

2. Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 77.4 million
Total Domestic: 283.2 million
Total Foreign: 612.2 million
Worldwide Total: 895.4 million

3. Spider-Man 3:
Budget: 258 million
Opening Weekend: 151.1million
Total Domestic: 336.5 million
Total Foreign: 553.7 million
Worldwide Total: 890.2 million

4. Shrek 3:
Budget: 160 million
Opening Weekend: 121.6 million
Total Domestic: 321 million
Total Foreign: 415.5 million
Worldwide Total: 736.5 million

5. Transformers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 67.6 million
Total Domestic: 308.6 million
Total Foreign: 354.4 million
Worldwide Total: 663.0 million

Transformers: The Score Coming October 9th

Knight Shift has revealed that its looks like the Steve Jablonsky score for Transformers is coming to stores October 9th. In a way this also may confirm rumors are the DVD of Transformers is coming the following week on the 16th since usually marketing likes to tie things like this together.

The album is already up for sale at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Best Buy.

According to a post on TFW2005, these are un-confirmed tracks on the CD:
1. Blackout Attacks (3:02)
2. Bumblebee and Sam (4:15)
3. Barricade Interrogation (3:18)
4. Frenzy Hacks Air Force One (3:34)
5. Target: Scorponok (5:12)
6. Autobot Arrival (4:55)
7. Optimus Prime VS. Bonecrusher (3:23)
8. All Hail Megatron! (4:10)
9. Starscream (3:11)
10. The Allspark (2:33)
11. Urban Warfare (6:34)

Transformers DVD Coming In October?

According to, the street date for the Transformers DVD may be October 16, 2007 a full month earlier then I anticapated. If true, thats quite a fast turnaround for a movie that is still in theateres about to pop on the IMAX at the end of September. I was thinking they where shooting for November to give time for it to leave theatres yet still get it out in time for Christmas sales. Amazon, usually one of the first places to post release dates doesn't have one for the movie. For now I categorize this as rumor until more information presents itself.

Transformers on IMAX Officially Confirmed

Paramount/Dreamworks has finally formally announced that Transformers will hit IMAX screens on September 21, 2007 in the US. This confirms previous speculation (confirmed by Bay) of the impending release. "IMAX's all-encompassing format takes 'TRANSFORMERS' to a whole new level of detail and intensity," said Michael Bay, the film's director. "I am very excited to work with the team at IMAX to create this turbo-charged version." Sadly details on what changes, if any, that have been made to the movie to make it an "IMAX Experience" where not revealed.

DVD Has Cast Commentary

According to a post on, the upcoming DVD release for Transformers might include cast commentary. It has already been announced that Bay recorded a commentary but this is the first time the cast has come up.

The report apparently comes from another commentary, the 10th season The Simpsons episode of "Marge Simpson in: Screaming Yellow Yonkers" where one of the show producers mentions that Bay and the cast of Transformers will be recording after their session ends. Which cast members are not mentioned. I would imagine it would at least include Megan Fox and Josh Duhamel.

Maybe Shia, but he went straight from promoting Transformers to shooting Indiana Jones IV so timing would have been key on getting his participation. Generally though, commentaries are recorded during the marketing build-up to release, usually after film lock but before official release so its possible he will be there.

All this remains speculation since the official specs of the DVD, including release date, has not been announced by the studio.

Bay HD-DVD Post

Yesterday, Bay blew off some steam about the Paramount's HD-DVD exclusive deal, declaring "No Transformers 2 for me". Well a good nights sleep and a little research with the folks at Paramount and he has changed his mind.

From his forum:
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:16 pm

Last night at dinner I was
having dinner with three blu-ray owners, they were pissed about no Transformers Blu-ray and I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker. So at 1:30 in the morning I posted - nothing good ever comes out of early am posts mind you - I over reacted. I heard where Paramount is coming from and the future of HD and players that will be close to the $200 mark which is the magic number. I like what I heard.

As a director, I'm all about people seeing films in the best quality possible, and I saw and heard firsthand people upset about a corporate decision.

So today I saw 300 on HD, it rocks!

So I think I might be back on to do Transformers 2!

Michael Bay
Actually this is the first I have read anywhere that HD-DVD stand alone players may be able to hit the $200 price point (XBox 360 add on not included) so its true, that will change the game dramatically as a drop like that will most likely seriousily boost sales if the Blu-Ray camp is unable to come close to it. Think Wii vs PS3 all over again. Thanks to Chuck for the heads-up.

"No Transformers 2 for Me!"

Yesterday, Paramount announced they where exclusive to the HD-DVD format meaning no Blu-Ray release for Transformers. Director Michael Bay apparently didn't take the news well based on a post to his Shoot For the Edit forums (registration required).

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:44 am
"I want people to see my movies in the best formats possible. For them to deny people who have Blu-ray sucks! They were progressive by having two formats. No Transformers 2 for me!"

So Bay isn't doing the sequel? Possible. He has yet to be officially named as the director of 2, its just been assumed. No greenlight given (but again assumed one will be). Considering that the most successful Blu-Ray disc (Pirates 2 I think but not sure) only sold around 100,000 copies it seems like an over reaction to me. This is why the war isn't settled. The most successful sells for both formats still pares in comparison to DVDs. Hard to declare a winner when a direct to DVD video makes great sales then the latest blockbuster release in the two new formats.

Anyway, back to Bay. I doubt this is official. More then likely he was just blowing off some steam and cooler heads will prevail. And if not, who knows maybe Speilberg well step up and direct one. Its a short leap from exec producer to director after all for him. Not holding my breath on this, but would be cool if where to happen.

Transformers Week 7 Final Numbers

Week 7 numbers are in for Transformers and weekend sales and it remains off the top 10 list but still added another $30 million in sales worldwide. After this weekend its now 24th for all time US sales, just a million behind Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Not bad for a "toy commercial" (snark). It doesn't look like it will become the top movie of the year but odds are good it shall be in the top 5 (bigger budget for the sequel hopefully as a result).

Top 5 Movies US for 2007:
1. Spider-Man 3 - 336.5 million
2. Shrek 3 - 321 million
3. Pirates 3 - 307.8 million
4. Transformers - 306.5 million
5. Harry Potter 5 - 278.7 million

Top 5 Movies Worldwide for 2007:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Budget: 300 million
Opening Weekend: 114.7 million
Total Domestic: 307.8 million
Total Foreign: 648.4 million
Worldwide Total: 956.2 million

2. Spider-Man 3:
Budget: 258 million
Opening Weekend: 151.1million
Total Domestic: 336.5 million
Total Foreign: 553.7 million
Worldwide Total: 890.2 million

3. Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 77.4 million
Total Domestic: 278.7 million
Total Foreign: 594 million
Worldwide Total: 872.7 million

4. Shrek 3:
Budget: 160 million
Opening Weekend: 121.6 million
Total Domestic: 321 million
Total Foreign: 415.4 million
Worldwide Total: 736.4 million

5. Transformers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 67.6 million
Total Domestic: 306.5 million
Total Foreign: 353.7 million
Worldwide Total: 660.2 million

Paramount Exclusive to HD-DVD

Paramount Pictures and its subsidiaries (such as Dreamworks) join Universal by deciding to release their movies exclusively in HD-DVD format and will no longer release movies in the Blu-Ray format.

Why post this? Well it means that you PS3 owners and early adopters of Blu-Ray will not be able to purchase Transformers in that format. Its DVD and HD-DVD only. No details of the Transformers was released but I am thinking its still on track for the last week or two of November.

So why HD-DVD. My take is theoretically HD-DVD is losing the format wars, but that is based on sales of the two formats that is pretty darn small compared to DVDs. Its also based on standalone hardware sales, including the PS3. If take the PS3 out of the equation, the lead is not so substantial. Since most movie sales is based on hardware, not gaming hardware, its the standalone, non-PS3 hardware sales combined with the disc sales that will determine the final "winner."

Of course the hybrid format may become king as the studios throw up their hands and say screw it, but right now the goal is eek out as much of a percentage of profit per sale as can and producing hybrid discs or for both formats is counter to that. By that it means they have to produce content that will play in both formats and it also limits how much they mine their library as they don't want to produce alot of content for a format that disappears. Basically they are taking a gamble that HD-DVD will reign supreme and if correct, they will have a lead on the format and benefit from it. If wrong, then oops (but the $150 million deal with HD-DVD folks paid Paramount will soften the blow).

Also, as AICN points out, Toshiba is coming very close to produce HD-DVD that is less then $300 by end of the year why Blu-Ray seems it will remain at $500 (hence why PS3 is a good deal if HD quality matters to you). Price point of the hardware often dictates the winner in the format wars as consumers in general will flock to the cheaper (yet better to DVD) format. They also added that its cheaper to convert mass production from DVD to HD-DVD then to Blu-Ray.

So the formula is simple: cheaper production costs + cheaper manufacturing costs + $150 million deal + larger mining of library + a gamble HD-DVD winning the format war = HD-DVD exclusive for Paramount.

The press release:

Movies Distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment Including Paramount
Pictures, DreamWorks Animation SKG, DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount Vantage,
Nickelodeon Movies and MTV Films to be Released Exclusively in HD DVD

Exclusive Program To Begin with Release of “Blades of Glory,” Followed
by “Transformers” and “Shrek the Third,” Films Representing More Than $1.5
Billion in Combined Worldwide Box Office

Los Angeles, CA, August 20,
2007 – Paramount Pictures, a unit of Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA and VIA.B) and
DreamWorks Animation SKG (NYSE:DWA), each announced today that they will
exclusively support the next-generation HD DVD format on a worldwide basis. The
exclusive HD DVD commitment will include all movies distributed by Paramount
Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount Vantage, Nickelodeon Movies and MTV
Films, as well as movies from DreamWorks Animation, which are distributed
exclusively by Paramount Home Entertainment.

The companies each said
that the decision to distribute exclusively in the HD DVD format resulted from
an extensive evaluation of current market offerings, which confirmed the clear
benefits of HD DVD, particularly its market-ready technology and lower
manufacturing costs. Paramount Home Entertainment will launch its exclusive HD
DVD program with the release of the blockbuster comedy hit “Blades of Glory” on
August 28th and follow with two of the biggest grossing movies of the year
“Transformers” and “Shrek the Third”. These three titles alone represent more
than $1.5 billion in box office ticket sales worldwide.

“The combination
of Paramount and DreamWorks Animation brings a critical mass of current box
office hits to consumers with a line-up of live action and animated films that
are perfect for HD DVD,” stated Brad Grey, Chairman and CEO of Paramount
Pictures, which is currently the leading studio in domestic box office. “Part of
our vision is to aggressively extend our movies beyond the theater, and deliver
the quality and features that appeal to our audience. I believe HD DVD is not
only the affordable high quality choice for consumers, but also the smart choice
for Paramount.”

“We decided to release “Shrek the Third” and other
DreamWorks Animation titles exclusively on HD DVD because we believe it is the
best format to bring high quality home entertainment to a key segment of our
audience – families,” stated DreamWorks Animation CEO, Jeffrey Katzenberg. “We
believe the combination of this year’s low- priced HD DVD players and the
commitment to release a significant number of hit titles in the fall makes HD
DVD the best way to view movies at home.”

With the rapid increase of HD
TV screens in households, and audiences wanting to enjoy the total entertainment
experience, HD DVD has emerged as the most affordable way for consumers to watch
their movies in high definition. In addition to pristine quality, HD DVD also
offers consumers the chance to personalize the movie-watching experience, to
interact with their movies and even to connect with a community of other fans.

Paramount Home Entertainment will issue new releases day and date as
well as catalog titles exclusively on HD DVD. Today’s announcement does not
include films directed by Steven Spielberg as his films are not exclusive to
either format.

Paper Bumblebee

The pic on the left is not a plastic model of Bumblebee but instead a cardboard version put together by someone with a lot of time and inguinity that is pretty slick to look at. The website has a full gallery and possibly instructions on how he was put together but its in another language, guessing Japanese but not really sure.

Full gallery here.

Click here if want to see some pics of a gigantic paper Gundam.

Transformers Bearbricks

From the Tokyo Wonder Festival comes Transformers movie Bearbricks for Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Megatron and Barricade. The little plastic bears are Japan only for about 1,890 yen but if really got to have them can probably find an importer that will sell them.

Click here for full gallery.

Transformers Coming to IMAX on 9/21

According to, Paramount Pictures will release Transformers to IMAX starting on September 21st. The movie will also include additional footage not in the theatrical release from the summer. Giant transforming robots on a giant screen with excellent sound. Doesn't get better then that. Thanks to Max for the link.

Transformers Score a Go?

According to Knight Shift, it appears that Dan Butler, Senior VP for Music at Paramount Pictures, has confirmed that a score album is coming from Warner Bros. Records. The below email is apparently the result of a query that the site's source, Sam Witwicky, send to Paramount Pictures.

From: Dan Butler at Paramount
Date: Aug 16, 2007 4:12 AM
Subject: RE: Transformers Original Score
To: Sam Witwicky

There will be a score album released shortly on Warner Bros. Records. Thanks for your interest!

Dan Butler
Senior Vice President
Business Affairs & Legal - Music
Paramount Pictures
Seems odd a VP would respond (at 4am no less) but stranger things have happened. True or not, the end result is there is still no release date and until a release date, the score release remains in the rumor column.

Custom Optimus Prime Protoform

"Pairadocs" over at the TFW2005 forums posted some pics of a custom Optimus Prime Protoform that uses a fantastic paint job to improve the bland and crappy original.

Click here to read about what was used and see more pics.

"Animated" Prequel Comic DVD Extra Feature

Chris Ryall, IDW Publishing Editor-in-Chief, announced an extra feature for the upcoming Transformers DVD that will be a Wal-Mart exclusive.

From his message board post:
...watched the DVD extra that's going to be included on the Wal-Mart only Movie DVD release. It's an animated version of the entire Movie Prequel miniseries, with voicework from Peter Cullen and others. Good sound effects, cool movement of panels and voices... it's pretty awesome to see our comic turned into something like that. And having Cullen speak our words is an insanely exciting thing, too.
Pretty sweet feature. The prequel pretty much covers the arrival of the Transformers, both Autobots and Decepticons, to Earth up to the moment that Bumblebee preps himself to be bought by Sam. I wonder if the other stores will get exclusives of their own. Thank to Maximus for the link. Currently there is no announced release date of the movie but I am guessing late November.

Final BO Numbers for Week 6

Final numbers, including overseas are in. The estimates and the final numbers for the US where pretty much the same so no change in order. Overseas sales added another $33 million to the totals now surpassing the US in spending. Its possible that Transformers might top $700 million worldwide but its going to be close. Also looks like Transformers might top Pirates 3 by end of next week for the US (might help the size of the budget for the next movie).

Top 5 Movies US for 2007:
1. Spider-Man 3 - 336.4 million
2. Shrek 3 - 321 million
3. Pirates 3 - 307.6 million
4. Transformers - 302.9 million
5. Harry Potter 5 - 272 million

Top 5 Movies Worldwide for 2007:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Budget: 300 million
Opening Weekend: 114.7 million
Total Domestic: 307.6 million
Total Foreign: 647.1 million
Worldwide Total: 951.8 million

2. Spider-Man 3:
Budget: 258 million
Opening Weekend: 151.1million
Total Domestic: 336.4 million
Total Foreign: 553.6 million
Worldwide Total: 890 million

3. Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 77.4 million
Total Domestic: 272 million
Total Foreign: 550 million
Worldwide Total: 822 million

4. Shrek 3:
Budget: 160 million
Opening Weekend: 121.6 million
Total Domestic: 321 million
Total Foreign: 412 million
Worldwide Total: 733 million

5. Transformers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 67.6 million
Total Domestic: 302.9 million
Total Foreign: 328.8 million
Worldwide Total: 631.7 million

More Stop Motions Transformations

For you viewing pleasure, two more stop motion transformations this time with Ratchet and Starscream. Thanks once again to Arsalan for the links.



Transformers Week 6 Estimates

Week 6 box office estimates are out and sadly Transformers is no longer in the top 10 due to its $3.2 million weekend haul. That is actually a good haul for a 6 week old movie nowadays and if not for all the other new movies that came out since then it would probably be ranked higher. Its also enough to cracked the $300 million point for the US and most likely will for rest of the world once the overseas totals come out tomorrow bringing its total to well over $600 million.

Rush Hour 3 took the top spot and sadly the fantastic Stardust had a very poor 9 million showing for the weekend so it tanked. Sucks too cause while watching it was thinking "now is a good time for a The Neverending Story" remake with a Peter Jackson type director with the gift for the epic. Oh well, maybe the DVD will sell well.

Top 5 films for the weekend:
1. Rush Hour 3: 50.2 million
2. Bourne Ultimatum: 33.6 million
3. Simpsons Movie: 11.1 million
4. Stardust: 9.0 million
5. Underdog: 6.4 million

Top 5 films for 2007:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Budget: 300 million
Opening Weekend: 114.7 million
Total Domestic: 307.4 million
Total Foreign: 647.1 million
Worldwide Total: 954.5 million

2. Spider-Man 3 Numbers:
Budget: 258 million
Opening Weekend: 151.1million
Total Domestic: 336.2 million
Total Foreign: 553.5 million
Worldwide Total: 889.8 million

3. Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix Numbers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 77.4 million
Total Domestic: 272.0 million
Total Foreign: 550.0 million
Worldwide Total: 822.0 million

4. Shrek 3 Numbers:
Budget: 160 million
Opening Weekend: 121.6 million
Total Domestic: 321.0 million
Total Foreign: 406.5 million
Worldwide Total: 727.5 million

5. Transformers Numbers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 67.6 million
Total Domestic: 302.9 million
Total Foreign: 296.7 million
Worldwide Total: 599.6 million

Voltron Movie In Works

As a sign of the popularity of the live action Transformers movie, New Regency, a 20th Century Fox production company, is close to a deal to create a live action Voltron movie.

The take on the film would be "a post-apocalyptic tale set in New York City and Mexico. Five ragtag survivors of an alien attack band together and end up piloting the five lion-shaped robots that combine and form the massive sword-wielding Voltron that helps battle Earth's invaders." So no more space opera and completely earth based.

The Mark Gordon would produce with Lawrence Inglee and Jordan Wynn. Gordon is also currently producing a He-Man film, Green Arrow flick Supermax, and Street Fighter.

No idea if this is a good thing or not as not really familiar with the producing players. As often the case though, closing a deal to get the rights to do adapt a brand and actually going forward and making a movie are two different things. This is just step 1 of a long process. Either way, cool that Transformers is leading to other adaptions that might work on the big screen (not so sure about He-Man though).

Transformers Stop Motion Video

Nicely done stop motion reenactment of Optimus Prime from the live action movie where he rejoins the others in LA just before confronting Megatron. Thanks to Arsalan for the link.

Barricade Found In New Mexico

A fan of Transformers took tings a bit far by modding his car to look exactly like Barricade from Transformers. Barricade being the one that looks like a police car. Its not quite the same make and model but its close enough to anger local police in Las Vegas. Below is the story from KRGE news.

I can see why the police is concerned as people do commit crimes pretending to be police. I also wouldn't mind having some of those decals on my car. Just not the police one. Thanks to Maximus for the info.

Movie Transformers Busts

eBay has an auction for to Transformers busts that look like an early prototype of Optimus Prime and Megatron from the movie. Pretty strange looking really. The seller wants $750 for them, which seems a bit high to me.

The description reads: Unmade toy prototype for the new Transformers movie. never made it to shelves yet! stands about 8 inches tall. very nice! unpainted. painted is extra. buyer pays shipping. Documents to prove authenticity.

Info via TFW2005 from Maximus (thanks).

Final Week 5 Numbers

The final numbers including foreign box office is now in. No real change from the estimates but Transformers did get a $50 million boost from overseas sales which only helps the bottom line. How long the engine lasts is really the only questions that remains. The US sales are going to continue to slow down so while the numbers will grow, it will not be in the 10s of millions of dollars it was before (but probably still enough to be the #3 movie of the year for the US). At this point, the foreign grosses are the numbers to pay attention to because they should continue to add a good chunk of change to the totals for at least a few more weeks.

Top 5 Movies US for 2007:
1. Spider-Man 3 - 336.3 million
2. Shrek 3 - 320.7 million
3. Pirates 3 - 307.3 million
4. Transformers - 296.4 million
5. Harry Potter 5 - 261 million

Top 5 Movies for 2007:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Budget: 300 million
Opening Weekend: 114.7 million
Total Domestic: 307.3 million
Total Foreign: 644.5 million
Worldwide Total: 951.8 million

2. Spider-Man 3:
Budget: 258 million
Opening Weekend: 151.1million
Total Domestic: 336.3 million
Total Foreign: 553.5 million
Worldwide Total: 889.8 million

3. Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 77.4 million
Total Domestic: 261 million
Total Foreign: 510 million
Worldwide Total: 771 million

4. Shrek 3:
Budget: 160 million
Opening Weekend: 121.6 million
Total Domestic: 320.7 million
Total Foreign: 406.3 million
Worldwide Total: 727 million

5. Transformers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 67.6 million
Total Domestic: 296.4 million
Total Foreign: 295 million
Worldwide Total: 591.4 million

Transformers Week 5 Box Office Estimates

The weekend estimates are out and to the Bourne Ultimatum (great movie) is now king of the box office. At least until next weekend. Transformers dropped again taking in 5.9 million for the weekend. These numbers are estimates and don't include foreign numbers nor the film opening in Japan this weekend. The numbers seem low but according to Box Office Mojo, "Transformers remains in the running to surpass Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End as the third-biggest grosser of the summer." I think this is based on a pattern where year leaders' foreign sales tend to be around 2 times the domestic sales, pretty much cementing to me that a successful film is no longer about how it opens in the United States but how it opens globally. If the powers that be at the studios have any brains they will pay a great deal of attention to this pattern and market accordingly. Potter 5 for instance probably benefited (among other reasons of course) from a simultaneous worldwide opening, already slipping into the 3rd spot for the year.

Weekend numbers in millions:
1. The Bourne Ultimatum - $70.2 million
2. The Simpsons Movie - $25.6 million ($128,550,000)
3. Underdog - $12 million
4. I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry - $10.5 million ($91,697,000)
5. Hairspray - $9.3 million ($78,954,000)
6. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - $9.3 millino ($260,790,000)
7. No Reservations - $6.6 million ($24,157,000)
8. Transformers - $5.9 million ($296,308,000)
9. Hot Rod - $5 million
10. BRATZ $4.3 million

Top 5 Movies for 2007:
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Budget: 300 million
Opening Weekend: 114.7 million
Total Domestic: 307.1 million
Total Foreign: 644.4 million
Worldwide Total: 951.6 million

2. Spider-Man 3:
Budget: 258 million
Opening Weekend: 151.1million
Total Domestic: 336 million
Total Foreign: 553 million
Worldwide Total: 889 million

3. Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 77.4 million
Total Domestic: 260.8 million
Total Foreign: 509.7 million
Worldwide Total: 770.5 million

4. Shrek 3:
Budget: 160 million
Opening Weekend: 121.6 million
Total Domestic: 320.2 million
Total Foreign: 398.7 million
Worldwide Total: 718.9 million

5. Transformers:
Budget: 150 million
Opening Weekend: 67.6 million
Total Domestic: 296.3 million
Total Foreign: 249.5 million
Worldwide Total: 545.8 million

Optimus Prime PC Case

ExtremeTech has an article about a creative computer case mod from John Mangus, PA that is transforming computer case mod in the form of Optimus Prime (pics at bottom of post). It appears the mod was sent in as part of a contest being run on the site.

Full description of the mod:
This Optimus Prime PC mod is made out of aluminum from ranges of 14 ga to 1/4" material and formed and tig welded. It stands 6'10" tall while in transport mode. When I was designing this PC I wanted it to transform in some way or another. It is a Transfomer, what kind would it be if it did not transform. So, I made it transform into a much smaller desktop form. The hands are from casts I made from my own hands. I thought it would be cool to have something of me built into the mod. I used a slideout motherboard design for the MB mounting and external PSU mounted in a custom enclosure mounted on the back. It also has a 7" LCD sreen mounted in the waist to watch movies or such. I made the Autobot Matix center out of a solid peice of brass then milled it on my lathe to accept a 7" blue plasma disk and mounted on a 1/4" aluminum frame and polished it to a mirror shine.
For cooling, I used 2 120mm fans on the top of the chest and angled them to blow directly into the GPUs and CPU. It also has a 80 mm fan mounted on the backplane of the MB tray.

When I decided to paint it, I wanted to use Heavy truck colors on it. I decided to use Peterbuilt red and Freightliner blue and silver. After applying the color I shot 1 intercoat of clear with brillant fire red metalflake on the red and colbalt blue on the blue for effect. I then applied 5 coats of clear. I then sanded the entire PC done with 200 grit sand paper and buff it back to shine.

On the back of the legs are built in storage compartment that are lockable to hold your keyboard, mouse etc....

I started this mod almost a year ago and have over 300 hours into this project. Now that it is finished, I am really happy that I made it. I havent met anyone that can say they have a Optimus Prime PC in their house. Hehe.

I will also be taking this PC to Quakecon this week. If you are planning to attend Quakecon look me up. It shouldn't be hard to find me. Hehe.
And to think I am shopping for a new computer but to lazy to build my own.

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