Transformers DVD Clip

Amazon has posted a clip that features 3 minutes from I think the 2-Disc edition of Transformers called "Transformers: Inside the Allspark" which provides a look at how the visual effects for the film were created by ILM and Digital Domain.

The clip is here.


DVD Deleted Scenes and Easter Eggs

According to, there may be at least 10 deleted scenes and 3 Easter Eggs in the 2-Disc Special Edition DVD for Transformers...the United Kingdom region anyway. Its not confirmed if its the same for the US but don't see why not.

The article:
With Transformers on DVD only under 3 weeks away from the North American release, more confirmed details are coming on the length of the extra features.

The BBFC, who have to rate all DVD material released in the UK have recently reviewed the extras on disc 2 of Transformers and there seems to be more content than meets the eye (yes I said it). The total length of the extras is 148 minutes and 2 seconds.

Firstly, there are 3 easter eggs, titled "Michael Bay Cameo" (2m29s), "Girl in Dress" (1m57s) and "The Bay-Bot" (14s) and an extra feature not mentioned on the press releases, "Casting Mojo" (1m14s).

The most interesting thing is the possibility of DELETED SCENES on the disc. There are 10 listed and are summed up below:
Sam Picks Up Miles - 28 sec
Maggie and Glen Intro - 1 min 49 sec
Police Station Drug Video - 41 sec
Fig wounded - 48 sec
Fig Death - 1 min 14 sec
Suv - 2 min 22 sec
Big Rhonda - 1 min 17 sec
Hoover Dam - 1 min 9 sec
Proving Lab - 58 sec
Simmon's President Speech - 23 sec

It isn't confirmed whether these are on the disc but if Paramount have spent the money to get them rated there is a very good chance.

Transformers 2 Release Date Official

Paramount has finally made it officially what was previousily rumored to be true - the intended release date to theatres for Transformers 2 is June 26, 2009.

According to the Variety article, Paramount has claimed the date (which may change) with hope that Bay will return as director (still in negotiations) and Spielberg as Executive Producer. Even if Spielberg does leave Dreamworks (as rumored) the property would remain with Paramount.

For reasons not indicated, Variety says that "with Bay's involvement, [Shia] LaBeouf is expected to return as well." Wasn't aware that Shia's involvement rode on who directed the next film. I am taking that bit with a grain of salt as money is more then likely going to be sticking issue on who jumps on board then any other factor. Since the media in Hollywood has (for unknown) reasons laid the success of Transformers at the feet of Shia rather then say ILM, Bay, the designers etc for the effects, its means he gets to ask for and likely get an ungodly sum of money for the sequel.

International Steel DVD Case

According to TFW2005, there will be a steel DVD case for Transformers to buyers in most countries in the world including UK and the Philippines. The United States isn't mentioned and if history is a guide probably will be left out as the studios tend to treat US customers as the idiot stepchild who will buy anything so extra effort not required. Hopefully I am wrong and it will be an exclusive for some store as of the known US exclusives, the steel case beats out a feebie comic book easily.

Transformers 2 Release Date: June 26, 2009?

According to Box Office Mojo, the scheduled release date of Transformers 2 is June 26, 2009. This bit of news comes hot on the heels of a LA Times article saying Bay has signed a deal to direct the movie and a message from Bay indicating that if 2 doesn't move forward soon he may "jump ship."

Apparently the ship he may jump to is "2012: The War of Souls" a novel from Whitley Strieber that Bay's company optioned the film rights to. Whether his involvement is as executive producer or director though is not known.

The release date is possible, but the window to get things going is closing and closing fast. Pre-production can get done during the strike...but you have to have a script to work off of for location scouting, designs and the like. Never mind that Hasbro needs at least a year lead time. Considering the companies inability to meet demand and the probability of an expanded cast, it seems likely that Hasbro needs more then a year, so designs would need to be in by February or March of 2008 to meet their deadlines. Six months from now seems like a long time, and considering that Bay had less time for pre-production ramp up on the first movie, its doable. Assuming that he gets the full weight and support (i.e. money) from the studio sooner rather then later.

Also is this sudden announcement of a date a result of Bay's threat to leave the franchise? What of Speilberg's possible impending break from Paramount? Will Bay follow? Is all of this just noise and with the upcoming probable strike wishful thinking at best? Why June? Seems to me that May would be a better month with less competition for the sequel. Time will tell what is going on and if a strike doesn't happen, mostly scheduling concerns will probably evaporate and things will move full steam.

Transformers 2 Coming Summer 2009?

According to the LA Times via Bay's blog, that Bay has signed a deal to direct Transformers 2 with a summer 2009 release date.

According to the LATimes, Transformers 2 is scheduled for the summer of 2009.

...[Spielberg] and director Michael Bay have signed on to make "Transformers 2," scheduled to hit theaters in the summer of 2009.
If Bay starts things up in early 2008, the deadline is doable. Since the technology and models for the Transformers has been created and mostly mastered, the pre and post-production ramp up will be much quicker then before. However this will (hopefully) be offset by more scenes and more Transformers requiring more CGI.

As the articles notes, its possible that the S and the K of Dreamworks SKG may part company with Paramount. What that means for any deals that Spielberg may have signed is not known but I would assume that any agreements would be with the studio and not the man so things would probably not change as Spielberg (as exec producer) would still get some money from a sequel and that's the important part for all parties.

Transformers IMAX Starts Today

For those with an entertainment focused IMAX near you, Transformers should now be out, replacing Harry Potter 5. If you go and see it, be sure to add a comment on what you think and whether its worth the higher cost of admission for us fence sitters.

IMAX Deleted Scenes Descriptions

Over at the forums, "beatrush" has posted a description of the two minutes of scenes added to the IMAX release of Transformers. The summation is the scenes are slight additions to existing scenes in the movie and does not include new CGI or Transformer elements. Here there be spoilers.

From the post:
I just got back from an advanced screening of the Imax Transformers.

We still do not know the fate of Barricade We do not see any new footage of any battles

First additional Scene is Sam picking up his friend who climbed the tree in the park. He makes fun of sam's car about being yellow.

Second additional scene is at the police station when sam gets arrested and they make him watch a video about what drugs do to your brain. The video is amusing but nothing great

Third additional scene has the agent from Section 7 makes Sam take a test to see if he is lying inside the van by making him look into a device to see his pupils dialate.

Fourth additional scene is where the sector 7 agent tells the group about a room where he likes to meditate in (the part before they see the all spark cube)

Fifth additional scene is where one of the army guys goes into a pawn shop and tries to pawn his watch to get the shortwave radios

There may have been something new in the credits but I didnt think about checking until I left.

DVD Deleted Scenes Info poster "The Spacebridge" has posted a series of images that he claims are possible deleted scenes from Transformers, most of which consist of bits and pieces removed from existing scenes in the movie.

To see the images and descriptions, click here.

Edit: Changed title, the scenes are just general deleted scenes info, not specifically claimed as being from the IMAX release.

London IMAX Tickets Contest

Transformers At The Moon with Paramount Pictures UK is sponsoring a contest to win IMAX tickets to Transformers in London. Not a trip to London, just tickets to see the movie at an IMAX theatre in London so making sure your close to the city might be a good first step before entering the contest.

If interested, the full details are here.

Bay: IMAX and the DVD

Michael Bay has posted another blog post regarding Transformers that mostly serves as a little extra incentive to go see the IMAX version of the film coming out this Friday, the 21st. Thanks to Maximus for the link.

I saw the IMAX print and it is awesome! It is the future of cinema to see movies in this format. I'm going to see Transformers one last time and get ready to gear up for Transformers 2. I added two minutes of stuff for IMAX that will never make into any DVD's. There will never be an extended edition.

About the DVD. I like the two disc set. I has all the extras that the others don't have. It is the definitive edition of Transformers. It really breaks down how we made the movie.

Anyway hope you like the IMAX print!


Best Buy Canada TF DVD Exclusive

The Transformers DVD is coming out in less then a month and info about some of the store exclusives have leaked out. For Target, its prequel comics #1 with new cover. For Wal-Mart, its an extra disc that "animates" with voices the prequel comics #1-4. The info on Circuit City is nada.

For Best Buy Canada comes news of a Transformers DVD set that comes with a 32 page book and action figure (but no info on who but I would guess Bumblebee). What does this mean for Best Buy in the US? No idea. The region code is the same, the toys the same, so don't see why the same thing wouldn't be released in the US but so far nothing on the US BB site to indicate what, if any, exclusive might be available come October 16th. Thanks to Maximus for the info.

For those thinking of possibly ordering the Canadian version of the set, I would wait. One reason is the extra $10 charge for the set itself, not to mention the higher S&H charges to ship it to the US (even if your just over the border). Also, exclusive doesn't mean new. Chances are the action figure is the same as one already out in stores and the 32 page book might be set pics readily available online or another name for a comic book (if add in advertisements, most comics are 32 pages long).

Sequel Note from Michael Bay

Michael Bay has posted a note regarding the IMAX release and sequel for Transformers.

.... AIR FORCE ONE will be supplied with the official DVD of Transformers - as requested by the top Air Force General to our offices.

Depressing yes. But I just saw the first IMAX print of Transformers. Not depressing - freakin AWESOME! They need to bottle the magic of IMAX because it's the future of cinema.

It comes out next Friday the 21st. I added some extra scenes.

Transformers 2, well that's another story. Iching to work pre strike (June) so I might jump ship and come back a year or so later cause people at the studio have been dragging for two months. Not sure why. I'll keep you informed.

Previously, Producer Don Murphy has indicated that the studio was waiting until an agreement was reached with the writer's guild. The reason why is if a strike occurs in mid-production it could cause expensive delays, especially since more then likely actors and directors will support the strike in passive ways as they have their own guilds that will be pulling the same strike threats in the coming years.

Since pre-production (script writing, CGI development, storyboards, scouting, casting, etc) would take a 4 months, followed by about 3-4 months of production (filming) then another 3-4 months of post-production (effects, editing, re-shoots, etc), there is no way the film will be in the can before the strike occurs in June 08.

There is time to at least get through filming, but not post-production before the strike, assuming the studio pulls the trigger now (the window is maybe until end of October depending on how fast Bay can work).

This doesn't even get into the scheduling issues. Is Shia available (working on Indy 4)? Josh Duhamel (currently filming Las Vegas), or Megan Fox? To meet the strike deadline filming would have to start no later then beginning of February but if those actors are not available it becomes a moot point.

I have a feeling though that other then fear that production would not complete before the strike, there are also issues under contention with the Writer's Guild that would effect the budget. There is also the neverland of the movie would fall under. If it starts production before the strike, but isn't completed until after, how would it fall under the finalized agreement? Since the strike is ultimately about money and profits, that's actually an important question for the studio as x% of profit owned pre-strike versus post strike will likely be completely different numbers and not likely to be retro-active.

Long story short, it looks like the work on Transformers 2 will not begin until at least Fall of 2008 and that's an optimistic estimate. I suspect a sequel will not arrive in theatres until 2010...unless the studio decides it wants to own the Christmas dollars, then end of 2009 is feasible.

New IMAX Poster

Below is a new poster promoting the upcoming September 21st release of Transformers at IMAX theatres nationwide. Pretty cool image overall.

Target Exclusive Transformers DVD Comic Cover has posted the cover image for the prequel comic #1 that will come with the Target version of the Transformers DVD. Nowadays, for some movies, each of the major retails stores get their own little something extra. Target's is the comic and Wal-Mart's is a bonus disc that includes all 4 issues of the prequel comics with sound effects and voices (including Peter Cullen). Suffice it to say, so far Wal-Mart is winning the extra's battle. Nothing announced (yet) on what Best Buy and Circuit City's exclusive content might be.

Transformers Screen Battles Line Pics has posted up a gallery of the new screen battle line from Hasbro. The line, which I think will be priced $19.99 covers four moments from the movie: Capture of Bumblebee, Final Stand with BB and the tow truck, Desert Attack with Scorponok and First Encounter with Barricade. I am not 100% if the toys transformer or not but the plastic figures included reminded me of old style army figures.

Click here for the full gallery.

Bonecrusher CNN Demo

CNN Headline News ran a story about how the vehicle that was the alt mode for Bonecrusher is used to save lives by protecting soldiers looking for mines. The article used the toy version to demostrate how that works. Ironically, the arm on the toy is inaccurate as Bay has the arm extended to improve the visuals. Thanks to Maximus for the link.

Transformers IMAX Five Minutes Longer?

According to Superherohype, the IMAX version of Transformers may be 149 minutes long versus 144 minutes of the theatrical release. That's five minutes of extra stuff. where two of those minutes is confirmed extra footage. Could the other three minutes also be additional footage? My theory is the three minutes is credits for the IMAX conversion.

Transformers Animated Toyline has posted up a bunch of pics that show the various toys planned for the upcoming Transformers Animated toyline and cartoon. The toys look identical to the cartoon series design and overall seem to borrow in design from the various lines that came before. Overall not bad.

Click here for the full gallery.

Transformers 2 Comment From Don Murphy

Don Murphy has provided a little insight on why there has been no official announcement of Transformers 2 from Paramount and Dreamworks. Its a foregone conclusion that a sequel will happen but the official greenlight and therefore the greenbacks that follow, has yet to be given.

From Don Murphy's message boards:
--- Thanks to those of you who saw SHOOT ‘EM UP and loved it. It seems that if people saw it they did indeed love it. I will always be most proud of it because it was the first Montford/Murphy credit of many and because it is a film that slipped under the radar and should not exist. People shooting at babies and hiring lactating hookers. Subversive. For those commenting on the box office, just note that we showed up on very few screens comparatively and New Line seems to have been unable to make people that aware of the film. Our hope is, since no new action film arrives for over a month, that we’ll have some staying power. But who the hell knows. It’s a great film and all you can do as producers is TRY to make great films. I’m proud of my partner Susan, of Rick who also produced the film and of Michael Davis who is just amazing. If you haven’t seen it, check it out.

--- For those of you most anxious about TRANSFORMERS 2, the silence you hear is primarily because people are fretting about a presumed strike in June 2008. Will it happen? I don’t know- does the public care about strikes anymore in this day and age? What do rich people have to strike about anyway? I don’t have any side here ( you hear about the writers and the Producers but that actually means the STUDIOS) I just think stopping work is kind of pointless. But since no one wants to be filming IF a strike happens, everything needs to be done filming by the end of May 2008. So this is affecting the lack of news about Transformers 2 at least for now. Stay tuned.

I included the Shoot Em Up bit cause I found it to be a very entertaining over-the-top escape movie. I recommend seeing it if you haven't.

As for the strike, this is referring to a writers strike that may occur in Hollywood if negotiations between the Writer's Guild and the various studios fails to work out an agreement when the current one expires in May 2008. A strike would stop the production of scripts therefore no movies and television shows to put to air. As a result of the probably strikes, most studios are banking movies and only greenlighting movies that will be complete before the deadline. The reason for that is odds are the actors and directors will also support the strikes by not necessarily striking but not by making things easier either since their own contracts will be up soon and any "progress" the writers make will be a benefit for them later on.

What is the strike about? The usual - money. In this case, the writers want a larger slice of the both in first runs (TV, theatres) and later runs in DVD sales, rentals and online purchases of movie and television productions. The studios, of course, would rather not give them this money.

Personally my sympathy falls on the studios. Yeah big business and all, but its real simple to me - They put up the risk, they should therefore benefit from the rewards. They pay to get the movies we enjoy made. Where do you think the $200 million for Transformers came from ($150 for film + $50 marketing). It didn't come from the actors, directors, or writers. They where paid by the studio for their work. The studios invested the money. They should get the profit. If those other groups want a piece of the profits, they should play a part in the investment, ie paying out some of that $200 million cost of the film.

The actors, the writers, producers, etc, they got paid for what they put in. Their risk, and therefore their reward should be the same - their paychecks. If the movie succeeds, they often benefit in the form of bonuses, backend deals and the like. If it fails, they shrug it off and move on. The studio though loses. Often a lot. See Bruce Almighty. Its cost $150 + marketing to make, only make around 60 million. That's over $100 million they lost on the gamble. Did the actors have to pay back their fee for the failed movie? The writer? The producers? The director? Of course not. They invested their time and got paid for it.

What really annoys me is they want sympathy from john q average. I have said it before and will say it again, I really wish Hollywood business was the way the real world business worked because then all of us would be rich. Imagine if on the team that developed the iPod and iPhone. In real world business, they got paid for services rendered. Apple owners their work and benefits from it. The team probably got a bonus and a pat on the back. In Hollywood business though, they would get 5% of every iPod, accessory, and song sold for the device. If later the tech is used in other devices, they would get a percentage of that. If 20 years later, the tech popped up again on something, they would get money for that too even if had nothing to do with it. They would be stinking filthy rich if the real world business followed Hollywood business. What if you get paid a percentage of every burger flipped, report filed, program built, and so forth? I think we would all love that.

In Hollywood though, the creation is its own entity that doesn't recognize it exists because someone with deep pockets allowed it to exist. Instead its perceived was only the efforts of the writers, directors and actors that cause it to exist at all and make money. This idea also ignores that nowadays probably the most important ingredients of equal stature if not greater are the set people, makeup, various effects crews, and the other legions that get a film done right. Transformers might not have been as good without the director and actors, but it would have failed no matter what if those other crews where not equally on the ball.

The whole strike thing just bugs me because its sold as a gesture of nobility when really its pure greed. The Guilds decry studio greed while themselves are doing the same thing. At least the studio is putting up the risk. When actors, directors, and writers start doing more then just taking a paycheck for services rendered, say actually themselves writing checks that get films made, then I really don't want to hear about unfair it is that their lack of investment isn't getting them more money. Real simple, share in the risk, then can share in the reward, until then its a bunch of noise that is summarized as "give me more".

As for Transformers 2, it sounds like no official announcement will be made until an agreement is reach between the studios and the Writer's Guild. If a strike takes place, that could be awhile to. On the plus, once its annouced, to make up for lost ground and lost money, things will probably move forward very quickly.

Transformers IMAX Ticket Contest and and Paramount are having a contest to give 50 pairs of tickets for Transformers at the IMAX (out 9/21). The grand price winner also will get a Megatron Toy, hat, Optimus key chain and BEEOTCH Air Freshener. Thanks to Scott of 1-18-08 Blog for the info.

Click here for details and to register.

Transformers Up For Awards

Apparently awards season (really its year long) has started and Tranformers is already up for few. At the 11th Annual Hollywood Film Festival and Hollywood Awards Gala Ceremony (that's a mouthful) on October 12th, Scott Farrar will accept the award for Visual Effects of the Year for Transformers.

Transformers has also been nominated for 8 Scream Awards from Spike TV. Ie its a "watch our channel" awards ceremony but a back pat is a back pat. Its up for "The Ultimate Scream", "Best Science Fiction Movie", "Sci-Fi Siren" for Megan Fox, "Sci-Fi Star" for Shia LaBeouf, "Breakout Performance" for Megan Fox, "Scene of the Year" for Megs vs Optimus sequence, "Best Director" for Michael Bay and "Best F/X". The awards will be presented on October 19th at the Greek Theatre in LA and air on Spike TV on October 23rd at 10:00PM. The only award that really matters, Oscar, I think TF is a lock for visual and sound effects.

Harry Potter 5 IMAX Numbers

With Transformers coming the IMAX on September 21, I figured some would fine the recent release of Harry Potter 5 IMAX "record" box office numbers of interest. In its 7-week release, Harry 5 pulled in $35 million worldwide (24M from 91 US prints and 11M from 52 overseas prints). The film averaged a $243,000 average per screen. These numbers "Order is now the highest grossing live-action IMAX release of all time."

The numbers overall are impressive for IMAX but not in the overall box office grand scheme of things and may explain why IMAX remains a every now and thing for movies. I also having a feeling that the main reason for the IMAX release is the hope that the bump will make Transformers the number 2 movie for 2007 in the US which it might just succeed at. I doubt the bump will be enough to get past 5th place worldwide. Overseas sales simply failed to do the 2x performance of US sales that the other 4 movies ahead of it where able to do. However, that's not really a criticism. Considering the competition, all sequels, tts the first movie of a franchise. If the sequel performs the same overseas, that might be cause for concern, but for a first movie of an unknown franchise, the numbers remain outstanding and something Bay and co. should be proud of. Below stats are from Box Office Mojo.

Top 5 Movies US for 2007:
1. Spider-Man 3 - 336.5 million
2. Shrek 3 - 321 million
3. Transformers - 310.8 million
4. Pirates 3 - 308.7 million
5. Harry Potter 5 - 287.0 million

Top 5 Movies non-US for 2007:
1. Pirates 3 - 651.1 million
2. Harry Potter 5 - 625.0 million
3. Spider-Man 3 - 553.7 million
4. Shrek 3 - 436.5 million
5. Transformers - 375.0 million

Top 5 Movies Worldwide for 2007:
1. Pirates 3 - 959.8 million
2. Harry Potter 5 - 912.0 million
3. Spider-Man 3 - 890.2 million
4. Shrek 3 - 757.5 million
5. Transformers - 685.8 million

DVD Contest and 1 Disc Cover Images

Above is the DVD cover for the single disc release of Transformers. The 2-disc set has the Optimus Prime/Megatron profile on white background.

In addition to the 1 disc or two disc set, Paramount is supporting the release of the movie with a few promotional contests with Chevrolet and Hostess. The Chevrolet contest starts October 17th and will offer the chance to win one of three customized Chevy Camaro's designed after Bumblebee (more info here). The Hostess contest will be Transformers themed packages and an instant win game for a 50'' Plasma TV, entertainment system, DVD players and so forth (info here).

Full gallery of all the DVD covers here

Transformers IMAX With 2 Additional Minutes

According the the Michael Bay blog, the IMAX release of Transformers will have two additional minutes of footage. What that footage is, where, etc is not indicated.

I contacted Michael to verify if the IMAX release of Transformers will include additional footage not seen in the first theatrical release, and he has confirmed that there will be about 2 extra minutes.
Personally, with the DVD coming out three weeks later I am just going to save the $12 per ticket cost and buy the DVD. May change my mind but I shall let others be the guinea pigs and let the rest of us know how it goes.

DVD Official Release Date: 10/16

A press release has come out that clears up the details on the upcoming release of Transformers DVD stateside. The official release date in DVD and HD-DVD is October 16th. There will be a 2-disc set and a 1-disc set. Rather then just re-write the press release, ie re-inventing the wheel, here it is reproduced below.


$650+ Million Smash Hit From DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures Rolls Out on DVD and HD DVD October 16 in Two-Disc Sets Bursting with a Universe of Bonus Features to Immerse Fans of All Ages in the World of the Legendary ROBOTS IN DISGUISE

HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. – (September 5, 2007) The armies of CYBERTRON invaded theaters with a juggernaut fury that shook the summer of 2007, but on October 16, 2007 fans of all ages will discover that there is far “More Than Meets The Eye” to the massive mechanical behemoths when TRANSFORMERS arrives on Earth in spectacular DVD and HD DVD
two-disc Special Edition sets as well as on a single disc from DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures; distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment.

Earning over $650 million at the global box office to date, the massive production exploded onto screens from the creative minds of director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg, in association with Hasbro, taking audiences by storm and becoming the biggest original film of the year. The first live-action film based on the enduringly popular “robots in disguise”, TRANSFORMERS features the ultimate battle between good and evil, as the peace-loving AUTOBOTS seek to protect humanity from the evil forces of the DECEPTICONS. The action-packed film stars a hot young cast of up-and-coming actors including Shia LaBeouf (Disturbia), Josh Duhamel (“Las Vegas”), Tyrese Gibson (Four Brothers) and Megan Fox (“Hope & Faith”), as well as seasoned performers such as Jon Voight (National Treasure) and John Turturro (The Good Shepherd). But the biggest stars are the TRANSFORMERS robots themselves – including fan favorites OPTIMUS PRIME, MEGATRON, BUMBLEBEE, RATCHET, JAZZ and more – brought to life by revolutionary new VFX techniques developed by the innovative digital wizards at Industrial Light & Magic (ILM).

The TRANSFORMERS Special Edition two-disc sets provide an incredible experience with an arsenal of bonus material that delivers excitement and fun for long-time fans, as well as for viewers who are new to the TRANSFORMERS universe. The extensive special features include commentary by Michael Bay and two multi-part in-depth documentaries exploring the human elements of the film as well as the phenomenal robot stars. Presented in multiple parts, “Our World” and “Their War” include segments with Steven Spielberg discussing his love for the franchise and the early concept for the movie, the extensive casting process, the training, consultants and real-world weapons provided by the military to lend authenticity to the film, the evolution of the robots from Hasbro’s iconic toy line to big-screen stars, the unique vehicles created for the movie, a discussion with ILM’s legendary digital artists and much more.

The discs go even further behind-the-scenes with early sketch concepts of the robots and an in-depth look at the making of the SKORPONOK attack from writing and conceptualization through the creation of the stunning visual effects.

Out-Of-This World High-Def Content:
In addition to superior picture and sound and all of the above bonus material presented in high definition, the HD DVD presentation provides consumers with a host of web-enabled features, which are accessible through all connected HD DVD players. The
web-enabled features take advantage of technology that allows the studio to present the content in a new way. These cutting-edge, online features can be updated, providing consumers with an evolving entertainment experience months, or even years, after the disc is physically produced. Initial features include a TRANSFORMERS Intelligence Mode in which an on-screen dashboard over the film provides information about the robots and weapons, their strength levels, character updates and more. Plus, a GPS Locator that can access a map and GPS coordinates. Paramount’s TRANSFORMERS HD DVD connectivity capabilities will reveal additional HD DVD exclusive features at street date and at various time periods in the future.

The HD DVD also includes a TRANSFORMERS H.U.D. (Heads Up Display) that lets viewers access running text commentary while watching the film and even view relevant behind-the-scenes footage in a picture-in-picture window. Additionally, viewers can explore the main robots’ individual details in high definition with the TRANSFORMERS Tech Inspector.

The TRANSFORMERS DVD is presented in widescreen enhanced for 16:9 televisions with Dolby Digital English 5.1 Surround, French 5.1 Surround and Spanish 5.1 Surround with English, French and Spanish subtitles. Total runtime is 143 minutes.

TRANSFORMERS Special Edition DVD bonus features include:
Disc 1:
· Feature film
· Commentary by Michael Bay

Disc 2:
· Our World
The Story Sparks - Steven Spielberg discusses his love for the franchise and early concept art for the film. Explores how the writers adapted the cartoon into a live-action movie and why Michael Bay is the perfect director for the film.

Human Allies - A look at how the actors were selected and their experiences on the set.

I Fight Giant Robots - An exploration of the military training that
Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson underwent for their roles and the various stunts that the actors were asked to perform.

Battleground - A piece on the senior officials from the Department of Defense and Air Force who consulted on the film to give it authenticity and the key locations that the U.S. government provided access to.

· Their War
Rise of the Robots - Explores the interaction between Hasbro designers and Michael Bay to bring the toy line roaring to life.

AUTOBOTS Roll Out - Michael Bay discusses working with Chevy and its designers and the modifications that were made to the cars seen in the film.

DECEPTICONS Strike - The film’s military advisors discuss the “toys” they allowed the production to borrow: F-22 Raptors, Ospreys and A-10 Warthogs.

Inside the AllSpark - ILM’s digital artists discuss the challenges of bringing the TRANSFORMERS to life.

· More Than Meets The Eye
From Script to Sand: The SKORPONOK Desert Attack - An in-depth look at the making of this particularly epic and challenging scene from initial storyboarding through production and visual effects.

Concepts - Early sketch concepts of the robots.

The HD DVD is presented in 1080p High Definition with English, French and Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital Plus and English, English SDH+, French, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese subtitles. In addition to the above features that will be presented in high definition, the TRANSFORMERS HD DVD will also offer the following exclusive content:

Disc 1:
TRANSFORMERS H.U.D. (Heads Up Display)—In this mode, viewers can access running text-based behind-the-scenes background information on the production during the feature. Users can also watch relevant picture-in-picture b-roll and video with Bay, Spielberg and other filmmakers during select sequences.
Transformers Intelligence Mode web-enabled features consist of:

· Transformation Mode
· Health Meter
· Weapon Mode
· Robot Bio
· In Scene Indicator
· Text Ticker

Disc 2:
TRANSFORMERS Tech Inspector - Gives viewers an unprecedented look at the TRANSFORMERS robots through the exquisitely detailed models created by ILM artists. Users can zoom in on each detail for a closer examination and pause and change the rotation of the models.

Overall a decent collection of extra features. I assumes that the price model will follow the usual $19.99 for 1 disc and $24.99 2-disc model but can get for $14.99 or $22.99 the first week its out. I have a feeling though some things are being held back for the inevitiable special release to promote the sequel.

IMAX Poster

Superherohype has posted the IMAX poster for Transformers coming out on 9/21/07. Nothing really new about it other then the IMAX and date change on it. As far as where the movie will be showing, you will have to check your local IMAX theatre, but generally if it hasn't played movies before (versus documentaries) then it probably will not get Transformers.

As for whether to see the movie at the IMAX. I haven't decided if the cost isn't worth the reward. The quick edits, jerking, jumping and so forth, its going to be a real motion sickness issue for some (including me). On one hand, for some of those fight sequences, the size and scale will be awesome, on the other I am wondering if having to keep a barf bag close at hand will be worth it. I am thinking the IMAX version is just a direct port of the theatrical release but so far no final details have been released one way or the other. Click here for a commentary piece on concerns about IMAX Tranfomers.

UK and Australia DVD Release Date and Image

According to UK site, the UK release date for Transformers DVD will be 12/3/07 for 15 pounds and TFW2005 says it that Australia will get the DVD on November 1st.

Transforming Lego Blackout

As the pic shows, someone got an inch and creating a Lego version of Blackout that transformers. Very nice. Its just a little over 2 feet long and stands under 16 inches tall.

To view the full gallery click here.

Transformers Score Track List

Amazon has updated its listing of the Transformers Score CD with the 20 title long track list for the October 9th release.

Track List
1. Autobots
2. Decepticons
3. All Spark
4. Deciphering the Signal
5. Frenzy
6. Optimus
7. Bumblebee
8. Soccent Attack
9. Sam at the Lake
10. Skorpinok
11. Cybertron
12. Arrival to Earth
13. Whitwicky
14. Downtown Battle
15. Sector 7
16. Bumblebee Captured
17. You're a Soldier Now
18. Sam on the Roof
19. Optimus vs. Megatron
20. No Sacrifice, No Victory

Australia Transforming TF DVD Case

Australian is getting a special version of Transformers where the DVD case transforms into Optimus Prime. No indication if it will come out in the US but I would be surprised if it did. For whatever reason, US companies tend to have a low opinion on what US consumers will or will not like. The special case can be ordered from Be warned, DVDs tend to be region locked (4 for UA, 1 for US, think 3 for EU) so unless you have an unlocked DVD player (usually requires hacking) then it will not play on DVD players in US or elsewhere so might want to consider that before ordering.

Special Features:
- Limited Edition "Transforming" Packaging with Outer Plastic O-Ring Sleeve
- Deleted Scenes
- Audio Commentary by Director Michael Bay
- 4 Featurettes
- 2 In-Depth Making of Documentaries
- Interactive Content
- Easter Eggs
My Ping in
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