In addition, Wal-Mart's site includes the first images Deluxe Blaze Master (alt mode Channel 7 copter), Deluxe Jolt (Chevy Volt), Deluxe Arcee (with side car that becomes blaster), Deluxe Swerve (repaint of Sideswipe), and Deluxe Dead End (repaint of Sideways). It is unknown if Blaze Master is a movie character. Jolt and Arcee are confirmed in the movie and of course the repaints are not. Thanks to "217" for the link.

Update: The TFW2005 thread has added additional pics that show off the alt mode for the figures, that I added above. Also included the Jetfire pictures (I think Leader class but not sure) since first good look at his modes. Thanks to 217 for the heads-up.
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