He and his brother also posted two videos (below) that they edited together of the first two days of filming in the area. The 1st video is filming at Constitution Hall, the second is a look at some of the pre-prep before the Bayhem along Pennsylvania Avenue. Overall they report seeing 4 fire fights and 1 explosion with multiple takes.
Below is also a link to a 20 minute video on Facebook (no embedding available). It shows some of the Lincoln Memorial filming including a close-up of Michael Bay, Josh Duhamel, Shia and others doing their various tasks including filming a scene of them running together towards flashing lights (probably representing a distant fire fight) along with Shia finding various ways to kill time between takes. Part of it is various amusing ways to get himself going to make it seem he has been running for a while. Speaking of, for additional amusement Shia also got busted throwing coffee on paparazzi while in DC. Thanks Adam for Facebook link and rumah for coffee video link.
Videos: DC Facebook | Throwing Coffee
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