Michael Bay "Interview"

"Nelson" over at shootfortheedit.com is reporting some information he got from a conversation he had with Michael Bay regarding the TF movie. Its all unconfirmed (as is really everything out there right now) but it does have a ring of truth and logic to it.

Spoke to Bay this morning...

...as I said, he will post later on later regarding the designs (when I say later it could mean tonight or in a couple of days).

Among some of the stuff:

-They (Bay & Co.) are committed to maintaining total secrecy about this project until it hits the screen. We spoke of how there was no surprise factor to Peter Jackson's King Kong. You knew the whole movie ahead of time. There are some in the team who believe the audience's first peak of the robots in their normal mode should be when they sit down to watch the movie in the theater (in other words, no sneak peak of them in their normal mode in the trailers).

-Bay & crew are well aware of sites putting out BS info in order to elicit a response from Bay & Co.

-The reasons why they went with a huge long nose truck for OP (BTW, regarding the flames, there is a context for them like Orci pointed out). Bay said they did test with flat noses (FN) for scale purposes, and the FN would only be about 20 to 25 feet tall, so they went with the biggest truck they could find: the Peterbilt. We're talking 40 to 50 foot tall robots here. The physics for these robots have to be real...aka no magically disappearing parts. Also, OP is going to have much more red than what was shown in the supposedly "leaked" photo.

-Regarding the designers... all I can say is he said they all had to be fans of the show in order to get their jobs.

-Regarding the Ludacris rumor...no, he does not have a part in TF.

The bit about scale makes since. The movie is going for a "reality" that would exist even for giant robots. They are not doing what the cartoons did where the TFs changed sizes (say Soundwave) or had some part of their transformation appear out of nowhere (Optimus Prime's trailer). The traditional Prime truck would probably limit his robot mode to about 30 feet, maybe more if wanted to make his legs disportionate to rest of him. The important thing to take from this is "god is in the details" and the people involved in this movie are clearly paying attention to that philosophy.



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