Transformers Toy Stuff

Another day, another day without movie news. So instead I will recommend some links to check out upcoming Transformers toys.

My favorite is the must have "Masterpiece Starscream". Sucker just looks great and probably fun to play with to. Its designed the same way as the 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime from last year was. Besides, who can pass up a version that features that Starscream smirk. Pics are here and here.

Hasbro has recently updated its site with news of the next planned Alternator, the Honda Civic SI, called Rumble. Yes its named after the cassette Transformers Rumble and when in robot mode is clearly modeled after him with the chest plate and the hammer arms. The Alternator line is simply Transformers at its best. Is a perfect model of the car that turns into a fully articulated TF robot that usually looks awesome in any mode. If a fan from the past, its worth your while to hit a toy isle and give them a look-see. The info on Rumble is here.

For you Generation One (G1) fans (original TF from the 80s), comes the Classic Line for the holiday season. Its basically the original Transformers updated using current toy technology which means more detailed look, better articulation and even better no stickers! Click here for a few pics of Hot Rod, Starscream and Bumblebee.

A final bit of news is a rumor that the planned release of the Transformers movie toy line is June 2nd 2007. The site claims its direct from a Hasbro rep but I have my doubts. One reason is usually movie line toys are released 2 to 3 months ahead of the movie. Another is toy lines are not like DVD release schedules where they only get put on sale after a certain date. In fact I have never heard of a "release date" for a toy. Basically the manufacturer (Hasbro) makes then and ships then and its entirely up to the stores on when they stick them on the shelves. Toys R Us is famous for sitting on entire toy lines while it tries to clear out the old (rather then just put em on sale and get rid of them). Its one of the many reason why that company has been hurting for years. Even now, its really not recommended to look for the latest release there but instead hit the local Wal-Mart and Target. Any case, I say keep an eye out starting in May.

As the above shows, the next year in Transformers toys is bright and sweet with no less then three lines planned for the fans and the nephews alike. Oh and a warning for the TF newbies, don't be fooled by different colors. Hasbro is famous now for releasing the every Transformers about 3-4 different times and the only difference is its name and color scheme.


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