Spielberg Out At Dreamworks?

The rumors continue that Spielberg may be outed from Dreamworks. The back and forth on this has been on going since Paramount bought the studio. It could become true as I am a bit surprised he is still around as usually when a corporation buys another they usually eliminate the top management, something not yet done by Paramount for Dreamworks.

"He's gone, and he's not going to be missed," one knowledgeable insider tells Radar. Word is, Viacom chief Sumner Redstone—who made headlines in 2006 for canning Tom Cruise after his off-screen antics became a liability—has struck again.

Later an update: Marvin Levy, spokesman for Spielberg returned Radar's call this morning and later got back to us to say: "This story is incorrect. Everybody who knows the DreamWorks deal and the Spielberg deal at Viacom knows that he is fireproof." Radar stands by its source.

If this rumor becomes fact, and when rumors like this stick around as long as this one has, there must be something fueling it, then the impact on Transformers is negligiable. He remain as executive producer, Bay and any other deals would remain in place and the movie would continue. I think the only real impact would be the loss of a buffer between the studio suits and production. Without Spielberg in that role and considering how important Transformers the franchise has become for paramount, the studio suits would be happily lining up to offer their (probably useless) input on the movie so can take credit for any success. So really the impact would be more headaches for Bay.

Thanks to Chris P. for the link.


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