IMAX Scenes Shot for TF2

Slashfilm reports that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will have scenese shot especially for the IMAX release of the movie.
We knew that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was going to be released in IMAX theaters, but Variety reports that Michael Bay is filming at least three action sequences from the upcoming sequel using IMAX cameras.

This is a growing trend. Recently it was reported that Jon Favreau would like to film sequences of Iron Man 2 in IMAX (possibly even in 3D), while DJ Caruso expressed interest in using IMAX cameras during Y: The Last Man. I’m really glad that filmmakers and studios took notice of Nolan’s use of 70mm footage during The Dark Knight. I was originally concerned that the film’s $60 million IMAX Box Office record would result in more films being digitally up-converted, rather than finding a real value added experience for the IMAX presentation.
Thanks to Melvin for the link.

Update: A press release via AICN. Probably the part that is most important is the confirmation that IMAX release date, "As previously announced, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be released to IMAX® theatres simultaneously with the movie’s wide release on June 26, 2009."

TF2 Casting Call Report

The Arizona Daily Star has provided a set report that includes the plans for the recent casting call that was reported about here recently.

The report verified that Transformers 2 production will be Tucson International Airport on October 6th. Between security and the airport size, it’s going to be difficult to determine exactly where they are going to be without a great deal of luck or inside knowledge of the exact location (which I don't have).
The event announcement called for people to dress like airport travelers of all types, so the line was filled with suits, cowboy hats, college sweat shirts, and for the most enterprising, luggage. The room buzzed with excited chatter for a day that was more cattle call than casting call.

A pair of married couples, Eric and Betsy Souza and their friends Eric and Michelle Jakoby, heeded the call of their pal, self-described fifth wheel Dane Snyder, who read about the casting call online.

Eric Jakoby, a 26-year-old fireman, was pumped. He still has his childhood collection of Transformers toys.

"We're here because there's nothing better to do in Tucson," one of them said, making all of the others crack up.

Thirty spots ahead of that group in line stood Ismael Soqui and his wife, Talitha Villalobos. Villalobos, a 22-year-old homemaker, wanted another taste of the movies after popping up as an extra in the 1996 Kris Kristofferson-starring TV film "Blue Rodeo," which was shot Downtown.

"I heard you talking about it on the radio," Soqui said, referring to my weekly guest slot on 92.1 KFMA's "The Frank Show." "So I told her, 'Let's do it.' "

Eric Impraim, a 26-year-old former Star employee with a fledgling acting career, showed up with his 21-year-old brother, Francis. Eric said he was hoping for a little boost for his career. Francis isn't an actor, but he thought it would be fun to check out the set of a blockbuster. He looked around with a confident smile, and after evaluating his chances, he said, "I try to keep a positive attitude."

Virginia Love, a 74-year-old retired teacher, drove 26 miles from Sun City Vistoso in Oro Valley. Her grandchildren, ages 4, 8 and 12, are "Transformers" nuts.
"I've always wanted to do this," she said.

Waiting in line for two hours really helped us all get into character. It's what those of us in showbiz refer to as "the method." I focused and slipped into the zone. I truly became a person standing around at an airport.

When it finally came time for me and my line mates to step into the casting room, we hushed in unison. This wasn't so much "Transformers 2" as it was "Terminator 2" — Judgement Day. We were handed numbered placards along with slips of paper that asked our names, ages, weights and measurements.

I don't mean to sound cocky here, but I absolutely nailed that audition. I brought forth an animalistic rawness reminiscent of Marlon Brando in "A Streetcar Named Desire." I was so amazing that after standing by the wall for three seconds, posing for a head shot with placard No. 267, the casting director had seen enough. (Those who followed had similarly short auditions. Most likely because the powers that be treated them as mere formalities in lieu of my formidable showing.)

As if not to dash the fragile hopes of the others, the casting lady gave us a blanket "don't call us — we'll call you" message. If DreamWorks wants us in the film, they'll ring us up. She said extras will get $8 an hour for the first eight hours, followed by time and a half for any additional hours.

I was mildly offended at the low pay, but after talking it over with my agent — OK, just mumbling silently to myself — I decided to accept. That is, I will decide to accept as soon as they call me. And surely they will. After all, what would the movie be without No. 267?
Good luck and have fun for those that where chosen as extras.

Casting Call, White Sands Mini Update

The BoneyardTwo brief updates about Transformers 2 production from site readers. The first is about the casting call in Arizona where Chris reports that its for a one day shoot to be held possibly on the 6th, but since production is a day behind it might be the 7th. The extras, which will be needed for 8-12 hours, will be cast as TSA agents and airport travelers.

In addition there will be a shoot at The Boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, AZ (not sure if extras are going there). The Boneyard or The 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) is a reference to where military aircraft go after being taken out of service. Lots of planes, Michael Bay, and Transformers...makes you wonder if a lot of boom is planned.

Tomorrow is expected to be the last day Transformers 2 production will be at Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands. Apparently on that day military ID holders can visit the set but might want to verify that before just showing up.

As for where Transformers 2 is shooting between White Sands and The Boneyard, your guess is as good as mine. Thanks to Chris and Tamara for their information.

More Cullen in Optimus Prime

MTV spoke briefly with the voice of Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen, about Transformers 2. As he had said before, the opening introduction has been done but it turns out that there might be a bit more Cullen in the onscreen Optimus Prime this time around.
“I’ve only done the opening,” voiceover legend Peter Cullen told MTV News, updating us on the lengthy process of recording lines for the film. “[Michael] Bay brought me in to get them started on some of the animation part of it. I think they require a voiceover for it, [and then] we’ll get into the main stuff more towards the end of the fall…November, perhaps.”

And while Cullen will remain off-camera, like in the first film, some of him will find a home on the synchronized face of his alter-ego, Prime. “They focus a camera on my mouth,” he exclaimed. “It’s like ‘Oh my God, they’re looking into my mouth!’ It’s like going to the dentist.”

Arizona Casting Call Saturday

The Arizona Daily Star is reporting that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is holding an open casting call for extras.
Think you can hang with Shia and generate good onscreen chemistry with Megatron? Then you'll want to hit Desert Diamond Casino Hotel, 7350 S. Nogales Highway, at 9 a.m. Saturday, when they're holding a casting call for the "Transformers" sequel. Shooting starts in early October. The filmmakers are looking for "airport travelers." Only those ages 18 and over will be accepted, and prospective extras are advised to bring a pen and their social security number.
Good luck to those that can go.

Chevy Volt At White Sands Set

Thanks to Dee who provided the two cell phone pictures below from White Sands Missile Range. The first shows Josh, extras and possibly Tyrese (not sure) as they prep for a scene. I assume that is the C17, mentioned here, that seems to be used to deploy our heroes in Egypt to fight Decepticons.

The second picture seems to be a bit more significant to me as it shows the Chevy Volt parked with other Autobots. Last time we saw the Volt was at the Queensway Bridge set (here and here) which was being used as a Shanghai, China site. At the time a GM rep said the car is not a Transformer alt mode but its looking pretty clear that is not the case.

The suggestion was the car is essentially an extra used for a scene at the Queensway, but if that was the case why spend the time and money to transport the car from California to New Mexico and in the movie storyline from China to Egypt (or vice versa since not sure what comes before what in the story)? The way I see it, this pretty much confirms that the Chevy Volt is an alt mode for un-identified Autobot Transformer. Considering the Volt is part of "green" friendly push by GM, I highly doubt the car is a Decepticon. As usual this is all speculation but it fits the concept car M.O. established by the first movie and continued in this one.

The Insider, ET Transformers 2 Set Reports

On Tuesday the Insider and Entertainment Tonight aired behind the scene reports from the Transformers set at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The videos include glimpses at scenes being filmed, interviews with Shia Labeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, and Michael Bay. Lots of boom with moments involving exploding buildings, roadside booms and jets.

As far as actual movie spoiler type information, not a whole lot that I could see. The ET report revealed that White Sands is dressed for a town in Egypt. Their footage, probably shot sometime in the last week was for day 66 out of the --- day production schedule. Also it appears where in the first movie the military characters did the globe-trotting it appears that Shia and Megan join them this time. As previously reported this could extend to include Sam's parents but that was not verified by either set report.

The Insider and ET have posted their videos online. The Insider video is here, ET one is here (or below).

Updated: Added the above picture to the post. The screenshot is from the Insider set report at the 3:12 mark. It appears to be an animatic of a fight sequence between Bumblebee and maybe Barricade but that is just a guess.

White Sands Set Report, TF Pics

Anonymous in Alamogordo has provided a new set report from White Sands and a bunch of pictures of the Transformers vehicles. Sadly none of the new additions to the cast but some great images of Bumblebee, Ironhide, Optimus Prime and Ratchet.

The set report:
- The core cast is at the location, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson
- Today they shot a fight scene at a desert set similar to one from the first movie.
- Extras on set comprised of various needs including a "Strike Force" and Jordanian soldiers.
- Heard rumor that Julie White and Kevin Dunn (Sam's parents) where also on the White Sands set.
- Additionally heard that TF2 may film in Ruidoso which is about 30 minutes from Alamogordo. Ruidoso is in the mountains surrounded by a dense forest.

Update: Turns out the Jordan theory is wrong. Based on info from the Entertainment Tonight set report (video here) it appears that White Sands is being used as Egypt for the purposes of the film. It is possible that the "Jordanian soldiers" extras is either to hide the Egyptian location or because Transformers production will later film in Jordan. The extras could be part of getting the scenes they need to tie the various locations together.

For the images, anonymous noted that Bumblebee looked closer to orange then yellow. Also the perimeter for pictures was around 20 feet as that is when the cars look best but he did notice a little paint chipping and smudges. As the photos show, if they are there I can't see them. On some of the photos there are attempts to remove some of the date stamps so they don't distract from the image.

Optimus Prime



Hasbro Summit Brings Transformers Character News

The Hasbro Licensing Summit was recently held at Kuala Lumpur the capital city of Malaysia and according to TFW2005 the toy news provides some new insight into the characters for the film.

The summit revealed the true name the Chevy Corvette Centennial as Sideswipe, so the place-holder name of Stinger no long applies.

In addition, they confirmed that Ravage, described as having a "very raw beast mode", will be in the film. I assume this is the same creature design seen on the Princeton set a few months ago that was named Frenzy for lack of a better identifier.

Next, the summit verified that Megatron's alt mode is a tank which confirms that the leaked images are possible design attempts for that alt mode. No confirmation on whether the designs are exact matches for what will be used in the film.

TFW2005 is also reporting their inside source has said that the toy line for Devastator will merge to form a Supreme sized figure. For Hasbro, a Supreme class tends to be the toys in the $50 MSRP range.

There is also a toy report on an Italian website here. A Babel Fish translation was a bit jumbled. The best I can tell they are saying that there will be assortments comprising of Devastator and Jetfire. A new gimmick for the Deluxe line will include gears that appear to transform similar to the movie. Bumblebee will have a gun with blades and something to do with a helmet. The site also verifed the tank mode for Megatron. Hopefully our international readers can provide a better translation.

Update: In regards to the Italian website, someone offered to properly translate it but instead discovered the post has been pulled. Since no images were involved, I doubt it was done because of Hasbro or anything so the end result is I am going to take what the site had said with a grain of salt until the info is confirmed elsewhere. I still have huge doubts about Devastator being in this movie.

So to sum, two new Transformers characters to add to the list - Sideswipe and Ravage. Alt mode for Megatron is a tank. And the rumor of Devastator continues.

Megatron Toy Pictures

Thanks to Michael who found the below picture of what appears to be toy designs for Megatron's tank mode for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The designs clearly match the tank images leaked the other day.

ET On the Transformers 2 Set Tomorrow

Entertainment Tonight (ET) is going to have a "Transformers Tuesday" episode where they plan to show scenes being filmed on the Transformers 2 set at Holloman Air Force Base and White Sands, NM. I assume that will include bit interviews with Bay, Megan and others. ET is a syndication program in the USA so on what channel and what time it airs can vary by area so be sure to check your local listings. For those out of the states or stuck at work, hopefully video will become available online for me to post.

Thanks to Jeany, Michael, Katie and Ann for the heads-up.

Bethlehem Copter Pics

Thanks to an anonymous source are the two pictures of the copter used for filming Transformers 2 at Bethlehem Steel and Princeton. The first picture shows the copter as it was prepped for the its transformation into a copter for the Shanghai police force as seen in the second picture.

Transformers 2 Alamogordo, NM Set Report

From an anonymous source is a set report from filming at Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, NM.

Don't know if you are concerned, but they are in fact filming here in Alamogordo, NM. They've been here for sometime now.

September 12th - They were filming on base from 12:00pm - 10:30pm. They used a large military plane, like a C17. It was parked and they had many of the military extras walking to and from the plane. Sometimes loading onto the back of the plane and then deplaning afterwards.

Josh and Tyrese were there as well. I saw them standing at the end of the stairwell, the landing of the C-17. The military extras were walking and in some takes they were running.

Tyrese was trying to keep the mood light as I witnessed him doing some kind of "chicken dance". I hear through the grapevine that he was pretty silly that day. I honestly think it's to prevent himself from going crazy from boredom. As you probably know, there are many, many, many takes just for one shot! And then they want to do the same shot from another angle. So you're talking, 10 takes each at least! Needless to say, that could take all night, and sometimes it does! There were a few times while everyone waited as they set up the shots, Tyrese would say out loud, “Are we ready yet? What's the hold up? C'mon lets go!" They were outside doing this scene all night! The walking scene was done at least 20 times. Riding humvees around the plane was shot in the day and later in the night.
The humvees had gunners on top, about 4 of those riding around and around the plane. They were definitely filming a fight scene.

I really don't want to go into too much detail for fear someone I know that is working with DreamWorks will get into a lot of trouble. I would love to tell you the story line of which I'm sure you'd be surprise, but I truly do not want to spoil it for any true Transformer fan.

They start shooting tomorrow (22nd Sept) at White Sands for the entire week. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch any filming while they are out there. Only the extras and crew are allowed. I hear they will be shooting here in Alamogordo, whether it be on base or at White Sands, they will be here till early October.

Here is what I've observed so far at Holloman. They had men and women and very few children dressed in Muslim costumes. The people looked very authentic I saw them early one morning walking to the trailers. Bumblebee was on base; however he was shielded from prying eyes as they covered him up with a car cover. Not a great job because his rear and sides were poking out of the cover and one could tell it was Bumblebee.

Some of the extras are Air Force guys portraying Army guys and some extra Army guys are portraying Air Force guys. I hear "some" of the Air Force guys were looking "tighter" in dress and haircut. The casting dept. thought they looked more of what someone in Army would look like? I know some Army guys won't like to hear that, but it's true.

Some where on base in a hangar, holds Ironhide, Optimus Prime, some of the "pimped" out humvees the primary cast will be driving. (Most likely Tyrese and Josh) The Corvette was there as well, it is silver in color. The people who were there at the time didn't want any photos taken of the Corvette, they were adamant about that. Apparently GM would have a cow if that photo got out. Now I hear they are going to let [us] take photos of these vehicles tomorrow.

Also, the Can Am Spyder will be in the film too, but they've got it all decked out with a more futuristic look to it.

I am including a photo of Bumblebee that I took.

That's all I have for now. Until next time. . . .

Anonymous in Alamogordo

Transformers 2 Close To A Wrap

The Alamorgordo News reports that Transformers 2 production is close to finishing its shoot at White Sands and Holloman Air Force Base.
After film crews leave Otero County at the end of September, the movie is expected to wrap up sometime in the middle of October, said Gabrela Gutentag, publicist for the project.

Details about the filming and the movie are being kept quiet because the producers want to offer their audiences as much of a surprise as they can, Gutentag said.

"That's pretty much how it's done nowadays," she said. "They all keep things as secret as possible."

So far, approximately 700 people from Alamogordo, Otero County and surrounding areas have been involved in the project.

"That's for everything," Gutentag said. "From the initial preparations (which took place in April) to site prep, costumes, catering and extras."
Thanks to Rich and Jeany for the link.

Dreamworks Released By Paramount

Paramount Studios has released Steven Spielberg and his team from their contracts paving the way for Dreamworks to jump ship and form a new studio in a partnership with Reliance ADA Group. From LA Times:
Reliance will invest $550 million in equity for a 50% stake in DreamWorks and has been working with JPMorgan Chase & Co. to borrow an additional $700 million. The new studio is seeking total capitalization of $1.25 billion to satisfy a business plan to make as many as six pictures a year.

However, on Friday, after a DreamWorks lawyer told Paramount that DreamWorks had signed its equity partnership agreement with Reliance, the studio immediately released the DreamWorks principals from their contracts.

Paramount also gave permission to Spielberg to take "without delay" all of DreamWorks' approximately 150 employees. But it is not clear how many of them Spielberg and Snider actually want, nor is it clear whether Paramount intends to keep any of the DreamWorks staff.

Spielberg and Snider also have Paramount's blessing to bring along any of the production deals that they currently have at DreamWorks, which include arrangements with actor-director Ben Stiller; director Sam Mendes; husband-and-wife filmmakers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald; writer-producers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman; partners Tom Pollock and director Ivan Reitman; and former Disney Studios executive Nina Jacobson.

Hanging in the balance are hundreds of DreamWorks movie projects that are owned by Paramount. Spielberg has earmarked about 40 projects in which he wants to stay involved as director and/or a producer.
Spielberg probably will continue to produce some movies for Paramount, including additional sequels to last year's hit "Transformers." The second film, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," is currently in production and due out next summer.

DreamWorks' split from Paramount means that Spielberg essentially has to start a company from scratch the way that he, Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg did 14 years ago when they set out to create a media giant involved in movies, television, music and interactive games.
So there you go Steven Spielberg will remain executive producer of the Transformers franchise for the foreseeable future.

Accident on Transformers 2 Set

TMZ is reporting that Transformers 2 set experienced an accident when a tech receieved second and third degree burns during special effect.
A special effects technician received second and third degree burns on his right hand and upper right thigh, while attempting to add fuel to a special effect fire.

We're told the tech grabbed the wrong container -- one containing gasoline instead of the diesel fuel -- and the on-set medics and ambulance responded, taking him to the hospital for treatment.

Sources tell us all stars from the movie were on set at the time of the accident.
Best wishes to the technician who is hopefully healing well. Thanks to Katie for the info.

Megatron's Alt Mode

Latino Review has found four images of Megatron's potential new alt mode. As the robot pic suggested, it appears to be a rather strange looking tank. Not bad looking but I do find the head peaking out between the treads a bit strange looking. Thanks to Eyehut and Katie for the link.

Edit: Updated post to reflect correct source of the images.

Josh Duhamel On Set Pics

SpoilerTV has posted a few pictures of Josh Duhamel on a Transformers set. The what, when, where, etc are not specified but if I had to hazard a guess I would think the pictures are from June when he was shooting at Bethlehem Steel. Below are a few pictures and the full gallery is here. Thanks to Michael for the link.

Grimlock Fan Art

From Romain Revert is the below fan made design he created for Grimlock. The first image is Grimlock in normal robot mode, the second is battle mode with mast and chest protector (for his spark). The vehicle mode is a GMC Denali XT Concept car.

Transformers 2 At White Sands Pictures

Thanks to an anonymous source, below are some images from Holloman Air Force Base, specifically White Sands, NM. The images show a bit of the Transformers 2 set at the site along with Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox in their character costumes. The exact nature of what was being shot is unknown. The pictures are smaller then normal due the the cell phone used to take them.

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