We knew that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was going to be released in IMAX theaters, but Variety reports that Michael Bay is filming at least three action sequences from the upcoming sequel using IMAX cameras.Thanks to Melvin for the link.
This is a growing trend. Recently it was reported that Jon Favreau would like to film sequences of Iron Man 2 in IMAX (possibly even in 3D), while DJ Caruso expressed interest in using IMAX cameras during Y: The Last Man. I’m really glad that filmmakers and studios took notice of Nolan’s use of 70mm footage during The Dark Knight. I was originally concerned that the film’s $60 million IMAX Box Office record would result in more films being digitally up-converted, rather than finding a real value added experience for the IMAX presentation.
Update: A press release via AICN. Probably the part that is most important is the confirmation that IMAX release date, "As previously announced, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be released to IMAX® theatres simultaneously with the movie’s wide release on June 26, 2009."
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