Even More Transformer Related Videos

A slow weekend, no new news (beyond the unending Soundwave pictures), so it seems a good time for more Transformers videos. Not all is safe for work due to cusswords. The whole lot found by Radames (thanks!). Rude Awakening is the funniest of the lot.

Another Rude Awakening of Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime Cereal Commercial Take 1

Optimus Prime Cereal Commercial Take 2

Prowl vs Soundwave Battle in 3D

Fan Made Transformers 2 Trailer

Dashcam Meteor (real life movie moment)

More Soundwave, New Bumblebee Pics

The apparently unending stream of Soundwave pictures continues. At least they are probably the best yet of the potential Transformers 2 toy. The left is yet another proposed configuration of the possible satellite mode for the character. The full gallery is here.

In addition TF08.net via TFW2005 have a few new pictures of what is reported to be the revised Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy for Bumblebee. The main differences are slight remold of the head and bumper with a new weapon design. The below picture is a side by side comparison of the figures with TF2 Bumblebee on the left and TF1 version on the right. Thanks to Jacf352 for the link.

Transformers Black Friday Deals

Thanks to TFormers putting together all the deals related to Transformers going on right now. The various stores are all opening early so be sure to check your local store (or newspaper ad) for details. If your aware of other Transformers deals including the toys, be sure to note them in the comments.

Best Buy
Transformers Blu-Ray - $9.99
Transformers: The Game (PS2) - $9.99

Circuit City (excluding closing stores)
Transformers one disc DVD - $5.99
Transformers: Autobot (DS) - $9.99
Transformers: The Game (PS3) - $14.99

Transformers Tech Game - $14.99

Transformers Action Figures or Play Sets - Buy One Get One 50% Off

Transformers one disc DVD - $5.98

Transformers one disc DVD - $6.00
Transformers Blu-ray - $15.00
Transformers Animated Deluxe 2-Pack - $15.00

Various TF toys - various percentages off of many TF related toys

Transformers: The Veiled Threat

A Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen novel pre-order has started popping up on a few websites called "Transformers: The Veiled Threat." The 304 page paperback novel is scheduled to come out next April and written by Alan Dean Foster. Foster has written a large number of novels including many for existing media properties such as Aliens, Star Trek, and Star Wars so definitely as the eye for science fiction writing.

There are no details on what the story is about but I assume it is set somewhere in the two year gap that marks the end of the first movie and beginning of the second. There is also a prequel comic book mini-series in the works that is also somewhere in the gap but whether they will going covering the same territory is known only to the writers.

Soundwave Video Review

From TFW2005, a video review (with short update) of the possible Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave toy. The toy has not yet been verified to be part of the line but its style suggests it could be. The reviewer starts in the "satellite" mode but I am partial to the Cybertronian jet mode. The figure size and construction suggest it’s in the Deluxe ($9.99) price point range.

Transformers 2 Wrap Party

Turns out that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen officially wrapped with a wrap party held on November 15th at the Opera Lounge in Hollywood, CA. Below are two brief descriptions of the party.

From The Pop Republic:
Tyrese, attending the Wrap Party for Transformers 2 at Hollywood’s Opera Lounge on Saturday, November 15, 2008. He was super friendly, taking pictures with party guests beside a life-sized replica of a Transformer. So cool.

Transformers 2 Director Michael Bay was a huge Teddy Bear, laughing and joking with everyone. He posed for a ton of pix with Crew Members and their families. He also spent the better part of an hour talking to a dozen Marines, complementing them for their service to the US.
From Skulboy Blogversation:
After working for 4 months as a sculptor on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I got an invite to the Wrap Party, so I Akiko and I headed out to Hollywood last night to party down with the cast and crew.

We don't get out all that much so it was fun hanging out at a hip club with an open bar, excellent food and a burlesque trio shaking things up for a few tunes. The highlight however was Michael Bay himself presenting a full length trailer that no one has seen yet as a thanks for all the hard work the crew put in to make the film. In true Bay fashion, the trailer had plenty of Armed Forces presence, returning stars and above all else, tons of stuff getting blowed up. We're talking some serious explosions here. Whoa.
Great time LA style.
Now the above mentions a trailer but according to TF2 writer Roberto Orci, "It wasn't a trailer. Just select footage" so sadly to early to assume a trailer is in the can just waiting for a premiere date (dang). There is also a slideshow here but not sure if it’s from the party or what.

Update: From the comments is the suggestion that the trailer will premiere with the The Day the Earth Stood Still which comes out December 12th. Of course this is unconfirmed but as good as any other theory. For the month of December either Earth or Benjamin Button seem like the only "A-list" movies coming out and Button isn't the right audience to me for a TF trailer. Now there is no guarantee a trailer is coming out this year at all but that just strikes me as unlikely. The goal is to start the buzz sooner rather then later and holiday movies are a great time to do that.

2008 LA Auto Show

What was supposed to be the party which kicks off the new model year was somewhat low key this year. Bumper2Bumpertv ventured out west to the LA Auto show where some of the biggest names in the industry were missing in action!!

Cosmos Fan Concept Art

Jester and Jolin strike again, this time with their design for Cosmos. The old G1 character was a green and yellow mini-bot that turned into a flying saucer. This one's alt mode is a much more logical Cybertronian Transport Shuttle that gives the character the heft and strength one would expect from a Transformer. Once again another excellent design (more work here).

More Soundwave Toy Pics (Updated)

More pictures of the TF2 Soundwave toy have popped up. They are the clearest yet but still don't provide confirmation as to whether this toy is part of the movie line and therefore a potential version of Soundwave in the movie but still indicates the alt mode is a Cybertronian jet. How many more pictures can there be of this toy?

Update: Well turns out that, yep, there can be more pictures of this toy. Two more thanks to links provided by Snortpocket.

Update 2: It seems the pictures just don't stop. How many of these are there out there now? From TFW2005, more pictures of Soundwave. Below is a great closeup of his head and one potential alt mode of the figure but more pictures can be found here.














Transformers 2 Shockwave Toy? Nope (Updated)

From HK-TF, via TFormers is the below images of what is reported to be images of Shockwave for the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy line. The orginial G1 Shockwave is identified by his cyclops eye and purple color scheme. A tradition that continued with his various iterations over the years and the images currently match.

If the toy images are true this is the first time any meaningful news has come out to suggest that Shockwave makes an appearance in TF2. Much like the first movie, the lineup of Decepticons in the sequel almost completely unknown so the idea has merit. Thanks to Furstreak for the heads-up.

Update: With the able assistance of TFW2005's Joe Moore, below are the cleaned up images of "Shockwave." As some have asserted, yep the images are of rumored TF2 toy of Soundwave. This would then mean this is the first time that Soundwave's alt mode is suggested to be something other then a satellite but rather a Cybertronian jet. This mode could be before he takes on an earth mode so it doesn't (yet) disprove any Soundwave rumors. Personally I am just disappointed because I really liked the idea of Shockwave appearing in the movie.

Update 2: TFW2005 has posted another picture, this time a close-up of the head. The overall look suggests a homage to the original G1 toy with a more pronounced crown topped head and visor eyes. Thanks to Astrotrain for the link.

Isabel Talks Stunts

Isabel Lucas spoke briefly with The Dish Rag about her work on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The article itself, which doesn't even get the title right, focuses mostly on her past relationships but in the video Lucas briefly mentions some wirework stunt she participated in. She describes the character of Alice as a student at Princeton but that just could be because the scenes were shot there and not the "official" name of the college the characters go to in the movie. Sadly it’s not much in the info department but right now it seems we are in a TF2 info drought.

New TF2 Trailer with 007? Nope

Maybe it was just my theatre, but there was no Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailer with Quantum of Solace. Neither was the Star Trek trailer. I am thinking there will be no trailer this week mainly because there is not the usual studio promotional push with leaks to major movie websites and magazines. The theory was based on comments from Orci that a promotional push would start in November and just rumors in general. Keep in mind though that no one officially ever used the word "trailer" when describing promotional plans for the movie, so while I am disappointed there really isn't anyone to blame.

Now that I have seen Quantum of Solace, it seems like a good call to not air the trailer with that film. It will not be the biggest movie of the season as it will likely have a great weekend and then quickly flameout due to poor word of mouth. The acting is good, the story serviceable, the woman beautiful, but the villain is a joke. But that isn't the problem. The problem is either a poor director or editor. The film seemed edited by someone with a hyper version of ADD. During action sequences, I defy you to find a moment that lasted more than 3 seconds before there was a cut. During no action points, the number climbed to at most 8 seconds. There was probably excellent, epic Bond-like stunts and effects in the movie but everything was so cut to pieces that you could not enjoy them. In there was an excellent 007 flick but horrible editing resulted in a horrible movie. I cannot recommend the movie and suggest you wait till it’s at the cheap theatre or can rent it. See Casino Royale or another Bond movie again if you need a 007 fix.

This leads me to wonder if Paramount and Bay knew what a disaster Quantum was going to become and decided to attach the movie to a better, possibly Twilight (out 11/21). I hope that is the case. Time will tell as always but if suddenly multiple magazines and websites start getting Transformers 2 information, take that as a strong hint that a trailer is coming.

New Transformers 2 Logo?

From TFormers.com comes a possible version of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen movie logo. The image was revealed as part of a presentation of securities analysts by Hasbro today. The logo is a nod to the classic G1 Transformers logo. I am not sure but the Autobot image is from one of the video games and not the movie itself.

Now the image could be what is being used for the upcoming image or just something that Hasbro put together for the presentation. As usual we will not know until something official comes out to confirm it. Thanks to April for the heads-up.

TF2 Soundwave Toy Pictures? (Updated)

From TF08.net's "yizhi521", via TF2005.com are the below pictures of what could be a toy for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The current theory is this is an image of Soundwave based on the three wings that look vaguely like satellite panels, which is the current rumored alt mode for the character. Thanks to Simbatron for the heads-up.

Update: Two more pictures have popped-up. Still as blurry as the rest.

Update 2: Another pic has popped up. Still blurry but a better look at the head which almost looks like a re-colored Optimus Prime head to me.

Theatre TF Shirts Hint at Trailer?

Over at the TFormers forums, "Hunter Rose" (name of comic book Grendel) pretty much writes this post for me.
I have a buddy who is a manager at a theater, and just like last year when he hooked me up with a TF Movie shirt early - he gave me a brand new REVENGE OF THE FALLEN shirt today.

I guess we should expect to see promos popping up at theaters soon then...
shirts, posters, trailer maybe??
The current theory is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailer will start this Friday with Quantum of Solace and the Star Trek trailer. Failing that, then Twilight becomes the next likely debut movie. Hopefully by the end of the week Paramount will release something that verified the trailer's debut date (but not holding my breath on that). Thanks to Rich for the link.

Transformers This and That

Just a few random Transformer related things that I have collected over the last few weeks.

Robot Chicken: Transformers - Thanks to Mindy for the link. Apparently Peter Cullen was approached to voice this skit but declined. Not sure who the replacement voice is but probably one of the regular cast.

Transformers Nike Pack - Nike plans on released Transformers related shoes in 2009. The pack will come in GS sizes (whatever that means). Thanks to AirForce1s for the link and pictures.

Bonecrusher Goes to Afghanistan - The Daily Star reports that the US Department of Defense will send the Buffalo to Afghanistan. The model was used as Bonecrusher in the first film before his demise at the hands of Optimus Prime's sword. The vehicle is part of a fleet of 700 new vehicles that are going to the region. Thanks to Chris for the link.

Almost Transformers - Rather bizarre video that shows people disguised as appliances and scaring people. Thanks to Stefan for the link.

Chinese Transformers Movie - In last bit of information is news that Jeffrey Lau plans on directing a Transformers like film for China. The title of the film is Robot and "present a refreshing look at Chinese robots for people who are used to stereotypical Hollywood figures like Spiderman and Superman." The filming starts November 19th in China. Yay copycats, I guess.

Transformers 2 On the USS John C. Stennis

From Seibertron.com comes news that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen production spent November 1st and 2nd filming on the USS John C. Stennis. This contradicts news from Nelson that shooting wrapped around the end of the month. Roberto Orci had suggested that production may wrap on November 5th but at this point I guess we will not know for sure until Bay pops up somewhere and announces it.

The filming involved Michael Bay and the core Transformers 2 cast of Shia Labeouf, Megan Fox, Tyrese Gibson and Josh Duhamel. Filming occurred on "closed sets" and on the flight deck showing normal operations. Duhamel and Tyrese where in dress uniforms while Shia had "beat-up" makeup on so difficult to tell exactly where in the storyline the scenes might be for.

The full set report with pictures can be found here.

Thanks to Rich for the heads-up.

More Constructicon Toy Rumors (Updated)

s250 has provided another rumor regarding the Devastator toy. S250 previously posted the information about Megatron and Sideswipe's possible movie designs.
At local agent clearance event, I met their product manager. He gave me a little blur information about Devastator.
We have some rumor and speculations about Devastator likes Energon Optimus Prime [pic above - TFLive], and his words proved this. In the Gestalt version, most construction vehicles just transformable drones as a part of Devastator, no robot mode.
These vehicles will get Deluxe version, can transform to robots, but I think Deluxe version can't combine.
And he's not very sure about the members number.

And he mentioned Optimus Prime and Jetfire combine, but no details.
Judging from last year, the toys are often a solid guide to what a character looks like and how used in the movie. In this case I have no real clue what to make of this description except that it continues to feed the rumor that the famed gestalt will appear in the movie.

Update: TFW2005 has posted a little bit more information about Devastator from S250.
Devastator Gestalt toy will be formed as follows:

Dump Truck - Right Leg, Bulldozer - Left Leg, Wheel Loader - Right Arm, Truss Crane - Left Arm, Excavator - Right Shoulder, Articulated Dump Truck - Left Shoulder, Cement Mixer - Head

S250 has also received an update regarding his previous information, the update being that six of the seven components (the lone exception being the Truss Crane) also apparently have a robot mode. The Truss Crane is listed as having "no robot form".

Megan Fox as Wonder Woman

From Wonder-Who.com is the below image of Megan Fox as Wonder Woman. It has nothing to do with Transformers but I figured the Megan Fox fans wouldn't mind considering how good she looks and how well done the photo shop design of the costume is on her. Now this site nor the image has anything to do with a rumored Wonder Woman feature film. Currently that movie is in limbo with no script and no director so this is entirely for fun...but it does get you thinking (which may very well be the point).

Orci Answers More Questions

Here are more questions asked by fans and answered by Transformers writer Roberto Orci over at TFW2005. There really isn't much new information (unless you just want to read more into his replies then need to). My comments in parenthesis and italics.
On what day did / will filming end?
two days left
(This suggests that filming will end on November 6th, which contradicts the post on Michael Bay's board. Not sure what to make of it, could just mean that 1st unit wrapped last week and 2nd unit wraps this week.)

How do you and your writing team go about selecting characters and storyline
for movie?

Different for each movie. For TF2, we start with the characters we know we have to have and start by imagining what they'd be up to two years later if we were merely thinking realistically, and we go from there.

Will Primus be mentioned/referenced in Revenge of the Fallen?
Perhaps... certainly some form of deep back story and mythology will be important
(I read that as no on Primus, but yes on some established Transformer mythology might be used, possibly in the backstory of the Fallen?)

When I think of the decepticon Soundwave, three things come to mind: 1) His distinctive vocoder voice, 2) His loyalty to Megatron, 3) His (cassette) partners such as Ravage & Laserbeak. My question is, will we experience all three of these characteristics in the next movie?
All signs point to yes

I was wondering if the Beasties had any influence in the Original Transformers design. Can we expect more beast-like qualities/references?
Not for us. We didn't indicate that type of design in the writing. You'd have to ask Bay and Hasbro and designers.

Can you comment on this supposed concept art for Soundwave?
I thought you said he wasn't going to be a pickup truck?

This concept art appears to imply it is Ravage who is a truck, no?
(I read this as a non-answer where he is not confirming nor denying anything.)

Are their going to be evil humans that work with the decepticons?
Certainly, not every human will be on their side.
(This could hint at the rumor on Alice...or it could just mean any number of other things.)

How much input is given to Jablonsky on the score? Or do you happily let him do his own thing? Will there be more, separate, themes for the Decepitcons?
The input he was given in general was to make sure the score was more melodic and classic in nature, rather than being too electronic, which could be a temptation when dealing with robots.

Have you ever, even fleetingly, discussed a nod or crossover with G.I. Joe with Lorenzo di Bonaventura? Or does that film being set ten years into the future prohibit the idea?
No, but in a way, the Transformers vs GI Joe series inspired the first movie -- hence the heavy soldier presence. In a way, that is what we did.

Simpsons' Transformers Parody

Last night The Simpsons' aired a parody of Transformers as part of its annual Treehouse of Horror episode. While the TF section was said to be inspired by the movies, it seemed to me to be mostly inspired by the 1980s cartoon. Either way it was usual goofy Simpsons fun. Below is the video from Transformers Matrix of that section of the episode.

Update: Via Hulu.com, here is the entire Simpsons's Treehouse of Horror episode in better quality then the above. The Transformers section begins about a minute and a half into the episode.

"It's A Wrap!"

From Bay's official blog:
Nelson here..

As of this week, principal photography for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has ended.

Congrats to Michael and his team.
It probably ended around the same time that Shia was spotted at LAX so October 27th or 28th. Now begins the editing of the film together, finalizing of FX work for scenes, working on the music, sound effects and casting of the Transformer voices. Thanks to Rich for the heads-up.

To echo the above, congratulations to Michael and the cast and crew of Transformers 2. Also a big thanks from me to all the site readers for the information they provided and keeping me (and therefore everyone else) up to date on the movie production.

There is still a lot of work for Bay and company to do (including getting that teaser trailer together) so still plenty to post about in the future.
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