Transformers This and That

Just a few random Transformer related things that I have collected over the last few weeks.

Robot Chicken: Transformers - Thanks to Mindy for the link. Apparently Peter Cullen was approached to voice this skit but declined. Not sure who the replacement voice is but probably one of the regular cast.

Transformers Nike Pack - Nike plans on released Transformers related shoes in 2009. The pack will come in GS sizes (whatever that means). Thanks to AirForce1s for the link and pictures.

Bonecrusher Goes to Afghanistan - The Daily Star reports that the US Department of Defense will send the Buffalo to Afghanistan. The model was used as Bonecrusher in the first film before his demise at the hands of Optimus Prime's sword. The vehicle is part of a fleet of 700 new vehicles that are going to the region. Thanks to Chris for the link.

Almost Transformers - Rather bizarre video that shows people disguised as appliances and scaring people. Thanks to Stefan for the link.

Chinese Transformers Movie - In last bit of information is news that Jeffrey Lau plans on directing a Transformers like film for China. The title of the film is Robot and "present a refreshing look at Chinese robots for people who are used to stereotypical Hollywood figures like Spiderman and Superman." The filming starts November 19th in China. Yay copycats, I guess.


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