RoTF Junior Novelization Spoilers

"Cth" over at TFW2005 has posted a summary of the The Last Prime and junior novelization of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This does not include the official novelization that is coming out in the next week or so which would probably have more details. Below is a very spoiler filled portion (which you have to highlight read) but the full and detailed and story spoiling summary is here. The novelization does conform to most of the information we have but in some areas it does diverge slightly, to be expected since novelizations are usually based on a late draft of a movie script that doesn't reflect changes made just before, during or after production.

The links reference set reports and the like that seem relevant to the description. It is not complete as just did a skim of all the previous posts to find them but figure at least somewhat useful in making connections about the film.

- The Allspark created the first 13 Transformers called the Primes. Needing energy, they created the Matrix of Leadership which powers the Sun Harvester. This in turn takes energy from the sun so the Primes vowed not to take that energy from a sun that provides life to its worlds after finding life on Earth via early man.
- One of the Primes, The Fallen, wanted the power to himself so the other Twelve hid themselves and the Matrix from him.
- NEST (Nonbiological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty) searches for Demolisher and Sideways in Shanghai. The team of Ironhide, Sideswipe, the Twins, Lennox, and Epps find them. Sideswipe stops Sideways. Demolisher (with explosions), defeated, says The Fallen providing the Autobots with something they didn't know before.
- US, explained the Mission City fight blamed on a robotics company. Meanwhile Sam packs for college and Mikaela is uneasy about a long distance relationship. While packing the Allspark shard falls, burns through the floor and activates six appliances, which Bumblebee destroys by destroying the kitchen. The shard is given to Mikeala who stores it in her father's shop, which Wheelie sees.
- At Nest HQ, discussion of Shanghai and other tops leads to Soundwave discovering location of Megatron. Ravage and the Doctor are sent to retrieve the shard from NEST HQ (not sure how got form Mikeala to there).
- Sam, not at college meets Leo who is a conspiracy nut that runs whose competitor is Robo Warrior. Sam meets Alice, they go to a party and Sam starts seeing symbols. Bumblebee's car alarm goes off, two leave in him. BB got Sam to take him to meet Optimus at a cemetery so stops the car and douses her with antifreeze. Sam told shard has been stolen and they still need his help.
- Ravage and Doctor take shard and use it to reboot Megatron (trailer indicates this is completely changed).
- While in Prof. Coulon's class (Rainn Wilson), Sam starts speed reading, ranting Einstein being wrong and so forth. Gets kicked out of class, goes to the library and find a book on his grandfather.
- Megatron, once revived goes to Mars and meets Starscream and the Decepticons waiting there with the Nemesis (Decepticon ship, counter to the Ark from the G1 days). The two talk to the Fallen about re-creating the AllSpark using the Sun Harvester and Matrix which Sam now has the location of. Megs and Starscream leave with 15 additional Decepticons for Earth to find Sam.
- Back to Mikaela who find Wheelie spying, befriends him, find out why he wants the shard and goes off to find Sam. She walks in just as Alice making a move to kiss Sam. Alice reveals her pretender status and starts chasing after Leo, Sam and Mikaela (the Frenzy-like robot, all the car footage from Princeton). A chase ensues and they stop Alice by smashing her between the car and a pole.
- Drive off, now getting by a helicopter (Blackout) and then cornered by Megatron and Starscream in a factory. The Doctor is about to torture Sam for info when Optimus and Bumblebee comes to the rescue. The fight between Megatron and Prime moves to the forest area outside the factory where Starscream and Blackout join the fight. Prime takes on all three, the fight ends after Megatron severely wounds Prime with a spike from behind just before being chased off by Ironhide, Ratchet and the Twins.
- Unable to find the hidden Sam, Soundwave broadcasts a message from Megatron saying either give up Sam or cities start getting destroyed. Sam's parents on vacation in France, see the message (and later attacked).
- Trying to learn more from the Sam's symbols, they contact Robo Warrior who turns out to be Simmons working at his mom's deli. Sam, somehow, knows that Megatron wants a new power source already on earth that the Autobots don't know about because it pre-dates them. Mikaela still has Wheelie so the question him and learn that 10 Seekers are on Earth and he helps them find Jetfire.
- Jetfire translates the symbols and uses his ability of wormhole transportation to bring everyone to Egypt and gives them the background on the Sun Harvester and Matrix and that a Prime can only defeat a Prime (the Fallen). Prime is still wounded but the Matrix could heal him.
- While Prime is being brought to Egypt by Lennox, Sam and co think the Matrix is in a tomb (Petra). It is found behind a wall after a whole is accidently put into it (by the Twins). The Matrix, now dust, is collected into Sam's sock.
- Autobots attacked as they try to get back to Prime's location, Fallen appears on the scene, Constructicons form Devastator and Megatron determines the location of the Harvester (the Pyramid).
- Meanwhile, Sam gets nearly blown up and knocked out. He dreams of the 12 Primes, they give him a speech about destiny and he comes to with a reformed Matrix which he plunges into Prime, both repairing Prime and passing on his knowledge.
- Fallen teleports in, grabs the Matrix, teleports to the Pyramid and powers up the Harvester. Jetfire sacrifices himself to provide the parts Prime needs to get back to fighting shape which Ratchet helps facilitate.
- Simmons provides the Navy with Devastators coordinates, essentially destroying him. The Harvester fires towards the sun, Prime deflects the blast, hitting Megatron and Starscream who later escape. Optimus fights Fallen, using the parts of the harvester as a bludgeon. The Fallen teleports to escape but Optimus uses the Matrix to stop him and toss him into a new wormhole, defeating him.
End spoilers. Please keep the comments civil.


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