I spoke to Paramount today and here's the lowdown on the Imax TF2 release:Exact details were not provided so unknown if the footage will be incorporated into the film or a separate section of special features. In a previous interview, Bay had said "We’re going to do a special IMAX skew where it’ll open up for those scenes. You can see top to bottom” but then it was assumed the IMAX footage would not be exclusive either. The main takeaway is if the IMAX footage is important to you, then Wal-Mart is your only recourse.
Walmart will have exclusive rights on selling the ROFT (w/ Imax) on DVD and Blu-ray.
The Dark Knight showed how to do this right for theatrical and home release, why re-invent the wheel in moronic ways when the best method was already been done? This is an extremely crappy move on Paramount and Wal-Mart's part and almost enough to make me take a pass on buying the movie altogether. If this is how IMAX footage is going to be handled in the future for home release then frankly I rather Paramount not bother.
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