Botcon 2010 Galleries Linkfest

Botcon 2010, the official Transformers convention, was held this weekend at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. Hasbro, Activision, IDW, Peter Cullen and more held panels that provided updates on the toys, new cartoon, and more. One of these years I will get to attend but thankfully the other Transformers websites did and reported back. This post is for the toy galleries, the other is for the panel news.

Dealer Room
What is a convention without a big room to buy stuff? If you have the money, you can probably find that Transformer you have been looking for and many you may not have known existed. If I ever won the lottery, this would probably be one of my first stops.

Power Core Combiners - One | Two
Images of the various 2-pack and 5-pack combiners that will start hitting shelves as early as July 1st but already seen reports that a few Toys R Us stores have started stocking them.

Hunt for Decepticons & Generations - Video | One | Two | Three | Four | Five
Lots of images that show off even more toys hitting toy shelves very soon to accompany Power Core. The Hunt for Decepticons sub-line has lots of repaints but also new molds while Generations is basically a big kiss to Generation 1 and War for Cybertron fans. Blurr also is shown off (repaint of Drift) but likely not scheduled to hit shelves until September.Read More »


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