New Live Free or Die Hard Trailer

The new Die Hard 4 trailer is now out at Yahoo Movies for the curious to see. What does this have to do with Transformers? Not much really except as a direct competitor for consumer dollars. The showdown between these two movies will probably help determine if a Transformers sequel occurs. The standoff here reminds me of Superman Returns and Pirates of the Caribean from last year. Both made money, both have sequeals, but there is an argument to be made the Pirates probably cost Superman a good deal of ticket sales. Just to ensure a sequel is green lit, I am hoping Transformers emerges a clear winner. Course doesn't mean I will not see both. Love the Die Hard franchise and even if was unsure about going, the inclusion of Mary Elizabeth Winstead (yum) in the cast insured my ticket purchase.

Click here for hi-def trailers.


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