Ferrar: More Robots For TF 2

Once again IESB scored a touch more info in regards to plans for Transformers 2, this time from Visual Effects Supervisor Scott Ferrar who promised "a lot more robots." They have started production on the visual effects and animatics. "The beginning animatics are unbelievable....Amazing performances on the part of the robots, unbelievable scenes they are going to be involved with."

Not able to give more details as Bay has seriously chomped down on information leaks (dang it). Ferrar really liked Bumblebee, in part because he was built first and also a challenge since no lines had to use emotions with the eyes etc for the acting. The learning experience with Bumblebee then helped them in creating the other Transformers for the movie.

The full video is here.

In addition, there is a brief interview with 4 other members of the Transformers Visual Effects team here.



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