Orci Comments More on TF2

Roberto Orci has been commenting on the Don Murphy boards about Transformers 2 and he signed on again and provided more tidbits and teases.

From the "Hey Roberto" thread:
- Starscream will have more English lines.
- Prime "will always be central, but our structure allows the freedom to have others step up. Will know more later" in regards to which Transformer will be the focus of the sequel.
- Will be Decepticon only scenes.
- Sequel tone will be similar to TF1 but higher stakes, some humor but Transformers will more closely align with fan expectation, but reminded that could change. "Hopefully, we'll be better at modulating [the tone] this time."
- Commenting on Bay's writing comments: "Bay's statements should be taken merely as confirmation of his enthusiasm and desire to make his date. He does not want anyone to lose confidence in the project."
- Confirmed a mix of new and existing G1 characters but no specifics on who.
- No comment on whether Cybertron will be in the movie.
- No decision yet on whether Bumblebee will have lines or continuing issues with his voice box.
- Hasbro has been working with Bay on character designs over the Writer's Strike so while writing continues, more then likely the "core group is somewhat locked" but they could still add or remove characters if need to.
- In regards to different "species" from Bay: "You can also probably guess what he means in his non-fan way." (My guess is different sub-genres of TFs, ie Constructions, etc).
- An unformatted sample from first draft of TF1 can be found here. It’s to show how the writers describe action beats, "very detailed and easy to read...for everyone involved in the movie that has to understand the tone and scale of the action."
- TF2 will have different story structure then TF1, which was the three storylines coming together at Hoover Dam.
- No date on when the first draft will be turned in, have 10-12 weeks to get it together but of course Bay et all would probably like it sooner. Apparently they are hunkered down in a hotel near Bay's office so probably get a draft done fairly soon.

If you are interested in hunting for further bits from Orci, the above summary ends at page 104. Its shame can't do a similar thread with Orci and the other writers for Star Trek XI.


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