ShoWest Transformers 2 Footage Description (Updated)

AICN's Quint was in Las Vegas when Michael Bay accepted the Vanguard Award. As part of that, a scene and action montage was shown. I think one part is going to make people cringe but "the action makes the first movie look like Driving Miss Daisy."
The full scene was Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox going into Sam’s parent’s garage to talk with Bumblebee, who is, apparently, still having trouble with his voicebox. He’s able to cough up a few staticy words, but still communicates mostly through pop songs (lame).

Shia tells Bumblebee that he’s going away to college and can’t bring him along. Freshmen aren’t allowed to have cars at his college, apparently, and Sam doesn’t need protection anymore anyway, he says.

As he talks with Bumblebee, Fox is outside… we see that the Witwicky house is being repaired… so I take it this isn’t too long after the first one or there was a bit of action that happened prior to this clip.

Anyway, Fox stips out of her black leather pants and jacket, revealing a dress… Prom? Something. But Megan Fox stripping is a-okay for whatever reason.

Back in the garage, Bumblebee isn’t taking the news well, dramatically crying (window-washer liquid) and waving his arms. This could have actually been fairly emotional. LaBeouf is playing the scene that way, but the robot is so over the top I don’t know if it was supposed to be a comic scene or not.

So, the scene wasn’t all that great, but the montage of action was fucking awesome, as I’m sure Bay would say. We get a look at the Devastator (massive and pretty sweet) knocking the hell out of Optimus. The shot is from far away and Optimus is fighting in a large, open grass field in bright daylight. He’s hit and sails through the air towards us, hitting the ground and rolling to a stop right at the camera. He sits up and spits out something metal (robot tooth?).

There were quick flashes of a lot of cool action. There was a Decepticon with giant saw blades that cuts a car in half, splitting up Shia and Fox. There was a shot of a decepticon bug being forced into Shia’s mouth… another shot was of a transformer fly that Shia has pinched between his fingers… and a lot of quick big action scenes… a transformer that is two giant wheels, ‘splosions, etc, etc.

Looks like more of the same so if you hated the first movie you probably won’t like this one much more, but I hear that the action makes the first movie look like DRIVING MISS DAISY… and that Bay learned a few lessons from the first, focusing on the robots more than the humans this time out. I hope so.
Update:Coming Soon has also posted a description of the footage.
Sam opens the garage door to see Bumblebee in robot form hitting himself in the head trying to get his voice back. Sam tells the robot that he wants to talk about college, to which Bumblebee starts playing The Pointer Sisters' "I'm So Excited" and dancing around, but Sam tells him that he's not going to which the robot gives a heavy groan. Sam gives him a long speech why it's best Bumblebee doesn't accompany him, while Mikaela runs outside and starts to disrobe (Yowza!)... no wait, she's just changing outfits. Bumblebee isn't happy and he starts spraying water from his head as if he was crying. Sam explains that he wants to go to college and experience it like a normal guy, but that Bumblebee will always be his first car, etc. As he finishes his sentimental speech, Sam turns and opens the garage door and Mikaela is standing there in what appears to be a wedding dress holding a purple bouquet of flowers.

After that dialogue scene, what followed was a two minute montage of some of the robot action from the movie giving glimpses of almost all the Autobots and Decepticons we'll be seeing as well as The Fallen, most of them on screen slightly longer than the footage seen before. To be honest, it was cut together so quickly that only a diehard mega-fan might be able to see it and name every robot or figure out exactly what was going on. Regardless, it looks like Bay has done it again and anyone who liked the first movie should be suitably impressed with the sequel.


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