As the image shows, the bio section of the "Vector Sigma Database" for Soundwave specifically lists his vehicle mode as...a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. So Bay says he isn't an SLS, Hasbro does. Set reports indicate that Carly does drive a silver one but it seems that Soundwave will be keeping his trademark blue look. So does this mean there is another unseen SLS that was used for his scenes? Is Hasbro's information wrong (find that hard to believe)?
The bio for Megatron explains that he has an earth based alt mode to avoid detection from NEST (Networked Elements: Supporters and Transformers unit). The database also includes a clue about Shockwave and where he has been.
Cruelly efficient and unfeelingly logical, Shockwave came to Earth in search of the AllSpark shortly after Megatron. His cold devotion to logic and his peerless intellect, combined with his raw physical strength, make him one of the few Decepticons that can truly be called Megatron's rival. After decades of imprisonment underneath Chernobyl, Shockwave has begun to stir, awaiting his chance to escape his prison and avenge himself on his captors, his rivals and his enemies alike.As usual we will find out in a few months. In the meantime, be sure to check out as Hasbro has added more than just a database. They are working on a movie-verse timeline, glossary, lots of toy images and it seems plans for games, video and much more.
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