Another (non) Update Regarding Welker as Megatron

Don Murphy provided an updated on his message board about his movie projects including Shoot Em Up, Faces of Death and few others.

For the one we care about, Transformers, he posts:
--- ITEM!- TRANSFORMERS- The cut screened for the studio last week. I am up in the rain so I missed it. The studio is excited. This blockbuster continues to show just HOW big it will be. You will believe a robot from space can kick ass. Here are the answers to all the questions I get on this one-

---------- No decision from Michael about Welker yet. Honestly I don't know how that is going to turn out. I know that I am on the record as wanting Frank. I know that the fans have made it clear that it must be Frank. I don't think it would be ludicrous to have him. But it is Michael's call.

---------- No I won't be with Skorponok at the Vegas ShowWest. It will be fun to hear about what a great idea he thought Transfomers was since he wasn't involved with it from the beginning. I don't know if anyone noticed a previous interview I did, but let's repeat it- EVERY studio passed on this movie. EVERY STUDIO. Only after that happened did all of a sudden interest reappear. The only people who KNEW this was going to be huge were Tom Desanto and that guy with the goofy picture above. Believe it as you hear about history being rewritten. Or ask Skorpy about it yourself. In the meantime Shia will be there too. He is a GREAT GREAT guy. Hi Five him for me if you are there.

-----------Yes there will be another trailer with more details. Probably at the start of the summer season. But you can watch the one we have a few more times if you want to. It is still on line.

Thanks for everything Stooges.
Hang tight!
So new trailer is coming, I am thinking (hoping) with Spider-Man 3. Sadly I think they dropped the ball on the second trailer as I get the impression it was seen by a very few in actual movie theatres. Netizens are more informed then the average movie goer, but its the average movie goer that allows movies to make the megabucks that equal sequel so theatre eyeballs are more important then online eyeballs (for now anyway). 300 is proof of that (go see if haven't).

As for the pic above, that is Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime) and Frank Welker (Megatron) together. So now you see the men behind the voices of the TFs you grew up on. The pic is from Shia LaBeouf's MySpace page. I like the Teenage Ninja Turtles in the background but no hint is given on context but I would guess a recording studio office (only offices have plants in corners). Maybe together for Transformers post production recordings perhaps? I guess time will tell.


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