Michael Bay: 102 Days update

Michael Bay has posted on his blog with a brief update on the state of the movie:

Almost a 100 days left. I guess I should start posting every week? I've been working my ass off - the cut is really coming along -the shots ---awesome. Some of the most difficult renders in ILM history. Sometimes up to 38 hours per frame. The Show West thing was fun to see the scenes play in a 1000 person house. But they just saw 25 minutes so it is hard to feel engaged because they are not seeing the full run of a movie. Harry called me to tell me how he loved it. I see all the dickwad talk back people who claim they have read a finished script. Impossible - I kept the only draft for the last two months before shooting. That's where did major retooling to the script - yes the scene beats are similar but a very different script. We are still writing the robot voices. They talk about just 20 minutes of action at the end - yeah right. This is by far the most action I have ever put into a movie - I have 12 huge set pieces. Boy I get tired of these lame cry babies on the net.

With ILM and Bay on the film I am not doubting it will look good. Just not sure about the "does it entertain" question. Only one way to find out though and I am looking forward to it. As far as the script, so far all the released information aligns up nearly perfectly with the leaked script. Of course this is in regards to major set pieces and the like not the actual words which can change at any time even up to the release date due to the wonders of voice over.


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