Di Bonaventure Interview; Final Trailer Late April

The Latino Review has posted an interview with Transformers producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura today. In it he discusses Transformers and upcoming plans for G.I. Joe and Beverly Hill Cops 4.

Highlights of the interview:
- Transformers not finished, has "some of the most sophisticated visual FX that have ever been executed by ILM."
- One frame for fights takes around 38 hours to create. Its takes 24 frames for one second of footage.
- The pictures of Optimus released online and with the Toyfair footage is not the final version.
- The physics of Transformation was worked out carefully so no sudden increase or decrease in sizes like from the cartoons.
- Hard to convince die hards fans that this movie is what have been waiting for (snarky comments could be made but naw, I will pass on that)
- Only voice currently signed is Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, no other role including Megatron has been hired yet.
- Final trailer coming out mid-April, early May. My best guess is with Spider-Man 3.


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