Any case the email reads:
From: Sector7Sucks []A reply to the above email address will fail for those thinking of trying. From this email, we know have the password "NBETWO" (no numbers in it) that provides access to a new email and video between Dr. Rebecca Howard and Lt. Col. Alexander Powers.
Subject: They must be stopped.
You have been inside Sector Seven. Thanks to me.
You¹ve seen a glimpse of their secret agenda, but there is much, much more. Enough to fill every hard drive in China. It is imperative that these operations be exposed to the world. With every passing second, the chances for the survival of the human race steadily decline. The peoples of the Earth must know the truth.
I believe this Dr. Howard may prove useful to the cause. Her research into NBETWO gives me some hope that we may have allies somewhere out there. Unfortunately, we have no way of locating or contacting them at present.
I¹m afraid this cloak and dagger routine must continue for some time. For now, I ask only that you spread the word. They must change their ways. In the future, however, I may call on you to take more drastic measures. For those of you still loyal to Sector Seven, suck on it.
X marks the spot.
So to access the new stuff, got to Sector 7 site, type in the password NBETWO (not case sensitive). Under the scorpion icon, the new email is a warning from security that Agent X infiltrated Sector Seven email system and sent out the above email and is now considered "Sector Seven's Public Enemy Number One. He has been officially marked for neutralization by any means necessary." I guess invasion takes a backseat to security breaches.
The video, under the Yield sign, continues the sound files argument between the two characters of this site and introduces a new "Non-Biological Extraterrestrial". Howard wants to tell people about the invasion as allies are needed. Powers wants more weapons. From there, apparently N.B.E. 102 has been spotted doing recon and searching for something. Best guess is this is Bumblebee.
The updates from the Sector 7 site are continuing in frequency, should be interesting how the story of the site is developed. Have two characters now established to have a history, probably romantic. Clash on approach to TF invasion issue. Hidden floors of a secret facility, secret videos, and someone wishing to trash it all. For a site that's designed to promote a movie, whoever is doing it is doing an outstanding job of making it worth following. Thanks to Shaw H. for the heads-up on the email.
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