Blog Future

The movie has almost been out a month now and the question this blog faces is what next? End it, continue it, change it to something else? Luckily, with the success of the movie and the un-official but essentially official Transformers II already in the preliminary stages, its really not a concern. The blog shall continue.

It will however probably also change just a bit. It will, for a while anyway, probably cover Transformers in the generic sense, not just in a movie related way. The main reason for that honestly is simply filler. The movie news is probably going to be far and few between for a while as pre-production on a movie tends to be relatively quiet in the news area. Might as well post something because nothing is more annoying then a blog that goes quiet for months at a time. When news does break I will post about it though.

What is the immediate future for this first movie? Well, you have U.K. getting a chance to enjoy some Transformers goodness in about 12 hours or so. Then a week later its Japan's turn. Also the San Diego Comic-con is currently going on so maybe some info will leak out (doubtful but never know). Then there is the DVD release that is probably coming in late November (my guess, not confirmed). After that, its hoping information gets leaked as it appears the preliminary goal for a sequel release is 2009. To achieve that and give Hasbro time to do their toy thing, that means a script, cast, and designs probably needs to be nailed down no later then May 2008 (if not sooner).

Finally, I have started two additional blogs in the same format as this one. One is devoted to information about Star Trek XI and the other Monstrous aka Cloverfield. Fan of Star Trek, have liked JJ Abrams work in the past, so hopefully it will prove a good expansion.

Thanks to all the site readers for making the blog pretty successful (to me anyway). Also thanks to the site tippers who provided me with links and other information. Thanks to Chad T. for the Transformers Live Forum (check it out if haven't).

The blog continues and may the next movie be just as successful as the first.


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