Bethlehem Daily Star Photos and Ariel Shots

The Bethlehem Daily Star Blog has posted several ariel shots (one to left is an example pic) of the Bethlehem Steel while it is being used for Transformers 2 shoot. The photos where shot by Harry Fisher and give you a better idea how the site might look from the air and just the general layout of the place. The Apache helicopters being used in the filming are from the North Carolina National Guard and the Blackhawk's come from the Virginia National Guard. The photos can be found here.

Also the Daily Star reports that despite the rain last night, there was some explosions around 3AM and 4AM that "sent plumes of smoke into the air followed by short bursts of automatic weapon fire."

Jason reports that it appears that rain is on the horizon tonight so not sure what impact that will have on the schedule and that famed Bay love of boom.

Finally the Star has a few shots (and stories) of the spectators and copters in flight here and here.


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