Alice Is a Pretender?

TFW TF2 source strikes again, this time saying that Isabel Lucas' Alice is a Pretender.
The TFW TF2 Insider has confirmed that the character of Alice, as played by Isabel Lucas, in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, is a Pretender. For those not familiar with Transformers sub-lines from the 1980s, Pretenders are Transformers that are hidden inside a shell that acts as their disguise. In the case of Alice, the shell will be an attractive human woman while the inner robot is best described as a hybrid of the Frenzy robot design from the first movie. The Pretender Transformer will have an arm that transforms into an energy weapon, a long tongue, and a scanning tentacle.
So what is a "Pretender"? It is a subsection of the Transformers line that was first introduced back in 1988 where a Transformer has a "synthetic organic outer shell" that hid the robot. Back then the shells where just a plastic shell that split in half revealing the TF inside which usually had a pretty crappy alt mode. Click here for the Wikipedia entry.

As for the character of Alice, currently the only confirmed information is she befriends the freshman Sam in college. I want to discount the rumor but really there am a whole lot of story left that we know nothing about so any theory on what part the character plays in the movie and for how long remain valid. The actress has not been spotted on any other sets except those shot in Princeton but that doesn't mean she did not show up for scenes filmed at the various air force bases around the country or overseas.

There is also a video of a scene shot in Princeton that supports this theory as it shows Lucas calmly walking away while extras are panicking around her suggesting something sinister is going on with the character. Could she be the form that "Ravage" hides in before chasing Shia, Megan and Leo on the streets of Princeton?

It is an interesting idea to say the least. While Pretenders were poorly executed back in the '80s it doesn't mean it couldn't work in a movie if handled well and judiciously. Really the only problem I have with the idea is it a little too Terminator like. If there wasn't a Terminator movie in production and a TV show, having a Pretender Transformer preying on our human heroes could almost be a movie unto itself. As it is, I am very skeptical.

Most Anticipated Movies of 2009 had a survey of 4000 movie fans between August 8th and October 5th for the most anticipated movies of 2009. Sadly Transformers 2 is "only" 3rd place. Hopefully once a trailer debuts next month that will change. Top 10 Most Anticipated Films
1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Warner Bros)
2. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Fox)
3. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Paramount)
4. Public Enemies (Universal)
5. Angels & Demons (Sony)
6. Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian (Fox)
7. The Informant (Warner Bros)
8. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (Fox)
9. The Day the Earth Stood Still (Fox)
10. The Taking of Pelham 123 (Sony)

"The Touch" On Chuck, Transformers in Simpsons

Via is the below footage that shows Stan Bush's "The Touch" being used for an amusing montage on NBC's Chuck (good show, very entertaining, highly recommend). The song is dear to many of us Transfans from the animated Transformers: The Movie so its use brings a few memories.

In addition reports that Transformers will be pariodied on the Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror episode that is airing this Sunday. Thanks to William for the link.
[A] segment lampoons Michael Bay's Transformers movie. "What happens is Bart gets a Christmas present from a 99 Cent store, and it turns out to be a Transformer. They take over Springfield, and they're fighting all over the place. Then Marge says to the Transformers, 'Why do you have to fight?' And they go, 'We agree. We'll just team up and take over you guys.'"

For the segment, animators drew from the live-action film, not the animated Transformers TV series. "It's based on the movie. It's just really fun to do transformations. You can see why they enjoyed doing that film."

Shia Wrapped on Transformers 2

According to, Shia LaBeouf is back in LA as of October 27th after wrapping on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

As the picture shows, his hand is still in a splint. While Transformers 2 production is possibly still shooting in Paris, that could just be interstitials and the like that doesn't require direct participation of the actors to complete. I expect we will hear that Transformers 2 production has wrapped any day now. Thanks to Rich for the link.

Transformers II Goes To The City of Lights

According to a poster on the Michael Bay forums, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen production has moved from Egypt to Paris, France.

Forget the Middle East, he's in France right now...

... in Paris, more specifically.

And this is what he was shooting: L'Arc de triomphe.

Now that was weird... I was walking home from work, and just happen to see a small group of people around a camera... When I got closer, I saw that Bay was riding it (literally). The last thing I would have expected is to see Bay shooting in my neighbor.

The scene was about a news anchor from CNN doing a report... It feels like main photography is getting closer to the end.

Producer Ian Bryce was here as well.

NOTE: this is a stock photo of L'Arc de Triomphe, but from where Bay was shooting it, you will probably get the same angle, with the actor standing in front of the camera.
While this could be fake, it seems more likely that Bay and company are in France to film exteriors and other scenes they need to match the "Paris, France" footage that was shot on Chancellor Street in Philadelphia, PA back in June involving Sam's parents. Thanks to Michael for the heads-up.

Soundwave and Ravage Movie Concept Art?

From TFW2005 is the possible concept art for Soundwave and Ravage. The artwork (link below) is pretty slick but I think it's fake mainly because Roberto Orci already said that Soundwave's alt mode is not a truck (he didn't comment on the satellite mode). Besides I think the misspelling of "satelitte" is a big hint.

Thanks to Michael for the link.

More Transformer Videos

Because of the lack of Transformers 2 news and people find them, here are more Transformer related videos. Thanks to Tahnee for the rap link and Radames for the rest.
Transformer Rap Video

Stopmotion Chase Fight Part 1

Stopmotion Chase Fight Part 2

Transformers Go Hollywood

Ark Mayhem

Beachhead Calls the Autobots

Transformers Video Fun

It is Friday, the news is slow, so here are some Transformer related videos that I liked.
Jazz Has a General Problem - thanks to Joe for the link

Stop Motion Bumblebee vs. Optimus Prime

Baysplosons! - from Adult Swim

Fan Made TF2 Trailer - mixed from movies, car commercials and TF video games.

Another Fan Made TF2 Trailer
- mix of stuff, including Sector 7 website videos.

A Third Fan Trailer - thanks to Josh for the link

Bumblebee vs Barricade Stop Motion - Thanks to Slushie Man for the link

Bay Comments on TF Ride

Earlier this week Dreamworks and Universal announced plans to open a Transformers themed park ride for their Universal Studios parks. Michael Bay apparently is less then enthused by the idea based on his blog post.
The shooting in the Middle East is ground breaking - an awesome time had by all the crew.

The Transformer Ride at Universal making all the press rounds - not sure yet - they had me in a press release saying I supported it - but Universal has a long way to go in my mind. I don't support it - I'm not involved and not sure the story of the ride works, and I know Optimus is not going to just show up to be directed by some new people that have never worked with him. I hate when people bullshit a quote from me that I never said.

I'll keep you informed. Maybe the guy making the rides at Universal will direct Transformers 3????

Bay has a tendency towards snark so don't jump to conclusions about who is or is not directing Transformers 3. While I guarantee the studio is gung ho to do a third I doubt they are even considering the details of who will be helming it. Also, realistically a theme ride is very much an engineering exercise as it is creative. The skill sets required to create a ride that runs thousands of times a year safely for millions of tourists is a whole lot different then what is required to direct a movie. At most the movie director would have input on the project as far as design but probably not much else.

Thanks to Steven for the heads-up.

Voight Wants to Be President

Jon Voight apparently enjoyed filming Transformers so much that he is game for a cameo in the sequel if the powers that be are up for it, at least according to MTV.
But what about Jon Voight, who played the Secretary of Defense John Keller? When we caught up with Angelina Jolie’s dad at the premiere of his film, “Pride and Glory,” he told us that while he has yet to film anything for “Transformers 2,” there’s still time to get in a quick appearance.

“I should be able to make a cameo,” Voight said. “That’s a good idea. Let’s talk to those guys about that.” And he even has a suggestion.

Voight said doing the first “Transformers” was “really a lot of fun,” that director Michael Bay “did a brilliant job,” and LaBeouf, who he had worked with previously on “Holes,” was “wonderful,” so he’d be happy to come back. But how?

“It all depends on the plot, of course,” he said, “and what the plot needs, you know. But the Secretary of Defense, we want to know what happens to him. Was there a new administration that came in? Maybe he ran for president. Maybe he became president.”

Considering that “Transformers 2” will be coming out following an election year, it could work. (Voight himself, as you might guess from his work in “An American Carol,” supports John McCain).

“I don’t know [if they’ll green-light a ‘Transformers’ cameo],” Voight said. “But I enjoyed being in that movie. It would be fun.”

Transformers II Visit the Pyramids

Waxword and site reader Dan have confirmed that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen filmed in Egypt over the weekend.

First segments from Waxword:
A major milestone quietly passed last weekend: the first major Hollywood film in decades filmed in the heart of the Middle East. “Transformers II” turned its cameras at the Pyramids in Egypt, and again in the upper Egyptian town of Luxor, near the famed Valley of the Kings. This is significant for many reasons but mainly because it represents a rare move by two Hollywood studios, Paramount and DreamWorks, to connect to a country and culture that is perceived to be hostile the United States.

I say ‘perceived’ because my guess is you’d probably find no more avid fans elsewhere in the world than those clustered around Shia LeBeouf, the star of the film, in this part of the world. But after years of anti-American images in the Middle East, and years of entrenched mistrust, this is the kind of interaction – and publicity - that makes a difference. I hear from sources within the studio that DreamWorks was “petrified” when producers got clearance to shoot at the pyramids and in Luxor, and that LeBeouf was hesitant but decided to take the leap. (I agreed to hold this news until production had been safely completed.)

In the end, “Transformers II” shot for several days, bringing together a crew of 150 Americans and several dozen local Egyptians for an effort that producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who called from a cellphone while standing beside the pyramids, told me was “remarkably smooth.”
And now the report from Dan:
Hi there, I'm not a fan of Transformers but I can confirm after visiting the Pyramids section in Cairo last Friday (17th oct) that there was indeed a film crew filming on the third pyramid in the Giza area (can't remember the name, but for those of you that know, its the Pyramid with half of one side that looks like it's been dug out. They were filming some scene late in the afternoon before sunset (when the heat was less intense) and it was quite amazing because my girlfriend and I sat on some rocks 20 metres away from it all and managed not to get sussed out by the security crew (who were all wearing T2 of the crew was tying up his shoelace behind me and confirmed to me it was T2)about 40 people on site, the locals were trying to get their camels and donkeys in the scenes, which involved one of the cast climbing part of the pyramid.....
There is also rumors that TF2 was going to film in Jordan but if the above is any indication it looks like security is extra tight on the schedule to protect the cast and crew so we will probably not hear about it anytime soon.

Thanks to Dan for his information and Rich for the link.

Even More TF Rumors collected the various new rumors that have popped up over the last couple of days and then provided a few new ones of their own. Usual disclaimers about this applies.
Meanwhile, a guy who knows a guy has a buttload of spoilers. Apparently Soundwave is black, and does not have an Earth mode. (So not only is he not a pick-up truck, he's nothing at all, in Earth terms.) And the Decepticons mention Soundwave during their discussions.

The Constructicons join together to form Devastator more than once. Jetfire starts off as a Destructicon and then changes sides. Also, John Turturro's character dies at last. Optimus Prime "has a scene with a trailer." And Ravage is actually a biological weapon, and there's no Laserbeak. The ice cream truck, the Chevy Volt, and the Hummer HX are not Transformers. And Megatron doesn't return (possibly as a tank) until the end of the movie — when Soundwave resurrects him.
My two cents again. Soundwave as a satellite supports the notion of a black non-Earth mode. I wouldn't mind satellite to robot toy but I am betting that Hasbro would be far less enthused by the idea since kids tend to like their toys to do a touch more in the alt mode. Jetfire changing sides fits the character historically and the idea has been since the character was first determined to be in the movie.

John Turturro dying rumor has been coming around lately. Might be something to it. Nothing like killing a core character (but not too major) to drive home the seriousness of a situation. Optimus "has a scene with a trailer" sounds like a joke similar to the beetle sitting next to Bumblebee in the parking lot from the first movie.

The ice cream truck and Volt not being TFs, sure that could be true but that doesn't really explain why those two vehicle has been seen at multiple sites and traveling with the Autobots rather frequently. The Hummer on the other hand seems to have only been at Bethlehem and suggests it was involved with that one sequence which means it a) died or b) was a human vehicle only.

As for Megatron's resurrection, are they really going to hold Megs back to the very end again? If they where setting up for the third film that would be fine but Bay and the writers have been very adamant with the press that they are not doing that. The bit about the Fallen, sure why not. Currently there is absolutely nothing to support or contradict the idea. More then likely though, due to simple budget constraints, I am guessing the Fallen is a single character. Otherwise you have three groups of robots (Autobots, Decepticons, Fallen army) to CGI which can be mighty expensive once those groups come together.

While I am at it, here are more rumors posted from comments on another post.

I can confirm some of these rumors as an employee of Dreamworks.

Jetfire is confirmed. He will be hurt and he will use a landing gear-which is NOT computer generated-as his crutch, however it is very unlikely that he will combine with Prime.

Soundwave's alt mode is a satellite, I'm not so sure about Bay's plans for a truck.

Scorpinok WILL return and there will be hell to pay :)

Three bikes will combine for Arcee.

The Chevy Trax is NOT Cliffjumper. This car is the RED car that people have been commenting about. The Trax is one of the "twins"... it's twin is the GREEN Chevy Beat (Skids).

I hope I have helped a little, I'm not sure what has already been posted on this website since I ran across it by accident.

Also, let me state that everything that has been "confirmed" by any source can change at the drop of a hat. Bay can have a vision of one thing one day and dream up something completely crazy the next. An on-going motto on any Michael Bay set is "It's Bay, you never know". I promise though, you won't be disappointed!
A damaged Jetfire using landing gear as a crutch is new and actually a pretty interesting idea visually and a good way to mitigate his potential strength (which, based on TF1, seem to be proportionate to size). If take the comment at face value this would be the third source to say Soundwave is a satellite (which does fit the character), further confirms Scorponok's return (given), continues the Arcee rumor (my favorite theory) and first to "confirm" who the twins might be.

It will be interesting to revisit these anonymous rumor posts once its all said and done to find out which was real and which was simple misinformation. Regardless, it adds to the fun.

More From Seibertron's Insider TF insider has provided additional information for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Previousily he had commented on Soundwave's alt mode, Arcee, and some TF powers. The new info seems to support or clarify some of his earlier statements.
Couple more tidbits while I can....

Arcee doesn't die in the movie, she just doesn't show up until later on, and spends much of her time as a robot.

The movie was not shot in sequence; everyone seems to think that the stuff being shot now is the end of the movie ... Only Bay knows for sure!

Only one character combines with another Autobot to make a bigger robot ...

The Constructicon is 9 vehicles together but will only make a brief appearance.

Scorponok is back in force, and he swims down and uses his internal "spark" to refire ONE of the Decepticons ... Who, Im not tellin' ...

More as I get it! Shhhhhh
The Arcee tidbit and the movie being shot in sequence is about the suggestion that she dies early in the movie since the only time the rumored Arcee bikes have been spotted was at the Bethlehem shoot which TF producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura said was for opening the movie with a bang. The theory is if she plays a larger role in the movie she would have shown up in more set locations. However, we know next to nothing about what was filmed at the various military bases nor what second unit has been up. It is no accident that most of our information is on the Autobots only and almost nothing about the Decepticons except rumors.

As for the movie being shot in sequence. Clearly not. The Bethlehem Shoot that seems to have been picked up at Queensway Bridge pretty much kills that idea. The combining reference is back to the idea that Jetfire somehow merges with Optimus Prime at some point in the movie. Nine Constructicons? Really? I thought seven was a bit much but now nine?!? Yeah right. If they make only a bit appearance why bother having them show up at all.

Last is the return of the very legitimate theory that ties into the "Fallen." If you believe that character is not a new one but the return of a defeated Decepticon (i.e. Megatron) then how does that 'Con come back? Why with another spark of course and who better the Scorponok. I don't know if I believe it but of the group that one is probably the only one that is closest to the truth of a story beat in the film.

Fan Made Bumblebee Costume

In time for Halloween is this cool fan made movie Bumblebee costume from Lionel Lum. He made it specifically for the San Diego Comic Con 2008. The detail and skill is pretty darn sweet and probably good for getting into some Halloween parties. Click the images for larger versions.

Why Do You Like Transformers?

A no news day so thought I would post a query from Greg in Australia for the Transformer fans to answer (politely and kindly please). He has been asking for a while for a response and I just kept forgetting. I don't know it will help him but figure fans will enjoy giving their views on Transformers.
Hi, I hope you're doing well. My name's Greg Baxter and I'm from Australia. I came across your great Transformers blog. I'm writing as my classmate and I are researching and profiling the Transformers in my media course at school. Thanks so much for your time. I hope to hear from you.

Question 1. What made and still makes Transformers and the Transformers universe (preferably the comic, or the animated series), so unique and compelling to you, compared to other sci-fi, or sci-fi fantasy, that
you also admire ?

Question 2. Who are currently your 3 favorite Transformers
characters and please say why, for each one named ?

Sadly I don't have a real good response to either question.
1. For me it was the toys that got me going. I have always just found the concept of a real world object turning into a robot to be cool. I like the engineering and creativity that doing something like that requires. From there the original G1 cartoon added a mythology that gave life to the characters in a classic battle of good versus evil that is fun to watch as a kid. As an adult looking at those cartoons they strike as simple and lacking depth but the love remains.

2. I never really developed favorites to be honest (it is probably why I have not been bothered by who does or does not show up in the movies). My liking them was based on more of whether the toy looked cool or not and not much to do with their roles in the cartoons. If forced to choose, I would go with the usual - Starscream (schemers are always fun), Megatron (unabashedly evil and doesn't care), and Optimus Prime (kind, noble, the best kind of leader).

Before people complain, I know, where is the news?!? As always, once there is some I will post it, this is just something to pass the time and for fun.

Transformers Theme Park Planned

ENI is reporting that Universal Studios Parks & Resorts has joined with Hasbro, Inc. and Dreamworks to develop a Transformers attraction based off the movies. It seems that Universal Studios Singapore will get the attraction first in 2010, followed by LA in 2011.
The attraction will fuse 3D-HD media, mega special effects and stunning robotics with a ride system that will transform perceptions of theme park experiences. The rides are scheduled to make their debuts in early 2011, first at Universal Studios Singapore and then at Universal Studios Hollywood. In "Transformers," Earth's humans are caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between the friendly Autobots and the evil Decepticons, which are able to change into a variety of objects, including cars, trucks, planes and other technological creations.

Larry Kurzweil, President and Chief Operating Officer, Universal Studios Hollywood, said "'Transformers' represents a perfect match for our theme park: an exhilarating blockbuster with a great story, clever humor, non-stop action and flawless special effects. It has all the elements necessary to become one of the world's most exciting theme park rides and a centerpiece attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood, The Entertainment Capital of L.A."

Tan Hee Teck, Chief Executive Officer of Resorts World at Sentosa, the mega resort that is home to Universal Studios Singapore, said: "It is great that Asia will be the launch pad for the first Transformers attraction. Transformers was introduced in the United States in 1983 but traces its roots to Asia. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Megatron are familiar names to Asian audiences, who grew up with the robot toys and love the movie. When Transformers opens in Universal Studios Singapore in 2010, it will be the first of its kind in the world. We may see a surge of Transformers mania.

More Movie "Leaks"'s own TF insider provided the site with more information about the movie. Much like with TFW's source, I remain skeptical but the ideas still seem pretty cool (and sometimes a bit farfetched).
- As mentioned before, Soundwave's alternate mode is a satellite. Our source, however, cannot personally confirm the other reported rumor of Soundwave also turning into a pickup truck.
- Our source confirms the recently reported rumour that Optimus Prime will combine with Jetfire.
- Ravage uses biological warfare against the humans.
- Jetfire can create wormholes.
- Scorpinok will return.
- Our source does not know if the three "Arcee" motorbikes seen in the Wal-Mart exclusive video combine to form Arcee or not - but our source does tell us that the Arcee bikes have not been on set for months, leading to speculation that the character may die early on in the film.
To add my two cents in order:
- Soundwave's alt mode remains speculative but this is the second source to say his mode is a satellite. The pickup truck mode has been debunked by Transformers writer Roberto Orci.
- I know combining is a theme right now with the rumors but this combo just strikes me as strange. I am hoping this one is false. Optimus Prime shouldn't need assistance of that order to get the job done. His strength, tactical knowledge and leadership skills should be enough.
- Assuming that Ravage is the same creature we saw from Princeton, the attack seems physical. A biological attack, by its very nature, doesn't require direct confrontation, it is a distance offensive attack that doesn't lend itself to action packed Transformers sequences that Bay (and us) favors. Possible but why bother.
- Transformers and special powers is great for a cartoon series, but when the stated goal was to be realistic as possible (hence no mass shifting, complicated moving parts for Transformations, etc), then giving a Transformer the ability to create wormholes seems to negate that goal. Besides, if he could create wormholes then it would make it real easy to kill (or move) all enemies out of the field of battle, which again is counter to action packed TF sequences. Again possible but why bother. Jetfire is big, he flys, he is strong, just using that to make things go boom and beat up on Decepticons.
- Scorponok's return is pretty much a given to me considering his survival in the first film and the return of desert sequences in the second. It’s almost like this piece of information was added to make the rest seem legitimate.

Long story short, I take most of the information with a grain of salt. As usual time will tell. Feel free to add your view in the comments, please keep it civil and insult free.

Roberto Orci Answers More TF Questions

Transformers 2 writer Roberto Orci has had a busy week due to Star Trek but took the time to reveal a few tidbits about Transformers over at TWF2005's Ask Roberto Orci thread.

A few of the questions are directly related to recent information released primarily through TFW TF Insider source that said that Devastator is in the movie, comprised of seven separate vehicles, Soundwave's alt mode of a satellite and truck, and Arcee's three part mode.

Personally I have been very skeptical of the source's information but I do like his ideas and hope most of it is true (except the Soundwave bit). Apparently, Orci might be in agreement based on some of his answers to those and many other questions. My comments are in parenthesis ().
Why is Tidal Wave, the aircraft carrier, removed from the sequal?
Couldn't make it work for the story.

tell us if Soundwave is really turning into a pickup truck...
Soundwave is not a pick up truck...

A number of fans, myself included, noticed a lot of similarities between Movie Scorponok and his Beast Wars namesake, certainly more than existed between him and the more famous G1 Headmaster version. Were these just coincidental similarities based on a similar size and altmode, or was Movie Scorponok a conscious BW nod? If so, might we see any more in future films?
Conscious nod to BW. We wanted to find some organic way to do something more than just vehicles, and when we hit upon the notion of soliders trapped behind enemy lines being hunted by a Decepticon, Skorpy seemed to fit the bill.
(I think the use of "sparks" alone shows that Beast Wars, a great series btw, had a huge influence on the writers.)

Can we expect lots of fights as cool as Optimus vs. Bonecrusher from TF1 but longer?
Yes, indeed.

Bob, if you are you at liberty to say so, have any of the leaks from the TFW TF2 Insider been misinformation?
Some. Yes.

Is there a robot called The Fallen? If so is he playing a role in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen?
Maybe. On the other hand, Fallen may simply be a synonym for the defeated side.
(So basically he re-iterated the two prevailing theories on who "The Fallen" is.)

I heard Peter Cullen would be makeing a cameo. Is this true?
We wrote a cameo into the script. I actually don't know if he was able to do it or not.

Also i asked you a little while ago if the movie was going to be released to the world at the same time in every country? You said you would find out? Do you know yet?
Most of the world, yes. But not all.
These are from the Don Murphy Forums Ask Orci Thread.
Bob is there any combiner in the TF2. Or at least can you say if something really big is in it.
BIG, yes
(Now my source says that "Devastator" is not a combiner but based on the world's largest earth mover, so this answer really means all theories remain valid.)

...can you comment on the photo of the Green Chevy Beat that has the license plate named Skids?
no idea -- sorry

Bob, have the transformers' names been set yet, or are they still up in the air like movie 1?
nothing's ever set until the movie rolls
(For example, that the license plate on Skids is a perfect background for CGI work to change it to something else. Course be a waste of money but still doable.)

Roberto, are any humans gonna get squashed? It has to happen, you know, seeing as giant robots are walking round, blowing each other up. I think that would be good to see.
I think you might be right.

Transformers, M&Ms Promotion Campaign

M&M Mars and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has joined together for a candy-tie in promotion campaign. The details are unknown, but has scored pictures of the M&M mascots with a touch of Transformer fun added in. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing them come out as a key chain or a little toy.

Arcee As a Combiner Confirmed?

TFW2005's inside source, the same that "confirmed" Devastator, is reporting that Arcee is the merge of three separate motor bikes. The pink, purple and blue bikes where custom made by RetroSBK for the movie. Its a theory that has been with the movie from nearly day one due to the call sheets and the three nearly identically dressed biker babes seen in Bethlehem. As usual, time will tell on how accurate this source is.

Star Trek Info Confirm TF Trailer Date?

Last month, AICN posted an article that could be interpreted multiple ways. The information it contained was from Paramount's London press screening of its 2009 slate of movies. It said "Seems a lot of major trailers will be coming out in November and star trek will have the Transformers 2 full trailer before it." I thought that was saying that the trailers for Star Trek and Transformers 2 would come out together in November probably with Quantum of Solace on November 14th.

A new EW article about Star Trek confirms at least part of that by saying officially that the trailer for Star Trek XI will come out on that day with that movie. Combine that with the AICN article and the Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen trailer rumors and I think my interpretation is confirmed.

Hopefully in a few weeks exact details will start to come out but now I have three good reasons to look forward to the new James Bond movie - the movie, TF2 trailer and ST trailer.

Along with the article, you can find stills from the Star Trek movie, writer comments and producer comments.

Fig To Return in TF3?

Amaury Nolasco, of Prison Break and Max Payne, suggested to MTV that his Transformers character of Jorge "Fig" Figueroa could make a return in Transformers 3, assuming Bay and company want it. Personally I think its wishful thinking but I guess you never know.
“I didn’t die,” the burly, Puerto Rican actor revealed to us this week when we asked about his character, ACWO Jorge “Fig” Figueroa.

And get this: His character is not only still alive, but Nolasco told us that the high-profile director of the “Transformers” series wanted to bring him back for an awesome re-emergence in the recently-wrapped sequel. “No [I’m not in ‘Revenge of the Fallen’], I wish I could say yes,” he explained. “I was shooting ‘Prison Break’ at the time so it was conflictive, the dates. Even though, I was asked to. Michael Bay called me and said, “You know what? You’re in Transformers 2’!” and I go, ‘I want to do it,’ but I wasn’t able.”

Still, Nolasco knows that Bay and producer Steven Spielberg have plans to make more “Transformers” sequels, and they’ve left the door open for “Fig” to rejoin the party.

“Yeah it would [be fun],” Nolasco insisted. “So who knows? Maybe ‘Transformers III’.”

Transformer Inspirations

Sadly it seems not much info is coming out about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen front. So below are some stuff I stumbled across over the last week or so that seem to be examples of how Transformers have inspired many. The first from China is various Autobot like robots built from junk yard parts. They remind me of the Alternator line. The full gallery is here.

Next up apparently de-classified video of the F-35 Lightning II that shows lots of Transformer like inspirations. Sadly it doesn't turn into an actual war robot. The military should probably consider that for version three. More info here.

Last is from France where art troupe "Not So Noisy" put together robot images from multiple cars. Not actual transformation thought. Personally I am hoping their next attempt is to use stop motion cameras to take multiple cars put together as one car then move them to show a transformation sequence. Course such an idea would be a royal pain in the rear. Full gallery is here.

Shia and Megan at Tucson, Boneyard Sets

On Location News has posted a few pictures of Megan Fox, John Turturro, and Shia LaBeouf as they where on Transformer 2 sets at the Tucson International Airport and Davis-Monthan Air Force Base's Boneyard around October 8th. The images just show them standing around and talking, considering the lack of lightening, crew and cameras I doubt a scene was being filmed. Below are a few sample pictures from the 16 picture gallery that you can find here. Thanks to Rich for the find.

Unknown TF Fan Art

Posted at Superherohype without comment is the below TF design that is marked up as if it’s a real version of one of the Transformer designs. The artwork does look pretty good and seem to be a name that starts with an "m" and ends in an "a". "Skowl" makes a pretty convincing argument that the design is cribbed from other Transformers all mashed together.

Bumblebee at the Boneyard Video

Thanks to Millertalon and his friend for the video below that shows Bumblebee on the set at the Boneyard in Arizona. It doesn't appear they where filming anything at the time and instead mostly just showing off the car for the fans nearby. Several fans seemed more interested in Shia then Bumblebee but sadly they probably didn't know that more then likely Shia and company where filming at Coronado, CA at the time.

Soundwave's Alt Mode Revealed?

TFW2005 and said they received information from trusted sources that provides the alt mode of fan favorite Soundwave.
The TFW TF2 Insider brings us more news about Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This time we can exclusively reveal both alternate modes for Soundwave. He will appear in a Cybertron mode, which will turn into a satellite, and he will also appear in an Earth mode - this will be a pickup truck.
Siebertron didn't provide the pick up info but they said they where told about the satellite mode also. I have my doubts but as usual time will tell. Thanks to Rich for the heads up.

TF2 Filming Today in Coronado, CA

Transformers 2 production (not sure if 1st or 2nd unit) is at Coronado, CA today to film scenes for the movie involving pyrotechnics, according to the city's website. Since gunfire and the like is involved it wouldn't suprise me if Bay and company is at Coronado and 2nd unit is at the Boneyard. Thanks to Ann for the information.
The San Diego Film Commission and Naval Base Coronado are working with DreamWorks Productions for a day of filming on Naval Base Coronado. They will be filming an action sequence near the bunker at the south end of Naval Base Coronado approximately a mile north of the Imperial Beach city limits. The work will take place from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Thursday, October 9 and will include gunfire and small explosive visual effects. It is planned that the gunfire and pyrotechnics will take place between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. There will be production trucks and trailers, generators and lighting equipment used on site. The Film Commission, the Navy and the production company acknowledge that the filming may create a disruption and have indicated they will do their best to keep the disturbance to a minimum. The location manager Marc Meeks and San Diego Film Commission representative Kathy McCurdy will be onsite during the entire project.

Chevy Beat TF Name Revealed

The name of the Chevy Beat has finally been revealed as Skids! The G1 Transformers was a blue van back in the day and was mostly used in the Marvel Comics line. I don't think the character even recieved a line in the cartoon series.

The name was revealed via Jalopnik when Matthew provided them with pictures of the Skids, Bumblebee and the Chevy Trax from the Boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. Sadly it appears the Trax doesn't have its license plate installed so its name remains a mystery.

Update: Thanks to Rodsuper for letting me know that it turns out that Skids did show up in two episodes of the '80s cartoon series. He had lines in Triple Takeover and Quest for Survival. So there is the connection some where looking for besides Marvel comics appearances.

Boneyard Set Report

An anonymous source (same as BB post) has provided Seibertron with a set report and images from the Boneyard where Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen production is current at. The pictures includes shots that show that probably the Chevy Volt and Sideswipe (Chevy Centennial) are on set. While Megan Fox, Shia, etc where not spotted on set, John Turturro was.

Me again - I have some follow-up information concerning the "Bumblebee Sighted" article that you previously posted. I visited the 309th AMARG again today for their last day of filming; and let me tell you, it was busy. Lots of new photos, including a bumper shot of 'Sideswipe' and a little snippet of a picture of what I believe to be the blue Chevy Volt (however, during the time I was present this vehicle was never actually taken off the trailer; neither was Sideswipe to my knowledge). No pictures of Shia or Megan; but, as I was informed by plenty of soldiers (concerning Fox, anyways); the two were definitely on set. I apologize for some of the pictures that came out somewhat small and rounded; I actually had to snap those certain shots through a pair of binoculars. Ironically enough, the pictures I took of Bumblebee (yellow 2009 concept Camaro) and the red and green Chevy Trax & Beat (the 'Twins', I think?) were actually on my way off the set. Lucky me!

Something else I don't know if you would be interested in or not - but I'll add it on here anyways, just in case. The scene that I witnessed them filming consisted of a long, large sheet of metal (maybe a cover up for something of some sort?) being stood up by the side of one of the planes in The Boneyard, and lots of loud gibberish shouting coming from what I believe to be one of the transformers. Keep in mind this scene was watched from about 200 meters away - but why I think its important is because of the loud, booming voice we heard from over 200 meters away. We couldn't make out what he was saying; but what we could identify was that it was male, and very Decepticon sounding - meaning a very deep, baritone sort of sound to it but with a sharp, manifestly evil edge. In my own opinion (and those of all of the soldiers that accompanied me on the "tour") this was the voice of Megatron - definitely evil, definitely loud. Then again, it could have been that 'Jetfire' character that I've heard a little bit about - the plane where the sound originated from wasn't the exact aircraft he's been described as, but then again I wasn't up close and personal with it so it's a tough one to call. Alas, I wouldn't be surprised if this mysterious voice did belong to Megatron - had a sort of, feel to it, you know?
Something like, "Damn, that guy is pissed."
Megatron or not, whoever's voice that belonged to definitely wanted some sort of Revenge

Well, that's all the news I have so far. If I hear or (hopefully) see anything else concerning Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen; I'll be sure to update you guys!


Bumblebee at The Boneyard

As previously reported, TF2 production is now at the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (The Boneyard). Seibertron and Superherohype (via Flickr) forums have some pictures to prove it. The pictures show Bumblebee vehicle hanging around and production filming around a C17 (I think) C-130 (thanks Mike) which might mean they are filming scenes that match with footage shot with a C17 at White Sands a few weeks ago.

Oscar Night TF2 Trailer?

November is the rumored time that the first official trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen might come out. Now Variety is suggesting that Oscar night on February 22nd could be a good day to premiere a TV trailer for the movie with a change in advertising rules for the program.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences board of governors voted Tuesday night to ease its longstanding ban on movie advertisements running in the Oscar telecast.

The board voted to allow a limited number of spots for movies that will not open until the last week of April at the earliest — meaning that none of the nommed pics can be tubthumped during the telecast, Acad prexy Sid Ganis told Daily Variety. Ads for sequels or prequels to pics in contention in the picture, docu and animation categories will not be allowed.

The showcase of never-before-seen spots for, say, next year’s tentpoles like "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," "G.I. Joe" and "Terminator Salvation," could be a highly promotable element for next year’s telecast — especially as the Oscars are looking to rebound from this year’s record-low aud of 32 million viewers.

Next year’s telecast is set for Feb. 22 on ABC. The "Dreamgirls" duo of Bill Condon and Laurence Mark have been tapped as first-time Oscarcast producers.

Among the Academy’s other rules for accepting movie ads:
- Will allow one spot per distributor, either 30 or 60 seconds in length.
- The spot must not have run anywhere else prior to its debut on the Oscarcast.
- The spot may not use the terms "Oscar" or "Academy Award."
- The spot may only promote one pic, not a slate of pics.
- There will only be one movie spot per commercial break during the three-hour telecast.

IMAX Expands in Europe

In a press release, IMAX corporation discusses its plan to expand in Austria. They also release the full two year or so plan for IMAX related releases. Slow news days but figured our overseas friends would be interseted in knowing that seeing Transformers 2 on IMAX could happen (but probably not).
IMAX Corporation and Cineplexx Kinobetriebe Gmbh, the largest exhibitor in Austria, today announced a joint venture agreement to install three IMAX(R) theatres in Austria. The deal marks IMAX's first joint venture in Europe, and continues the Company's global expansion with its new digital projection system. To date, IMAX has signed contracts for more than 180 IMAX digital projection systems, with 18 currently in operation and a total of 45-50 scheduled to be in operation by year end.

The first theatre is expected to be installed in the city of Graz during the first quarter of 2009, followed by a location in Vienna the second quarter of 2009 and a third location in the city of Hohenems during the fourth quarter of 2009. All three theatres will be equipped with IMAX's new digital projection system.

"Installing IMAX theatres in our multiplexes is an enormous benefit for our business and our customers as it enables us to offer a premium immersive movie experience that consumers will be delighted to have in Austria," said Christian Langhammer and Christof Papousek, managing directors of Cineplexx Kinobetriebe. "IMAX's new digital projection system, which can be retrofitted into our existing auditoriums, combined with IMAX's joint venture business model, offers us an economical and highly efficient way to enter the IMAX business."

"This joint venture agreement is an important first step for our digital growth strategy in Europe," said IMAX's Co-Chairmen and Co-CEOs, Richard L. Gelfond and Bradley J. Wechsler. "We believe a partnership with Austria's leading exhibitor will help to strengthen our brand in the region and expand our audience base during a time when our film slate and interest from Hollywood studios is at an unprecedented level."

"There is significant potential for us in this virtually untapped market, where we can align ourselves with the country's top exhibitor to offer a whole new way to experience movies," added Larry O'Reilly, Executive Vice President of Theatre Development. "With Cineplexx Kinobetriebe's well-known marketing expertise, combined with Hollywood's biggest event movies and the IMAX brand, we believe this joint venture partnership is a natural fit for IMAX."

IMAX's digital projection system delivers The IMAX Experience(R) and helps drive profitability for studios, exhibitors and IMAX theatres by eliminating the need for film prints, increasing program flexibility and ultimately increasing the number of movies shown on IMAX screens. The system can run both IMAX and IMAX 3D presentations.

Upcoming IMAX films include

Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa - DreamWorks Animation
The Day the Earth Stood Still - Twentieth Century Fox

Under the Sea 3D - IMAX / Warner Bros. Pictures
Watchmen - Warner Bros. Pictures / Paramount Pictures / Legendary Pictures
Monsters vs. Aliens 3D - DreamWorks Animation
Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian - Twentieth Century Fox
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - DreamWorks Pictures / Paramount Pictures
Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince - Warner Bros. Pictures

Hubble 3D (working title) - IMAX / Warner Bros. Pictures
How to Train Your Dragon 3D - DreamWorks Animation
Shrek Goes Fourth 3D - DreamWorks Animation

Paramount, Spielberg Complete Break

It is now official, Steven Spielberg has broken off from Paramount to start a new film company with Reliance Big Entertainment.

As previously reported "Mr. Spielberg will continue to produce the Transformers franchise for Paramount and will also collaborate on three other Paramount films including, 'When Worlds Collide'".

If you are in the industry, this might be a big deal. As a movie fan, all this means is the title card you see in front of movies will probably no longer have DreamWorks in front of it in about a year or so (as they run through their already in development library such as TF2).

Devastator Construction Vehicles Revealed?

O&K/Terex RH400 Mining ExcavatorTFW2005 is reporting that their Transformers 2 inside source has revealed the seven vehicles that are the alt modes of the robots that merge to form Devastator.

O&K/Terex RH400 - Hydrolic Mining Excavator - (red)
Caterpillar 992G - Wheel Loader - (yellow)
Caterpillar 773B - Dump Truck - (green)
Mack Cement Mixer - (silver/white)
Komatsu HD465-7 - Articulated Dump Truck - (red)
Kobelco CK2500 - Truss Crane - (yellow)
Caterpillar D9L - Bulldozer - (beige)

I still remain doubtful that Devastator, much less a 7-part gestalt, is part of the film. As the below representative pictures from Google (not from a TF2 set) of the model types mentioned, the machines are not small and using TF1 as a go buy, I would think each individual robot would be nearly the size of Bonecrusher. Merging the seven would result in probably around a 10 story tall robot. Very cool I have to admit but a bit of a budget buster. As usual I hope my doubts are incorrect and TFW's source is accurate. Thanks to Robert for the heads-up.
Mark Cement MixerKomatsu HD465-7 Dump TruckKobelco CK2500 CraneCaterpillar D9L BulldozerCaterpillar 992G LoaderCaterpillar 773B Dump Truck

Armadillo TF Concept Art

In a nod to Michael Bay's Armageddon, Jester and Jolin have created another piece of Transformers concept art based on the movie's Armadillo. From the posts on Don Murphy and Michael Bay Forums:
Greetings, my name is Armadillo. Just wanted to introduce myself. I come from a long line of drilling and excavation robots. Not too long ago I was hired by NASA to help a group of roughnecks save your planet from certain doom. It was a tough job and I lost good friends in that battle. But alas we overcame the impossible and you are all here today.

I've just come back from some light work on the Mars project. Thought I'd drop in and say hello. You can learn more about me here:

Until all are one...

This one might be the best one yet, love the integration of the background, but I think the Tumbler is still my current favorite. Keep up the excellent work you two.
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