Roberto Orci Answers More TF Questions

Transformers 2 writer Roberto Orci has had a busy week due to Star Trek but took the time to reveal a few tidbits about Transformers over at TWF2005's Ask Roberto Orci thread.

A few of the questions are directly related to recent information released primarily through TFW TF Insider source that said that Devastator is in the movie, comprised of seven separate vehicles, Soundwave's alt mode of a satellite and truck, and Arcee's three part mode.

Personally I have been very skeptical of the source's information but I do like his ideas and hope most of it is true (except the Soundwave bit). Apparently, Orci might be in agreement based on some of his answers to those and many other questions. My comments are in parenthesis ().
Why is Tidal Wave, the aircraft carrier, removed from the sequal?
Couldn't make it work for the story.

tell us if Soundwave is really turning into a pickup truck...
Soundwave is not a pick up truck...

A number of fans, myself included, noticed a lot of similarities between Movie Scorponok and his Beast Wars namesake, certainly more than existed between him and the more famous G1 Headmaster version. Were these just coincidental similarities based on a similar size and altmode, or was Movie Scorponok a conscious BW nod? If so, might we see any more in future films?
Conscious nod to BW. We wanted to find some organic way to do something more than just vehicles, and when we hit upon the notion of soliders trapped behind enemy lines being hunted by a Decepticon, Skorpy seemed to fit the bill.
(I think the use of "sparks" alone shows that Beast Wars, a great series btw, had a huge influence on the writers.)

Can we expect lots of fights as cool as Optimus vs. Bonecrusher from TF1 but longer?
Yes, indeed.

Bob, if you are you at liberty to say so, have any of the leaks from the TFW TF2 Insider been misinformation?
Some. Yes.

Is there a robot called The Fallen? If so is he playing a role in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen?
Maybe. On the other hand, Fallen may simply be a synonym for the defeated side.
(So basically he re-iterated the two prevailing theories on who "The Fallen" is.)

I heard Peter Cullen would be makeing a cameo. Is this true?
We wrote a cameo into the script. I actually don't know if he was able to do it or not.

Also i asked you a little while ago if the movie was going to be released to the world at the same time in every country? You said you would find out? Do you know yet?
Most of the world, yes. But not all.
These are from the Don Murphy Forums Ask Orci Thread.
Bob is there any combiner in the TF2. Or at least can you say if something really big is in it.
BIG, yes
(Now my source says that "Devastator" is not a combiner but based on the world's largest earth mover, so this answer really means all theories remain valid.)

...can you comment on the photo of the Green Chevy Beat that has the license plate named Skids?
no idea -- sorry

Bob, have the transformers' names been set yet, or are they still up in the air like movie 1?
nothing's ever set until the movie rolls
(For example, that the license plate on Skids is a perfect background for CGI work to change it to something else. Course be a waste of money but still doable.)

Roberto, are any humans gonna get squashed? It has to happen, you know, seeing as giant robots are walking round, blowing each other up. I think that would be good to see.
I think you might be right.


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