Full Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer

Thanks to NightShade87, here is the full 2 minute 15 second teaser trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. The direct link is here. Also another copy, thanks to an anonymous source, is here.

Here is also NightShade87's description:
I was able to get this video of the new Transformers: ROTF teaser trailer on Friday the 13th. Let me say that it's so much more satisfying than the Superbowl trailer. While in my opinion it seems that Bay took most of the first teaser and is just adding on to it with this trailer, I don't think it reveals any more than what we already know about the plot.

Here are some key points in the video that I suggest taking a closer look at. I've provided the times at which some of newer ones occur, and my own thoughts as well).
- The beginning opens up in France (notice the Eiffel tower in the background) and two protoforms are seen falling out of the sky (in broad daylight no less) and one strikes a building.
- Switches to show the pyramids and aircraft carrier-It then looks like there may be a total of 4? protoforms landing in Egypt.
- Then we go back to scene of the aircraft carrier, which is sunk by more protoforms (if I counted 6 in this shot, that would make a grand total of 12 protoforms causing some kind of destruction, whether intended or not.)
- At 0:55 you can very clearly see one of the three Arcee cars that is chasing the Audi that just jumped through a building. (It looks to be a purple bike to me, but that could just be the light. And Boo was right; it does look like she's some type of unicycle, or at least a third of her robot form.)-We get to see a semi-full transformation for Devastator (the RH-400) and Bay wasn't lying when he said that thing was huge!-Sam again tells his dad to run, but then Ron gives his own idea of what they should do.
- At 1:18 you see Sam taking apart a mechanical bug, though I don't know exactly what type (something with wings. I also thought I saw a miniature satellite on there, but not sure)
- At 1:28 we finally see Bumblebee for the first time. He's transforming in what looks like the Witwicky's backyard in plain view of Sam's dad in broad daylight. He then shoots at something off screen.
- At 1:33 we get the first notice of Scorpinok in Egypt it looks like, jumping at another robot. Can't tell who at this point. But very pointy edges. Starscream? The Audi? Jetfire?
- 1:38. I think that this is our first very distorted but nonetheless glimpse of what the Fallen looks like. I'm only saying that because numerous spots on the body look like they're glowing red (indication of flames?)
- Much of the rest has already been shown, except for starting at 1:47, which gives us a different angle on Optimus approaching Scavenger. You can see him sliding a few seconds later much like he did when fighting Bonecrusher on the highway in the first movie. All in all, I think this whets the appetite pretty nicely for TF fans. Sorry about the quality and the shakiness of the video.
A big thanks to Nightshade for providing the video for those of us that will not get an opportunity to see the trailer in theatres cause of work, location (say not in the US), or just zero interest in Friday the 13th (me). Also note for those checking out the trailer, I ready received one report from Jo who said it wasn't with a midnight showing of the movie so remember no guarantees.

Overall, very cool. Nice how it Michael Bay creates the perfect teaser. Lots of glimpses to be wowed by and make you curious about the movie while keeping pretty much all the secrets to himself.

Update: A cleaned up version is here.


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