Rather Odd Bay Related "Article"

Transformers 2 director Michael Bay reveals that the trailers leading up to the film will potentially give away most of the robots and plot of the movie, at least according to Rope of Silicon. However, the article is very tongue in cheek and labeled as satire so the quotes are manufactured. Click here to read the whole thing.
“A movie isn’t an actual movie unless things are blowing up and I blow them up with the best of them,” The Bay said. “Sure, you can have emotional moments and we have those with Megan and Shia, but when it comes down to it no one goes to a movie for the actual story as much as they go to see robots and things explode and we got that! I am the only director to have a direct line to the Pentagon. The Pentagon. Pentagon. You think Martin Scorsese can just call the Pentagon? Pentagon?”

When asked about the possibility of Constructicons showing up in the film I lost some steam because I didn’t know what they were and had not yet watched the Super Bowl trailer, but he did say, “It’s all bullshit. I am just toying with the fanboys.” He emphasized “toying” as if to pass a mocking nudge at how the toys from the film have created such an online stir. “Did you see all the articles about the Soundwave toy? Pentagon. So funny, my robots ain’t toys, they will kill you!”
Rather strange article overall, not really sure what the point of it is. Since June is far off, I am all for Bay revealing the Transformer cast through trailers. At least that way have cool eye candy to look at and discuss. Thanks to a site reader for the link.


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