What Extras Want on ROTF DVD/Blu-Ray?

Chances are all the extra features for the DVD/Blu-ray edition of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen are locked down and more or less complete. However, for the sake of argument let’s say there is still time to add more.

Things I know I don't want include the extended advertisements that are HBO First Look type features that are focused on selling the movie while the stars, directors and producers taking turns kissing each other’s rears. If people are watching the extra features then it’s safe to assume the sales pitch is already successful and it is no longer needs to continue. Instead they should focus on the who, what, when, where and how.

With that in mind here are some features I want to see, starting with the commentaries. I wouldn't mind a director and a full cast commentary. Yeah I know the cast feels too important to bother but consider it good PR with your fan base. By full “cast” I mean the voice cast too as they deserve some attention. In addition give the spotlight to those folks that really carried the film - those magicians at ILM and Digital Domain. Let them explain how they do what they do. A final commentary would be a fan commentary. Get two or three knowledgeable (and fair) fans that will breakdown all the eye candy, point out the G1 references, provide the back story and of course occasionally nitpick.

The next group is the "How they do that?" part. Do an anatomy of a scene (say The Forest Fight or Desert Battle) from words on page, to discussion, sketches, design, storyboard, to film, to CGI creations, to edit, sound mix and the final cut. Show the huge effort that went into what was on screen. A separate feature should be on the Transformers creations again from the tossing of ideas all the way up to the final CGI creation in the computer. The writer’s deserve some attention to so let them follow the process from tossing around ideas to treatment, the effect of the writers’ strike and then the race to deadline. Also Bay likes to brag how he keeps films on time and on budget. I say prove it. Show the many decisions, big and small that led to what show up on screen and $4 million under budget. Basically, consider it a crash course in how to be a director and manager, the Bay way. Another behind the scenes should be "Bay-hem" that focuses on that love of pyrotechnics, how the explosions are done and how Bay gets that look, camera angles and so forth that is his signature. Final feature I would love to see is how a Transformers toy is created. What is the process from an idea to sketch to prototype to factory construction to package on store shelf?

With Blu-ray, all these features could be tied together in an amazing way. Watchmen's Maximum Movie mode is the perfect model to tie all this together and something that Transformers 2 should seriously consider emulating.

I know I am not thinking of everything, so what extra features would you like to see for the DVD/Blu-ray edition of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?


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